Charmed Quotes

Piper: We went, we saw, we didn't quite conquer.

TV Show: Charmed
Natalie: You must prepare yourselves for battle. Mentally, physically, spiritually, sartorially...
[Piper scoffs]
Phoebe: I'm sorry, what?
Piper: She doesn't like our clothes.
Natalie: You need clothes that are loose and move. That means no more braless, strapless... fearless attire.
Prue: Okay, then I have nothing to wear.

TV Show: Charmed
Natalie: Alright, lets pretend I'm the enemy.
Prue: Oh, that is way too easy.
(Phoebe claps her hands and Piper giggles)
Natalie: Very funny. Now, talk me through how you plan to separate me from my crossbow.
Piper: OK, first I freeze you.
Natalie: I deflect that.
Phoebe: I guess I could levitate and kick you.
Natalie: You just kicked a clone.
Prue: All right, how about I send in an astral Prue as a decoy and then I just ... (flicks her hand and yanks the piece of wood out of Natalie's hand) Oh, I'm so sorry. (Phoebe laughs at Prue's sarcasm)
Natalie: Not as sorry as you would be if I just blinked behind you and stabbed you to death.
Prue: Well, that would be bad.
Piper: Ouch.
Phoebe: All right, you know what? This is too hard. Usually in these situations, you know, everything happens so quickly. The adrenaline is pumping.
Natalie: I want you to think using your brains, not your glands. Now try again.

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: Hey, if we don't vanquish Eames, can we at least vanquish Natalie?
Piper: Don't tempt me.

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: Something doesn't feel right. This was way too easy.
Phoebe: Or even worse, anticlimactic.

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: Saved by the meow! You know, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to look at Kit in the same way or get undressed in front of him, for that matter.

TV Show: Charmed
(Eames writhes in agony as the arrow's poison takes effect, while the sisters stand over him glowering)
Eames: What the hell are you doing up here?
Phoebe: Kicking your ass!
Prue: Don't even bother trying to orb out. It won't work. You see, you didn't just get the powers of a Whitelighter, but you get their vulnerability too. So the poison in that arrow is killing you just like you killed Natalie.
Piper: It's kind of poetic.
Phoebe: I'm kind of in a rhyming mood--how about you, girls?
Prue: Sure, this poison isn't working fast enough for me.
Prue, Piper and Phoebe: Time for amends and a victim's revenge ...
Prue: Cloning power, turn sour ... (Eames bursts into flames and screams in agony)
Piper: Power to change, turn to strange ...
Phoebe: (in a mock Texas accent) I'm rejectin' your deflection! (Eames disintegrates)

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: Ugh, innocents and alleys. Don't they ever learn?

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: I know that demon...I dated that demon!

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: Piper also babbles when she's nervous.
Piper: I resent that. I am expressing a valid concern about this continuing issue in our lives.
Prue: [walking in] What are you babbling about?
[Phoebe laughs]
Piper: You know, if I could freeze the two of you, I would. Often.

TV Show: Charmed
Leo: I sorta... kinda lost the wedding ring.
[Piper gasps and Prue looks shocked.]
Darryl: I've got a great ring guy downtown if you need one.
Piper: He doesn't need one, he has a ring. Mom's ring. I gave it to him, so he could give it back to me at the perfect, romantic moment!
Phoebe: Wow, Leo, you lost Mom's ring. It's a good thing you're dead already.
Leo: I had it in my pocket, Piper. All the orbing in and out...
Piper: Your orbs are grass if you do not find that ring.

TV Show: Charmed
Leo: You have to tell them, Phoebe. You can't wait any longer.
Phoebe: Well, it's not really an easy thing to drop into conversation, Leo. You know, like "your hair looks great. Cole's not dead. I let him go."

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: I cast a little spell.
Darryl: The less I know, the happier I am.

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: Alright, I am going to win this fight and save your ass. That way I can kick it myself later.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper, and Phoebe: Guiding spirits I ask your charity,
Lend me your focus and clarity,
Lead me to the one i cannot find,
Restore that and my piece of mind.

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: You know, besides, a wedding invite definitely makes a statement.
Leo: That he can tie a bow tie?

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: Tell me the truth. Do you think I'm pushing it too far with the wedding?
Prue: Okay, why is Phoebe going to school without her books?
Piper: Okay, why is Prue not answering Piper's question?
Prue: Because Prue doesn't want both her sisters not speaking to her.

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: Can I have my lipstick back, Piper?
Piper: What lipstick?
Prue: The lipstick you borrowed last night.
Piper: Wasn't me.
Prue: Oh, I'm sorry. I must have gotten you confused with another Piper!

