Desperate Housewives Quotes

Gabrielle: "Be careful, Carlos. Up until now, I've been really lonely in that big bed of ours, but when you're rude to me, it makes me wanna be not so lonely."
Carlos: "Comments like that are exactly why you'll never again have access to my money."
Gabrielle: "Why are all rich men jerks?"
Carlos: "Same reason all beautiful women are bitches."
Carlos: "So, same time tomorrow?"
Gabrielle: "Sure, baby."

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Susan: "What do you mean, you know?"
Julie: "I mean, I know."
Susan: "What are you saying, that your father actually told you he was gonna be having a one night stand with Edie Britt?"
Julie: "Uh, mom, this wasn't a one night stand. He's been going out with Mrs. Britt for a few months now."
Susan: "What?! How could you not tell me that? We share everything. That's what we're known for. That's our thing."
Julie: "Because I knew you'd wig out. Besides, haven't you always told me to respect people's privacy?"
Susan: "Oh, I've never applied that concept to your father's sex life, and you know it."
Julie: "Are you done?"
Susan: "No! I have not even begun ripping into Edie Britt yet. Oh, that peroxide vulture. As know as sure as I am standing here that she went after your father just to tick me off."
Julie: "Wrong again."
Susan: "What?"
Julie: "He asked her out."
Susan: "You lie."
Julie: "It's true. He called her for a date six months ago. The day after my birthday party."
Susan: "The one at the piano bar?"
Julie: "Yeah. What is it?"
Susan: "Oh, um... Your father just came over that day and told me some stuff. You know, some stuff that I haven't, and can't tell you."
Julie: "Wait, whatever happened to 'We share everything'? Isn't that our thing, what we're known for?"
Susan: "Um, actually, I think what we're known for is sharing clothes. Yeah, I think that's our thing."

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Gabrielle: (heard from Carlos about a guy demanding money) "Honey, I think this is a mistake. If we give in to extortion, the guy's just gonna keep coming back for more money."
Carlos: "What choice do I have?"
Gabrielle: "You're a strong guy. You went to college on an athletic scholaship, for God's sakes."
Carlos: "Yeah. It was for golf!"

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Susan: "I'm all for Julie spending time with Karl. He is still her dad, and she loves him."
Mike: "But..."
Susan: "But he's with Edie! I mean, she's not exactly the maternal type. I wouldn't be a good mother if I wasn't concerned. I mean, who knows what passes for a kid-friendly, good time in there? Drugs? Porn? Smoking?"

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Bree: "My husband died of a heart attack. I loved him deeply. And your mother did a lousy job."

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Gabrielle: "Say what you want, but John Rowland loved me like no one ever has. Not as a trophy or as a possession, but for me. He loved me."
(Carlos laughs at her)
Gabrielle: "No, he really did. Let me count the ways. Um, gently, savagely, frequently, upside down..."

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Lynette: "And I'm sorry about your hair. I can see why you're upset."

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Bree: "Would you two please stop looking at me like that?! Obviously, I did not kill your father. I loved him deeply."

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Susan: "Well, what makes you so sure that I don't have a talent?"
Edie: "Hmm. Just a hunch."
Susan: "Yeah, well we've all seen your talent, which is a nice way of telling you, why don't you put some curtains on your bedroom window?"
Julie: "Guys!"
Edie: "Oh, come on. Be honest, you didn't want any part of this until you found out that I was involved."
Susan: "That is so not true!"
Edie: "Oh, yes it is. It burns you that your own daughter picked me over you."
Susan: "She did not pick you. It just didn't occur to her that I would agree to do it. Well, now she knows, and she had it to do over again, she'd pick me."
Edie: "No, she wouldn't."
Susan: "Well, why don't we put it to a test? Julie, who would you rather have play with you?"
Julie: "Oh, no, no, no, no."
Susan: "No, it's okay, honey. Who do you want to be with you in the 'family' talent show?"
Edie: "Yes, who do you want with you in front of all of those people? And remember, it's a church. They are going to be judging you."
Julie: "Ohh... okay. Well, first of all, you both suck, but if I had to choose... I guess I'd pick my mom. Sorry, Edie."
Edie: "Fair enough. I'd like my pitch pipe back, please."

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Edie: "Oh, give me a break! This thing has, like, 90 flats in it."

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Lynette: "And you don't find it odd that Parker's new friend made her appearance right at the time I went back to work?"
Tom: "Kids have imaginary friends. It's no big deal."
Lynette: "I'll agree with you to a point, when they're flying kangaroos or giant robots, not surrogate mommies."
Tom: "Hey. Parker is having a little trouble adjusting. That's all. Apparently, so are you. Honey, don't be so sensitive."
Lynette: "I hope you're right. At the risk of sounding too sensitive, how come she gets a bigger portion?"

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Mike: "Uh, Susan?"
Susan: "Yeah?"
Mike: "Technically, we don't have to be casual anymore."
Susan: "I can be naked in 20 seconds. That includes travel time."

