Sex and the City Quotes

Carrie: I've done the merry go round I've been through the revolving door I feel like I met somebody I can stand still with for a minute and... don't you wanna stand still with me?

Big: You dragged me out to a park at three in the morning to ask me if I wanna stand still with you?

Carrie: ...Yes.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Carrie Bradshaw: I have a huge favor to ask: I want you to know my friends better.

Mr. Big: I know your friends just fine. Charlotte is the brunette, Miranda is the redhead, and Samantha is trouble.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Carrie: [while trolling for men with Charlotte] You have slept with eight men and we're still on appetizers.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Carrie: [voice over narration] As I hung up, I realized I'd committed the cardinal sin... I'd forsaken my girlfriends for my new boyfriend. That night I faced the tribunal.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Carrie: That was the day I came face to face with my freak: The frightening woman whose fear ate her sanity.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Carrie: [about therapists] First they want you to come there two times a week, then three times a week, and eventually you're starting every sentence with 'my therapist says... '
Miranda: My therapist says that's a very common fear.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Carrie: [aside to the camera] I was striving for noncommittal, but I was worried I had just bordered on shrill.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Carrie: [voice over narration] Last night, after Michael took Charlotte to the Philharmonic, they went back to his place and began the classic dating ritual... the blow job tug of war.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Charlotte: If you had a patient who had a very, very slim chance of living, would that be good news? Would you tell the family, Buck up, he's got a shot in hell?

TV Show: Sex and the City
Charlotte: My vagina's depressed.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Miranda Hobbes: Are you alright? I can't believe he took your shoes.
Carrie: I know! I probably got trichinosis.
Miranda Hobbes: You only get that from pork.
Carrie: Oh, well I'm sure I stepped on a piece of it somewhere.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Miranda Hobbes: Elizabeth Taylor got gang-banged in the park?

Samantha Jones: Oh god, that's so 80's!

TV Show: Sex and the City
Miranda: Guess what? The guest book person is also the put the gifts in the van person. Does anybody wanna help me or should I just go stand out in the street and wait for somebody else not to see me so I can end it?

Carrie: I'll help you, what street do you wanna stand in?

TV Show: Sex and the City
Miranda Hobbes: [shopping for a wedding dress] I said, "no white, no ivory, no nothing that says 'virgin.'" I have a child. The jig is up.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Miranda: [to shop assistant] No, I told you, no white, no ivory, nothing that says virginal. I have a child. The jig is up.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Samantha Jones: [calls Carrie on Valentine's Day] Just calling to make sure you aren't hanging from your shower rod.

TV Show: Sex and the City
[after someone bumped Carrie and she dropped her purse, all its contents falling out. Mr Big helps her get her stuff]

Carrie Bradshaw: [voiceover narration] Number one, he's very handsome. Number two, he's not wearing a wedding ring. Number three, he knows I carry a personal supply of ultra-textured Trojans with a reservoir tip.

TV Show: Sex and the City
[after Carrie had sex with Kurt and she left him 'hanging']

Carrie Bradshaw: [voiceover narration] After I began to get dressed, I'd realized that I'd done it. I'd just had sex like a man. I left feeling powerful, potent, and incredibly alive. I felt like I owned this city. - Nothing and no one could get in my way.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Samantha[about the Turtle] : Once we get the breath under control, I'm going to take him shopping for a whole new wardrobe. He's a cute little fixer-upper!
Carrie : Sweetheart, he's a man, not a brownstone.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Charlotte : Jack says that I have a fire inside me.
Carrie : You tell him they make a cream for that.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Ken : It's over! I told my wife [about us]!
Samantha : Who is this?

TV Show: Sex and the City
Miranda : Wow! A guy who doesn't want to get married! Film at eleven!

TV Show: Sex and the City
Miranda : Maybe it's maturity or the wisdom that comes with age, but the witch in Hansel and Gretel—she's very misunderstood. I mean, the woman builds her dream house and these brats come along and start eating it.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Carrie[buying a pregnancy test] : Which kind do I get?
Miranda : Here. This one's on sale: half off.
Carrie : I just spent $395 on a pair of open-toed Gucci's last week. This is not the place to be frugal.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Woman on the street : They say the average 33-year-old woman has sex 3.5 times a week. I'd like to know who that woman is.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Miranda[to a heckling construction worker] : You got what I want? You got what I need?? What I to GET LAID. What I to GET LAID. I NEED to GET LAID!

TV Show: Sex and the City
Carrie : There comes a point in every relationship when romance gives way to reality.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Carrie[seeing Mr. Big leaving church with his mother] : There he was, wearing Armani on a Sunday: Mr. Big. I'll admit it was a bit of a shock. Up until that moment I thought he only believed in the Yankees.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Carrie : Welcome to the age of un-innocence. No one has breakfast at Tiffany's and no one has affairs to remember.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Big : Oh, I get it... You've never been in love.
Carrie : Wait... have you ever been in love?
Big : Abso-fucking-lutely!

TV Show: Sex and the City