Sex and the City Quotes

Samantha : I once dated a guy who liked to wear my underwear but I've never gone the other way.
Stanford : See, when you're gay, everyone can wear everyone's underwear.
Charlotte : That's hygienic.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Carrie[about her date] : He's not that young.
Miranda : He's twenty-six. His generation has a totally different letter than ours.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Charlotte : shouldn't be talking like that at all, Samantha, it's rude and politically incorrect.
Carrie : Sweetie, a reminder: Samantha is rude and politically incorrect.
Miranda : She's an equal opportunity offender.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Samantha : [after her date's sister harassed her because she's white] Talk about politically incorrect! She can't diss me because I'm white!
Carrie : Please tell me you didn't say diss...
Charlotte: Maybe you should stop seeing him, Samantha. Race is a very big issue.
Samantha: No, there is no reason to bring race into this. Chivon is a sweet man. We have great sex--and he happens to have the biggest--
Charlotte: [interrupts loudly] --black cock! We know! He has a big black cock!
Samantha: I was about to say "biggest heart" that you're so interested, yes. He does have a big black cock. [smiles contently]

TV Show: Sex and the City
Charlotte : Do you think I'm a whore?
Samantha : Oh please, if you're a whore, what does that make me?
[All the girls are silent]

TV Show: Sex and the City
Carrie : Wow! It's like a Danielle Steele novel in here!
Aidan : From a writer, I'm pretty sure that's an insult.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Charlotte : Allow me to get right to the point, guys. After careful consideration, I have decided that I am getting married this year.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Charlotte : Do you have another?
Carrie : Ladies, I am not Tampax central. Put on list: buy tampons.
Charlotte : Well, I have them at home but they won't fit in my Kate Spade purse.
Miranda : Wow — Kate must have a tiny vagina.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Miranda : I do want [a baby] eventually and my clock is running out... I mean, I've only got like a million viable eggs left.
Carrie : Three hundred of which we just killed with those martinis at lunch.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Samantha : Well, let's just say it: you won.
Carrie : Was there a contest?
Samantha : Oh please! There's always a contest with an ex. It's called "who will die miserable."

TV Show: Sex and the City
Charlotte : I proposed to myself!
Carrie : What?
Charlotte : Yes. I suggested he have a tomato salad, then I suggested we get married.
Carrie : Wait. What exactly did he say?
Charlotte : Alrighty!
Carrie : Alrighty? He said alrighty? Now I'm thinking the upsetting thing isn't that you proposed, it's that you proposed to a guy that says "alrighty."
Charlotte : Oh, Carrie, stop!
Carrie : Alrighty.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Samantha : Don't beat yourself up. Aidan hasn't said "I love you" yet. Until he does, you're a free agent.
Carrie : What is that, The Rules according to Samantha?
Samantha : See? I'm more old fashioned than you think.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Miranda[reviewing Charlotte's prenuptial agreement] : Listen, this is just their opening offer. It's totally standard to go back in and negotiate.
Charlotte : Negotiate? I can't even buy stuff on sale!

TV Show: Sex and the City
Miranda[looking at a bridal magazine] : Ooh! Cute purse!
Charlotte : No purses! There's no time for purses! This is gown-specific!
Miranda : What's your theme again? A Nazi wedding?

TV Show: Sex and the City
Samantha : What if I have it?
Carrie : You don't have it.
Samantha : Sometimes it takes me a really long time to get over a cold.
Carrie : That's not AIDS, it's central air conditioning.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Miranda[talking about a man wearing a kilt]: I wonder what they wear underneath those?
Samantha : I'll find out!

TV Show: Sex and the City
Charlotte[After the wedding] I finally get to sleep with Trey.
Carrie : Excuse me?
Miranda : You haven't slept with him yet?
Samantha : Honey, before you buy the car you take it for a test drive!

TV Show: Sex and the City
Charlotte : So how are you?
Carrie : I'm good. How are you?
Charlotte : Great.
Carrie : I told Aidan about the affair and he broke up with me.
Charlotte : Trey and I never had sex on our honeymoon.
Carrie : You win. So. Should we get more coffee or should we get two guns and kill ourselves?

TV Show: Sex and the City
Samantha : I've got something to make you feel better. [hands Carrie and Miranda packages]
Carrie : Oh! Dildos before 10 am! I'm all perked up!

TV Show: Sex and the City
Miranda : Maybe it's time that I stop being so angry.
Carrie : Yeah, but what would you do with all your free time?

TV Show: Sex and the City
Miranda: [to Samantha, who's offered to take Charlotte to a Playboy Mansion party] Why would that cheer her up? Does she look like a 22-year-old frat boy?

TV Show: Sex and the City
Samantha : Are you in pain? I'm in pain just looking at you.
Miranda : I'm a 34-year-old woman with braces and I'm on a liquid diet. Pain doesn't begin to cover it.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Psychiatrist : One client rather whimsically dubbed his anus "the chocolate starfish."
Trey : Are you quite sure you went to Yale?

TV Show: Sex and the City
Miranda : They're starting to die on us.
Charlotte : Oh my god.
Samantha : Well, at least you weren't stood up.
Miranda : 35 and they're dying! We should just give up now.
Carrie : Well, on the bright side this could explain why they don't call back.
Charlotte : How did he...
Miranda : Heart attack. At the gym.
Carrie : See? This is why I don't work out.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Charlotte : We've been trying, you know, to...
Samantha : Fuck?
Charlotte : Whatever. And it's just not...
Samantha : Getting big and hard?
Carrie : What is this, dirty Mad Libs?

TV Show: Sex and the City
Carrie : I came here today because I needed to say how sorry I am. I am deeply sorry for what I did to you. It was wrong and I'm sorry.
Natasha : Are you through?
Carrie : Yes. Thank you for listening.
Natasha : Wait.. I'm sorry too.
Carrie : You are?
Natasha : Yes, I'm sorry about it all. I' m sorry he moved to Paris and fell in love with me. I'm sorry that we ever got married. I'm sorry he cheated on me with you and I'm sorry that i pretended to ignore it for as long as I did. I'm sorry I found you in my apartment, fell down the stairs and broke my tooth. I'm very sorry that after much painful dental surgery this tooth is still a different colour than this tooth. Finally I'm sorry that you felt the need to come down here. Now, not only have you ruined my marriage, you 've ruined my lunch.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Carrie : The universe may not always play fair, but at least it's got a hell of a sense of humor.

TV Show: Sex and the City
Samantha: [At a BBQ] Who wants a weiner?
Transexual: Girl, I'm trying to get rid of one!

TV Show: Sex and the City
Carrie : [Narrating] Later that night, I got to thinking about men, and women and relationships. Or more to the point, how women feel men disappoint them in relationships. Then a radical, almost earth-shattering thought popped into my head. What if everything isn't the man's fault? After a certain age, and a certain number of relationships; if it still isn't working and the ex's seem to be moving on and we don't, perhaps the problem isn't the last boyfriend, or the one before him, or even the one before him! Could it be, that the problem isn't them, but horror of horrors - is it us?

TV Show: Sex and the City
Miranda: [Reading from a singles introduction pamphlet] "Don't let him slip away!"
Carrie: I know. It's almost like a threat. We have him, but he's slipping away, slipping, oops, there he goes!

TV Show: Sex and the City