Kim Possible Quotes

The Mathter: Time to subtract you from this equation.

TV Show: Kim Possible
The Mathter: Let me throw some numbers at you.

TV Show: Kim Possible
Wade: Uh-oh!
Ron: "Uh-oh" good or "uh-oh" bad?
Kim: When is "uh-oh" ever good?
Ron: I don't know, maybe THIS TIME?

TV Show: Kim Possible
[Ron has to go to school inside an "anti-matter" ball.]
Ron: Oh, yeah! This is how I roll!
Kim: Um, okay, maybe the whole trying-to-act-cool thing isn't your best option right now.
Ron: Look, KP, you wanted me to make the best of things, didn't you?
[They both freeze when they catch sight of Bonnie. She walks up to them.]
Bonnie: ...No. It's too easy.

TV Show: Kim Possible
[after spending a day at school as "Anti-Matter Boy"]
Ron: Most Humiliating Day of my Life? A-ding-ding-ding! We have a new winner!
Kim: What about the time you parachuted into the U.N. without your pants?
Ron: Not even close. The "I'm all about comfort" excuse brought the Security Council dress code into the 21st century.
Kim: See? There's an upside to everything. [Kimmunicator beeps] We need an upside, Wade!

TV Show: Kim Possible
Kim: Time to crunch your numbers.

TV Show: Kim Possible
Kim: [to the Mathter] Okay, one more lame-o math reference, and I am going to LOSE IT!

TV Show: Kim Possible
The Mathter: And what kind of hero are you?
Mr. Stoppable: I'm no hero. I'm Actuary of the Year.

TV Show: Kim Possible
Kim: [seeing the math fight between Mr. Stoppable and The Mathter] Okay, did you have any idea your father had it in him?
Ron: No, but who knew we'd be fighting a crazed math villain?
Kim: Yep, so convenient.

TV Show: Kim Possible
[watching the battle between the Mathter and Mr. Stoppable]
Ron: See? They should totally teach this way in Trig!
Kim: Totally.

TV Show: Kim Possible
The Mathter: [defeated by Mr. Stoppable] How were you ever able to calculate my every move?
Mr. Stoppable: It was easy. I did the math.

TV Show: Kim Possible
[When he is freed from the anti-matter ball, Ron and Kim hug.]
Ron: Oh yeah, that's nice.
Kim: I was starting to think I was never going to do that again.

TV Show: Kim Possible
[Last lines]
Mr. Barkin: Interesting report you turned in there, Stoppable. Your dad, a.k.a "Hero", is a member of the Middleton Search and Rescue?
Ron: Yep.
Mr Barkin: He also volunteers at the local fire department!
Ron: Affirmative.
Mr Barkin: And while in the confines of a certain "infinity dome" he can convert pure mathematical thought into blasts of energy that fire out of his skull?!
Ron: [Nervously] Yeah, it's an actuary thing.
Mr. Barkin: I see... YOUR DAD ROCKS! A+!

TV Show: Kim Possible
Artie Smarty: [first lines] What up, Punk Breath?

TV Show: Kim Possible
Ron: Artie my main man, well I'm Ron.
Artie Smarty: [childishly imitating him] I'm Ron.
Ron: Er yeah that's what I said.
Artie Smarty: [Now spitefully] Er yeah that's what I said.
Ron & Artie: [in stereo] Hey stop that.
Ron & Artie: [in stereo] Stop saying what I'm saying.
Ron: KP! He can't...[Artie takes off]

TV Show: Kim Possible
Artie Smarty: [on seeing Rufus] Hey, little naked dude. [waves to him]

TV Show: Kim Possible
Artie Smarty: Too bad... So sad. [pretends to cry] Wah... Wah... Wah

TV Show: Kim Possible
Artie Smarty: [Overjoyed on seeing baby Otters] OTTERS!
[goes to hug them but contains himself]
Artie Smarty: Er... cool.

TV Show: Kim Possible
Ron: I'm not cut out to help people make life choices.
Kim: Oh, I wouldn't be so sure. After all, you helped me choose you!
Ron: Okay, that time I was a genius.
Rufus: Yuck!

TV Show: Kim Possible
Martin Smarty: Oh, look at him. He's more rebel than boy, now.

TV Show: Kim Possible
Shego: So, Frugal Lucre really bugs you?
Drakken: To the max! Now hide! [whispering] Maybe if we stay hidden he will leave...
Lucre: [whispering] Who will leave?
Drakken: Frugal- WAAH! How did you get here?! [looks at Shego]
Shego: Meh, figured I'd let him in.

TV Show: Kim Possible
Ron: Hermit crabs! They're just hard-shelled ungratefulness!

TV Show: Kim Possible
Shego: [to Frugal Lucre] You know what else he likes? Questions.
Frugal Lucre: Oh, I've got lots of those!
Shego: And he likes getting tapped on the shoulder... er, and you know how he likes getting blown on to get his attention?

TV Show: Kim Possible
[Last Lines]
Shego: So tell me again, how much are you worth?
Martin Smarty: Billions!
Shego: That's a mad grip. I could get used to this. How much real estate?
Martin Smarty: Including tropical islands?
Shego: I am so retired right now.
[Artie enters.]
Artie Smarty: Hi, Dad. Hi, New Mom.
Shego: [gets up] I am so out of here.

TV Show: Kim Possible
Hana Stoppable: [Repeated words]Page/Brother

TV Show: Kim Possible
Ron: I see, yes, yes, interesting. Well, if I had known I was supposed to be teaching her ninja skills, I would have, like, oh I don't know, TAUGHT HER SOME NINJA SKILLS!!! AAGGHH!!!

TV Show: Kim Possible
Monkey Fist: [to monkey with camera] Oh, that last mission was a failure! I told you scrapbooking the incident wouldn't make me feel better!

TV Show: Kim Possible
Yono the Destroyer: I AM YONO!
Monkey Fist: The Destroyer? Really?
Yono: (crosses his arms) Word.

TV Show: Kim Possible
Monkey Fist: So, you claim to be the great Destroyer?
Yono: What part of "YONO THE DESTROYER!" confuses you?
Monkey Fist: The short part. (gestures for his monkey ninjas to attack)

TV Show: Kim Possible
(after Yono defeats his ninjas, Monkey Fist confronts him)
Monkey Fist: Ah, ah, ah! This time, without the cheap light show.
Yono: So it shall be. No flash... just crash!

TV Show: Kim Possible