Codename - Kids Next Door Quotes

Grandfather: Monty, Monty, Monty... did you honestly believe that a mere 39 gazillion tons of red hot metal and duct tape would crush me?
Numbuh Zero: Wasn't trying to crush you Pappy. I just wanted to see what would happen when you put an adult intro a decommissioning chamber.

Movie: Codename - Kids Next Door
Nigel Uno: [after hearing Numbuh 2's idea] That... is... *brilliant*!
Nigel Uno: [next scene, eggs are in his room] This... is... *stupid*! You put a kajillion eggs in my room?
Numbuh 2 Hoagie P. Gilliam Jr.: Well, I wasn't gonna put them in *my* room.

Movie: Codename - Kids Next Door
Numbuh 3 Kiki Sanban: Toys? I don't want toys... [shouts]
Numbuh 3 Kiki Sanban: I want revenge!

Movie: Codename - Kids Next Door
Numbuh 2 Hoagie P. Gilliam Jr.: [to Numbuh 5 after Numbuh 4 went into the sandcastle by catapult] So, uh, you next?
Abigail Lincoln Numbuh 5: Are you *nuts*? I'm going through the front door.
Numbuh 2 Hoagie P. Gilliam Jr.: [Follows her] Eh, works for me.

Movie: Codename - Kids Next Door
Stickybeard: [to Numbuh 5] You have passion for the candy, lassie. What do you say you be my new first mate? Together, we'll sail the suburbs, robbing kids of their candy. And when me teeth are all fallen out, you'll inherit me vast candy fortune, and have all the candy for *200 miles*! And that's nautical miles, too, which I'm fairly certain is more than regular miles.
Abigail Lincoln Numbuh 5: That's a lot of candy. [She thinks about the candy possibilities, but then she remembers her friends]
Stickybeard: So what do you say, lassie?
Abigail Lincoln Numbuh 5: Thanks, Stickybun, but Numbuh 5's already got a sweet gig.
Stickybeard: So your mind's made up, is it, lassie? [Moments later, Numbuh 5 is standing on the edge of the plank]
Abigail Lincoln Numbuh 5: Uh, how much candy were you offering again?

Movie: Codename - Kids Next Door
Wallabee Beatles Numbuh 4: If we're movin' up to duckies, I'm gonna need a soda!

Movie: Codename - Kids Next Door
Numbuh 4: Kuki? I'm scared. I don't know what to do next.
Numbuh 3: Kiss me!
Numbuh 4: KISS you?! No way! No-no-no-no-no-no-no! Nuh-uh! Nope! No way! Uh-uh! NUUUH-UH! Ain't gonna happ--Okay.
Numbuh 3: Pucker up... (Closet door opens, revealing Kuki is a zombie. Upon seeing this, Wally screams in terror, and Kuki pulls him in for a kiss.)

TV Show: Codename - Kids Next Door
Numbuh 4: It's too quiet.
Numbuh 3: No, it's three quiet.
Numbuh 4: Three quiet? What the crud does that mean?
Numbuh 3: It's one more than too quiet.
Numbuh 4: Ugh...I had to ask. Just climb the ladder.

TV Show: Codename - Kids Next Door
Father: (To his father, Grandfather, after years of being slighted, while flames appear around him) You big JERK! Now you've made me angry! VERY, VERY, VERY-Oh forget it.

TV Show: Codename - Kids Next Door
Grandfather: Even you, my son, are zero compared to me.
Monty: That may be, but my son is Numbah One!

TV Show: Codename - Kids Next Door
Father: (After the moonbase has been dropped on Grandfather, and destroyed part of his house) I hate everyone!

TV Show: Codename - Kids Next Door
Grandfather: (Stands up unharmed after having the moonbase dropped on him) Monty, Monty, Monty... did you honestly believe that a mere 39 gazillion tons of red hot metal and duct tape would crush me?
Numbuh Zero: Wasn't trying to crush you, Pappy. I just wanted to see what would happen when you put an adult into a decommissioning chamber. Now Nigel!
Grandfather: (to Numbah Zero just before being decommissioned again) You're out of my will, you brat!

TV Show: Codename - Kids Next Door
Numbuh 362: It was a diversion baldly! For once some super villain has coordinated all of our sworn enemies to attack us simultaneously!

TV Show: Codename - Kids Next Door