Wizards of Waverly Place Quotes

Alex Russo: [checking cell phone during class] What! Only one bar in the wizard world; this stinks!
Dr. Evilini: I'll take that.
Alex Russo: Oh. [hands phone over]
Alex Russo: Feel free to add your number so we don't lose touch- yeah, okay.

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Justin Russo: [Alex brings Cupid into Waverly place and fails to get rid of him] What are we gonna do? We still have Cupid.
Alex Russo: You said 'we'! So officially, you're in!
Justin Russo: Man! Every time!

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Justin Russo: Okay, we need to get the germ out of you guys by drinking this smoothie made of troll liver, dragon tongue, cinnamon, and elf eye boogers.
Uncle Kelbo: Ugh! Ooooh! I hate cinnamon.

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Max Russo: [after sitting on something hard] Either I just found dad's wand or I cracked my buttknuckle.

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
[first lines]
Brian: Justin! Way to score on the World History exam.
Justin Russo: Uh, thanks, Brian. You know, uh, this might sound kinda lame, but I didn't think you knew my name.
Brian: Oh, I didn't. You left your sweater in class. Has your name in it. Look, I didn't do so good on this test. I just got one right: my name. Look, I was wondering if you could help me out; you know, tutor me.
Justin Russo: I dunno; I'm kind of busy.
Brian: I'll give you two tickets to the Tears of Blood concert.
Justin Russo: T.O.B. Their new tour's awesome! You got a deal. Come by the Sub Station after school.
Brian: Awesome. Oh, uh, if any of my friends ask you, I was all over you for talking to my *girlfriend*!
Justin Russo: And if any of my friends ask you, your girlfriend actually *talked* to me!

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
[last lines]
Messenger Fish: Dear Momma, after the twelve-ball tournament reveals the best young wizard I will drain that wizard's powers and take them for myself, making me the most powerful wizard ever. Love, Mary Beth Evilini.
Alex Russo: Justin's going to get his powers drained!
Door: Dan dun dun!
Alex Russo: This place is a freak show.

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Justin: Edgebonoutoosis! [He clones the rabbit]
Jerry: Good! Thank you Justin! That is how you execute the duplication spell properly. Real rabbit, duplica... duplicate rabbit real rab.. It's... ANYWAYS, there's two now!
Max: What's the big deal? They're rabbits. Wait 5 minutes and they'll duplicate by themselves.

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Gigi: Bonjour Alex. Bonjour Alex's friend.
Harper: Nice shoes!
[Alex gives Harper a look]
Harper: I mean.. Pfft! I don't care about you or your shoes!
Gigi: Yeah. I've had these shoes for about a week. Oh, I mean I'd give them to you, but I'm already donating them to : another charity.
Alex: No! You should keep them. They go well with your eyebrow.
Gigi: Well, at least I don't have man-hands. How do you get those meat-stubs through your sleeves?
Harper: And what happened to you two? Pick your noses to hard they fell off?
Gigi: They got nose jobs.
Gigi's Copycat Crew: When they heal, they'll look exactly like Gigi's!
Alex: Oh. When's Gigi's gonna heal?

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Alex: So what you are saying is that getting back at Gigi was really hurting myself?
Jerry: No, but I like that better.
Alex: Well, since I figured that one out, I should pick my own punishment?
Jerry: No. Why don't you take my punishment, and duplicate it? You're grounded for 1 week.
Alex: Does that mean 2 weeks?!
Jerry: Oh, now it's four. I love this game!

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Alex: You know a lot of stuff about stuff people don't care about, which is great. But I know relationships. I know how girls think!
Justin: So do I! They're right brained dominant and they have a slightly larger hyper-tholimus!
Alex: There you go again, knowing stuff people don't care about.

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Justin: You may find this hard to believe, but...I've never kissed a girl before.
Alex: [smugly] I find it hard to believe that you think I'd find that hard to believe.

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Alex: I just proved that not only do I know girls, but I also know boys.
Justin: No, you got Matt to ask out my girlfriend!
Alex: Oh.

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Justin: So Alex, what was your first kiss like?
Alex: You know, it was in this place...with this guy...and it was very romantic. Over Christmas Vacation.
Max: We went to Grandma's over Christmas Vacation.
Justin: Wait a minute! You haven't kissed a guy yet! [smugly] I so have this over you now!

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Alex: Hey Justin!
'[Justin looks over at Alex. Alex grabs a random boy and kisses him.]
Alex: Now you've got nothing over me!

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Justin: I'm gonna get even!
Alex: Hah-yeah. Okay. That'll never happen. Remember the time you wanted to get "even with me"? I got the bigger bedroom and you got what?
Justin: [he says embarrased] Shot-gun on that one trip to the outlet mall..
Alex: Exactly, some things never change!

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Alex: Oh! Some chocolate! Oh wait, that's not a straw!

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Max: We didn't play paintball!

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Justin: ...What are pigeons eating now a'days?

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Gurt Barn Lady: [takes picture of Harper][monotone voice] I know you've only been working here four hours, but congratulations. You're Employee of the Month. I almost won it 4 times, but I lost cause I take too many breaks. That reminds me. It's time for my break.

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Alex and Harper: [Singing the Funky Hat Song] What's that? A hat? Crazy, funky, junky hat! Overslept? Hair unsightly? Trying to look like Keira Knightley? We've been there, we've done that! We see right through your funky hat!

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Frankie: AAAHH! He's after me!!!

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Justin: You don't know our dad. He'll throw a tantrum. And you'll know because it sounds like this. Wadigibadee hobadee ha! HA! ALEX!"

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Jerry: Ooh! A catwalk! [Walks on it like a model]

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Max: Not to mention she left me on Mars.

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
T.J.: I'll show you a lair!
Max: [To Alex] Wow, you weren't kidding He really does do that.

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Jerry: You are in SO MUCH trouble, young lady!
Alex: ...I know. (she hugs him, and he points his finger up speechlessly)

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Alex: That's not magic.
Justin: How do you know I didn't forget my locker combination and then used magic to remember it?
Alex: Because you made up a locker combination song.
Alex (with Justin joining in): Right to clear it come on let's hear it! 23, left 8 digits, but don't fidget, 31. Now for the last, don't go too fast! 6 and you're off to class! WHOO!

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Justin: Mom and Dad are charmed? WHAT?! HOW?! WHEN?! WHO?!
Alex: Mom and Dad.
Justin: WHAT?! HOW?! WHEN?!
Alex: At Dinner.
Justin: WHAT?! HOW?!
Alex: It was in the Kugle
Justin: WHAT?!
Alex: Justin, I think you know what!your so dumb!!!!!!
Justin: No you are!!

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Alex: Dad got all tensed and frustrated like how he acts when he's around you and your dolls.
Justin: [is scrubbing the teeth on his pig] Action-figures. Collectibles. In their original packaging.

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place
Alex: No I got a D on the test. I'm pretty sure I'm right.

TV Show: Wizards of Waverly Place