CSI - Miami Quotes

Calleigh: And those guys gave up their clothes way too easily...
Eric: Yeah, that's never good...

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Speed: Crisis averted.
Horatio: Tell that to his widow.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Alexx: 93 degrees-- puts her time of death at about 2AM.
Calleigh: Blood pools indicate time of attack was earlier.
Alexx: Your job, honey. Mine begins with death.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Speed: But didn't we already do that with the print in the glove?
Horatio: Yes, we did. But like my old man says: "You don't have a backup, you don't have a plan."
Speed: Smart guy.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Detective Bernstein: No signs of forced entry.
Horatio Caine: Oh...I wouldn't be too sure about that.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Eric: I heard radioactivity can cause temporary infertility.
Speed: So, you and your girlfriend are temporarily in luck...
Eric: Yeah, or permanently screwed!

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Belle King: Did you know Horatio was the first CSI?
Horatio: He was... the what?
Belle King: In Hamlet. When Hamlet was poisoned and dying, he asked his best friend Horatio to tell the world who murdered him.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Horatio: I've one more question for you. Do you have a life insurance policy on your wife?
Suspect: Are you kidding? I don't even have health insurance.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Horatio: You see, I think if we connect these two cases, we'll have a shot at probable cause.
Tripp: The probable cause is that she's a stripper, she's a junkie, and she's a whore.
Horatio: She's also a human being.
Tripp: And now she's a corpse.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Horatio: The husband is dead... the wife is dead...
Tripp: The Russian's dead.
Horatio: Yes. Let's go talk to the other Russian, the cousin, before he chokes on a Twizzler.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Hagen: [About Horatio] I'm just saying, it's a hell of a lonely road he's walking.
Calleigh: Well, that's why I'm walking it with him.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Calleigh: [Walking into the Gun Vault, with a sigh.] Be still, my heart.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Horatio: How do you feel?
Calleigh: Like a hummingbird on six cups of coffee.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Horatio: This cocaine did not come from Haiti.
Speed: Not unless Haiti is in the middle of our crime lab.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Horatio: [About the polygraph test.] They ask about your girlfriend?
Eric: H, you know I don't have a girlfriend.
Horatio: No girlfriend this week?

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Eric: The car is stolen.
Calleigh: Based on?
Eric: Based on the screwdriver in the ignition.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Horatio: Hey, Jack. You miss being a real cop?
Jack Seeger: You're just full of 'em today, aren't you?
Horatio: You have no idea.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Calleigh: So, you gonna shave before you go to IAB?
Speedle: It's a polygraph test, not a portrait.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Paul Tomassi: [Watching Delko smash expensive tile.] Do you have any idea how much one of those costs?
Horatio: About half as much as two.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Reporter Enrique Rayas: You're the investigator in the dispo case that resulted in two tragic deaths. You mind if I ask you a few questions for our viewers?
Tripp: Yeah.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Tripp: Saw your friend out front. Guy thinks he's Tom Brokaw.
Horatio: If he's Tom Brokaw, I'm Elliot Ness.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Jack Seeger: Duquesne, you're up.
Calleigh: I've got one more knock-and-talk and then I'm all yours.
Jack Seeger: Don't make me call Lieutenant Caine.
Calleigh: I wouldn't make my Lieutenant take a call from you.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Eric: Hey, there's no way you're getting out of processing this hotel room with me.
Speed: Why would I try to do that? I love hotel rooms. Body fluids everywhere.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Speed: Got some porn here...
Eric: Get out of here. A girl that hot? Guy had to be a Viagra case.
Speed: So the suspect is probably over forty.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Calleigh: Sometimes it's difficult to have family.
Horatio: Sometimes it's more difficult not to.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Jimmy Fukes: You're not going to be able to prove a thing.
Horatio Caine: That is a very dumb thing to say to a CSI.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Horatio: It's not important what people say about us. It's only important what we know to be true about ourselves.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Allison: People get smothered by pillows...accidentally.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Allison: Yes, I pressed the pillow against his face. No, I didn't kill him. He did, however, have an orgasm.

TV Show: CSI - Miami
Calleigh: [Flashing her badge] Is this hot enough for you or do you want to see my weapons permit?

TV Show: CSI - Miami