Charmed Quotes

Phoebe: Dad doesn't know that Leo is a whitelighter.
Prue & Leo: What?!
Piper: Well, I've been meaning to tell him, but considering Mom had an affair with her whitelighter, I didn't think he'd be really receptive to the idea.
Leo: Piper, he's gonna kill me when he finds out.
Piper: Oh, don't be ridiculous, you're already dead.

TV Show: Charmed
Victor: Hm. Leo, I think it's time to come clean.
Leo: You do?
Victor: Yeah. I need to talk to you about something, man-to-man.
Leo: Man-to-man.
Victor: Well, from one mortal to another. Leo, it's not easy being married to a witch.
Leo: No?
Victor: That's why my marriage to Piper's mother didn't work out. It wasn't because I didn't love her, but because I wasn't prepared for what was to come.
Leo: Well, I think I'm prepared, sir. Uh, I mean, Victor.
Victor: Well, don't get me wrong, Leo. I want this marriage to succeed, that's why I'm warning you. But there are dangers out there worse than demons and warlocks. You do know about them, don't you?
Leo: Yeh, sure.
Victor: Well the dangers I'm talking about, you're not even going to see it coming. The thing I'm talking about will just sneak up on you [snaps his fingers in front of Leo's face] and destroy your marriage if you're not careful. Leo, do you know what a whitelighter is?
Leo: Um...

TV Show: Charmed
Victor: Look, my point is, if you wanna...
[Leo is being called]
Leo: Uh oh...
Victor: Wha?
Leo: Uh... [gulps] I have to go. Now.
Victor: Go?
Leo: Yeah, and I don't think you're gonna like the way I have to go, either. [smiles awkwardly at Victor and orbs out.]
[Victor is clearly surprised.]

TV Show: Charmed
Cole: You have to hold my hand.
Prue: This sucks already.

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: Well, don't get mad at me, I've been shot.

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: Hi. What am I? A potted plant?

TV Show: Charmed
Victor: Oh, so now I'm supposed to trust a demon?
Leo: You know, as much as I hate to say this, Cole loves Phoebe. He took a huge risk to come here and try and prove himself to her and he will do whatever it takes to save her life.
Phoebe: He's right.
Victor: How can you be so sure?
Phoebe: Because he loves me as much as I love him.

TV Show: Charmed
Bartender: What'll it be?
Prue: Moonshine
Bartender: A what?
Cole: She means a whiskey. (to Prue) You watch too many old movies.
Prue: And you would be confusing me with Phoebe.
Cole: Ha, not a chance.

TV Show: Charmed
Cole: I still think you should have worn that pretty little red dress hanging on the line.

TV Show: Charmed
Grams: Is this the biggest arch you could get?
Prue: Without opening a fast food franchise, yeah.
Grams: Well just remember, if love is the quest, then marriage is the conquest. This place must feel like... victory.
Phoebe: And here I thought weddings were meant to be romantic.
Grams: Oh, my dear, sweet child.
Prue: Better listen to Grams, Phoebe. I mean you could always calculate her age by the number of rings on her fingers.

TV Show: Charmed
Grams: I'll see you tomorrow, at four o'clock, Mrs. Halliwell. The women keep their names in this family.

TV Show: Charmed
Inspector: Ah, you stick your tongue down her throat but you don't know her name?
TJ: That against the law?

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: Huh, wow, so you're relinquishing control to your little sister. You must really be tired.

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: Piper, you have to stay positive. You know what? I have Celine Dion "Behind The Music" on video cassette. Would you like to watch that?
Piper: Would you like to get slapped?

TV Show: Charmed
Leo: I love her with all my heart, and I promise to keep loving her and taking care of her for the rest of this life, the afterlife and whatever comes after that. Now you may not support it, and you may not agree with it, but it is not going to stop me from marrying your daughter today. Nothing will.
Victor: You know.. I could probably get used to having a whitelighter for a son-in-law.
Cole: Everybody having fun down here?
Leo: Where do you stand on demons?

TV Show: Charmed
Victor: Patty.
Patty: Hello, Victor, how are you?
Victor: Good. I mean, I was good. Alright, who brought my ex-wife back from the dead?
Grams: Not now, Victor. I know you two have issues but that's what the reception is for.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: Prue! What the hell is going on?
Phoebe: Prue! Get your astral ass back here!

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: As Halliwells, we are blessed as witches but we are cursed as women. Sometimes I think we're all destined to be alone.

TV Show: Charmed
Leo: Piper, through all the tears and struggles, I always knew in my heart that we'd make it here. I promise to love and respect you from this point forward as your husband, as my wife, my lover, my friend, and my soul mate. All I am is yours.
Piper: Leo, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I was afraid that you were too good to be true, that maybe I didn't deserve someone so pure and beautiful and loving as you are. But here we are surrounded by the people that I love the most and I feel so proud, and so blessed to be your wife. Leo, I was born to love you and I always will.

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: I'm sorry if I've been a little cranky.
Phoebe: Say no more. Princess Prue has spoken, by the orders of the queen, that's me! Phoebeville and all of it's glory will be abandoned for greener pastures, and two lattes.
Prue: Oh, all hail the queen!
Phoebe: Yay, I love to be hailed!

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: Oops. I think I just killed the warlock again.
Piper: Phoebe!

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: I still don't understand why my sisters can't come, we could just do a group hug thing, and..
Leo: I can orb you because you're my wife, but i'm not a cosmic taxi for the whole family.
Phoebe: Hehe... you said wife!

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: Alright you two, have fun. Bring me back a cloud!

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: Pardon the potential understatement of a cliche, but you look like you've seen a ghost.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: It’s just so bright.
Leo: Of course it’s bright. It’s supposed to represent the light of eternal love.
Piper: Wait, does that mean we can never turn if off?

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: Hi. Need a little help?
Cole: What are you doing here?
Reece: How did you get here? What the hell's going on?
Seeker: Well, well, well. The mighty Belthazor, in bed with a witch.
Prue: Don’t make me sick.

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: They retreated?
Prue: Yeah. I kicked ass.
Cole: No, you kicked air.

TV Show: Charmed
Cole: Inspector, you're in a room with three witches and a demon, do you really think that gun's gonna help?

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: Spirits of air, sand and sea,
Converge to set the angel free,
In the wind I send this rhyme,
Bring death before me, before my time.

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: You don't know me, you don't know anything about me.
Death: But I've seen it so many times before. The anger, the pain. You lock up your tears and angrily steel yourself against me as if I was the ultimate evil.
Prue: You are the ultimate evil.
Death: No. I'm not good or evil, I just am. I'm inevitable.

TV Show: Charmed