Kim Possible Quotes

Monkey Fist: What kind of hero brings a baby on a mission?
Ron: A baby, and a bag of flour!
Monkey Fist: Ah, yes. That explains everything.

TV Show: Kim Possible
[Ron turns in his assignment for Health Class, returning his "Flour Baby" after replacing it thirty-plus times.]
Barkin: F-minus.
Ron: What?! But... but she's in perfect shape!
Barkin: She's sugar!
[The entire class laughs.]

TV Show: Kim Possible
Ron: Well, I wasn't the one talking into a chicken... ya know, this time.

TV Show: Kim Possible
Drakken: [referring to the cupacke company's name ] HANK'S?!?!
Hank Perkins: Yes, we focus-tested "Dr. D's", but everyone associated it with shampoo for some reason.
Drakken: Hmm...

TV Show: Kim Possible
Mr. Possible: Jim, Tim, scoot over and make some room for your sister's arch foe.

TV Show: Kim Possible
Shego: Mmmmmm! That's good cocoa-moo!

TV Show: Kim Possible
Kim: Wade, we have a major Ron problem, here!
Wade: You mean the fact that he's been turned into a fifteen foot tall rampaging behemoth?

TV Show: Kim Possible
Kim: Wade? What are you doing in France?
Wade: Uh, I'm here to fix the internet? It's broken.
Monique: Isn't the internet everywhere?
Ron: Not when it breaks into pieces!

TV Show: Kim Possible
Mutated Ron: [On seeing a giant metal donut] Ahh, donut... Ron want! [bites it] Ow! Ow! Donut hurt Ron! Ron smash!! [The metal donut detaches from the stand and rolls down a hill] Oh, no... donut run away... come back, donut!!

TV Show: Kim Possible
Mutated Ron: [On seeing a giant clown statue] Ron hate clowns!
[from behind it Kim shoots a roast chicken at him]
Mutated Ron: Clown throw chicken? Ron smash!!

TV Show: Kim Possible
Kim: Whatever you've stolen, give it back!
Shego: We haven't stolen a darn thing.
Drakken: (appears) I've stolen the darn thing, Shego! Let's go!

TV Show: Kim Possible
Ron: Ow! Ow! The hot, steamy badness!

TV Show: Kim Possible
[While Kim is fighting Shego, Drakken's machine works]
Kim: It actually works!
Shego: Hey I'm just as shocked as you.

TV Show: Kim Possible
Ron: You'll never get away with this, Drakken!
Drakken: What?! Why?! What do you know?
Ron: Oh... oh, nothing. It just seemed like the thing to say.

TV Show: Kim Possible
Drakken: You think your new mission clothes are all that, but they're not!

TV Show: Kim Possible
Kim: What's the sitch, Wade?
Wade: Got a hit on the site from the Yamanouchi School in Japan.
Ron: Yamanouchi... Yori?
Wade: Yeah, she said she needs Stoppable-san right away!
Ron: (seeing Kim's expression) Wade, you'd better fill in some blanks, pronto!
Wade: ...To help her! Both of you! Including Kim! Who she asked about... fondly!
Ron: (whistles) Nice save.

TV Show: Kim Possible
Barkin: [sees Ron at his front door] Stoppable, how many times do I have to say it? Home time is my time. Doubly so at BATH TIME!

TV Show: Kim Possible
[repeated line]
Mr. Barkin/Monkey Fist: I don't know what that means.

TV Show: Kim Possible
Ron: Nobody spits up into my backpack except Rufus...! And sometimes me.

TV Show: Kim Possible
Electronique: How did the four of you ever manage to get anything done?
Hego/Mego/Wego: Shego.
Hego: She had a way of keeping things focused. When she left, the team sort of... fell apart.

TV Show: Kim Possible
Hego: [notices Ron was hit by personality reverser] What happened to him?
Shego: I think he's evil now.
Hego: Oh. How bad can that be?
Shego: You'd be... surprised.

TV Show: Kim Possible
Evil Ron: [to Electronique] You're going about this all wrong; You're acting like an evil poser!
Electronique: You want to see my power?!
[charges up and fires multiple times. Ron avoids beams and steals personality reverser]
Evil Ron: Ooooohhh, someone's a little touchy! You couldn't even figure out that the first person you should have used this on... [aims personality reverser] ...was Kim Possible!

TV Show: Kim Possible
Kim: Are you going to complain the entire time, Bonnie?
Bonnie: Somebody has to!

TV Show: Kim Possible
Franklin Barkin: Dost thou take me for a cock's comb, lad?
Ron: Uh, I'm... not... sure?

TV Show: Kim Possible
Ron: Oooh no, I'm not gonna be caught wearing a dress... you know, again.

TV Show: Kim Possible
Franklin Barkin: I wear many hats... some of which are bonnets...

TV Show: Kim Possible
Drakken: You think you're all that lass, but nay, 'tis not so!

TV Show: Kim Possible
Drakken: To the escape pods! And be sure to save my booty!
Shego: If I had a doubloon for every time I've done that...

TV Show: Kim Possible
[Ron has to find a "hero" to write about, and has to rule out Kim, or her parents.]
Kim: You know, I'm not the only one of us with parents.
Ron: Mom swore off school projects after the paper-machete incident.
Kim: Don't you mean, "paper mache"?
Ron: I wish I did, Kim. I wish I did.

TV Show: Kim Possible
[In the Go Tower, Hego receives an emergency call from the Mayor.]
Mayor: (lisping) Lookth like we've got uth a sithuation, Hego! Your old numerical nemethith is thcaring the thpit out of the thitithens of Go Thity!
Hego: You don't mean...?
Mayor: Yeth, Hego... the Mathter!
Ron: The Mathter?
Kim: Ron, don't make fun! He means "The Master."
Hego: No, he means "The Mathter."
Mayor: That's what I thaid, ithn't it? The Mathter!

TV Show: Kim Possible