TV Show: Charmed
Leo: I thought you said there was nothing in the Book.
Piper: Well now, there's just a whole bunch of weirdness in it. Look.
Leo: Hemlock killing spell? That doesn't belong in here.
Piper: But it does have possibilities...
Leo: Piper!
Piper: I'm sorry, I don't know what I was ... [she blinks into the kitchen]
Leo: Piper?
Piper: In here, somehow ...
Leo: You blinked.
Piper: I did not! Only warlocks do that.
Leo: Nope, you did it.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: Catch us if you can!
Phoebe: Have you tried it yet, Leo? It's a real head rush.
Leo: Do you realize how serious this is? You're blinking, the Book is changing.
Piper: Maybe we're blinking because of the Book.
Leo: The Book is changing because of you. It is an extension of you.
Piper: I should care about that--but I don't.
Leo: This is what I was afraid of. Whoever's got Prue is somehow reaching you too.
Phoebe: Okay Leo, I can tell this really upsets you, but I gotta tell you, I really like this whole 'think it and it happens' deal. I mean, just think of the time we could save not chanting!

TV Show: Charmed
Leo: Have you guys lost your minds?
Phoebe: Oh, Leo, get on board. Whatever this is, this is fabulous. You can't imagine the freedom, the power.
Leo: Phoebe, that is evil talking. You have to fight it!
Phoebe: What did you ever see in him?
Piper: I don't know. He is kind of a stick in the mud, isn't he?
Phoebe: Oh, another great idea! May I?
Piper: Be my guest.
Leo: All right, think about the power of ... [he gets cut off when Phoebe waves her hand and turns him into a stick in a barrel of mud]
Phoebe: Look at all the fun we've been missing.
Piper: And this is just the beginning!

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: Oh no--he's gone. We're free!
Phoebe: Yes.
Piper: No more obeying the rules, considering the consequences--none of that crap!
Phoebe: Time to find Prue and go for broke.
Piper: Where are you going?
Phoebe: Well, I can't wreak havoc dressed like this.

TV Show: Charmed
Cole: Phoebe, if what I found out is true, Prue is in serious trouble. She's being forced to marry a warlock.
Phoebe: Figures that bitch would steal Piper's thunder!
Cole: You don't understand. A high-level priestess named Dantalian is rumored to have married them. She's got the power to turn her evil, and turn you evil too. That's what's happening here.
Phoebe: So? Isn't that the way you want me? [she kisses him passionately again]
Cole: No, that is not how I want you to be. It is not how I want us to be. Our only chance is if we're both ... good.
Phoebe: Love is love.
Cole: There is no such thing as evil love. It's only gratification, lust.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: What's going on in here?
Phoebe: Nothing, unfortunately.
Piper: I heard voices.
Phoebe: Oh, did you? Um, I had a premonition. Must have gotten pretty loud.
Piper: I guess.
Phoebe: We gotta go. The high priestess that has Prue, supposedly she's coming here.
Piper: High pr--? Must have been a hell of a premonition.

TV Show: Charmed
Dantalian: That was easy.
Piper: Too easy.
[Phoebe kicks Dantalian from behind, and holds a knife to her neck]
Piper: Where's our sister?
Dantalian: [apprehensively] I can help you. I can teach you evil. You're new at it, you don't know how to realize its full potential.
Piper: I don't know, I think we're getting the hang of it.
Phoebe: Wanna see?
Piper: Where's Prue?
Dantalian: Kill me and you'll never see her again.
Piper: So maybe we should [stomps on Dantalian] torture you instead!
[Piper waves her hand, and Dantalian's hand freezes; Dantalian screams in agony]
Phoebe: Why don't you just shatter her hand and see what happens?
[while Dantalian pants, Piper grabs a candle holder]
Piper: Last chance. [Dantalian stares] Fine. [smashes Dantalian's hand, Dantalian screams in agony]
Phoebe: Now, the really weird thing is we could do that to the other hand, and then go down to your feet ...
Piper: Actually, we could work up piece by piece, all the way to her head.
Phoebe: [waves knife and Dantalian's head] Where is Prue?

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: Whoa, Prue. Hey, hi. You don't look so good.
Phoebe: Oh, but that's a great dress.
Dantalian: Zile, Prue--eliminate them!
Piper: Prue, ignore her. Come on, come with us--we're your sisters.
Prue: I'm his wife, not your sister. [she raises her hands and sends Piper and Phoebe flying into the wall]

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: I love you.
Another Prue: You too.
Piper: Huh. Welcome to Planet Narcissist.

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: Oh yeah, Leo, sorry we killed you.

TV Show: Charmed
Dantalian: I hope so. (She touches their foreheads.) In the beginning, we were damned, and through damnation, we found freedom, power, and purpose. As I unite you today, I remind you of those gifts. (Dantalian ties Zile and Prue's hands together.) And in your union, may these gifts increase your powers may grow in the service of evil. So be it.

TV Show: Charmed
Prue, Piper, and Phoebe: Powers of light,
Magic of right,
Cast this blight
Into forever's night.

TV Show: Charmed