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Gabrielle: "You and I need to get laid! (everyone in the visiting room looks at her, astonished) Oh, don't judge me. You're not here because you got caught helping the poor."

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Bree: "I'll be serving dinner tomorrow night at 7. Please don't be late."
Andrew: "I'm sorry, but I already have plans."
Bree: "Andrew, don't you have a meet at the swim club?"
Andrew: "Yeah, so?"
Bree: "Doesn't it require a large entrance fee, one that you can't afford by yourself?"
Andrew: "Are you blackmailing me into coming to dinner?"
Bree: "Oh, you don't know the lengths I'd go to for even seating."

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Tom: "Okay, listen. Don't worry about it. I'm sure Mrs. Mulberry's around here somewhere."
Lynette: "Or, uh, maybe she's not. She could've left. You know... Maybe she had some other little boy that she needed to help."
Parker: "Like who?"
Lynette: "I don't know, it could be a little boy in, uh... England... named Spencer?"
Tom: "Lynette?"
Lynette: "I mean, this is conjecture on my part. But it is possible that someone like little Spencer needs Mrs. Mulberry more, because he doesn't have a daddy and a mommy who love him. Yeah, that's it. He's a orphan. with no hands! Okay?" (Tom's face becoming dark)

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Lynette: "(crying) Because of me, my son's imaginary friend got crushed by a garbage truck. I am the worst person in the world."
Tom: "Honey, he is going to get over this in no time. Trust me. And one day when he is all grown up, you and Parker are going to laugh hysterically about this."
Lynette: "You really think so? Really?"
Tom: "I promise."

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Carlos: "Is that the baby's head?"
Gabrielle: "No, that's his foot."
Carlos: "That looks like a head to me."
Gabrielle: "Well, that settles it. When this baby's born, I'll be in charge of putting on the socks."

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Bree: "Well, I have some good news. The police have finally released Rex's body."
Gabrielle: "About time."
Susan: "You must be so relieved."
Bree: "You know, mostly I'm just annoyed that the whole thing happened in the first place. I mean, how in the world could anybody accuse me of murder?"
Edie: "Well, you are wound pretty tight. (everyone looks at her) What? The supermom is always first to snap. They've done studies."
Bree: "Anyway, I was... I was hoping that you are were free friday morning because that's when I'm going to be hosting the reburial."
Gabrielle: "The what?"
Bree: "Look, I know it's an imposition, but Danielle is away on a class trip, and Andrew is back at the Camp Hennessey for a little refresher course. Well, it's just gonna be a very brief and dignified ceremony and I was hoping that you could say a few words, and, um, I'm gonna read a poem."
Gabrielle: "We would love to come."
Susan: "Absolutely."
(Bree stands up and leaves her seat, and Susan looks at Edie rushing her answer)
Edie: "I'm busy. Sorry."
Susan: "Edie!"
Edie: "She's going to read a poem!"
(Susan kicks Edie under the table)
Edie: "Ouch!! Fine! Yes, yes, we'd all love to come."

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Counselor: "This is your third group session, but you have yet to share anything. Come on, talk to us. How's your marriage?"
Gabrielle: "Shaky, at best."
Counselor: "And why is that?"
Gabrielle: "I don't know. I hired a brilliant lawyer to get my husband out of this hellhole, and he fired him for no reason at all."
Counselor: "Carlos?"
Carlos: "I just didn't like him."
Gabrielle: "Why not? He's experienced, he's intelligent, he's successful."
Carlos: "Exactly! I'd prefer an attorney you didn't find so damn appealing."
Gabrielle: "Oh, my god. You fired him because you're jealous?"
Carlos: "Don't I have the right to? You know, she cheated on me."
(Bob, who was also there having a group session, gasps)
Gabrielle: "Oh, Bob. You beat your wife. You are so not allowed to gasp."
Lisa: "Don't you talk that way to him!"
Gabrielle: "One more word out of you, Lisa, and I will backhand you myself."
Counselor: "Okay, calm down."
Carlos: "Thousands of fat, bald attorneys out there in the world, and she's gotta get the one that looks like an underwear model."
Gabrielle: "I'm not discussing this anymore. You can rot in here for all I care."
Counselor: "So, um... Mona, what do you feel are the biggest problems in your marriage?"
Gabrielle: (interrupting) "By the way, he was wearing a suit. How do you know he had a good body?!"
Carlos: "Do you know?"
Gabrielle: "No!"
Mona's Husband: "I bet he's hot."
(everyone stops what they were doing)
Mona: "Do I need to say what our biggest problem is, or can everybody figure it out for themselves?"

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Bree: "My husband, the man I spent my life with for 18 years, died thinking that I murdered him."
Susan: "What?"
Bree: "Yes, the cardiologist shared this monoric theory with Rex. And Rex believed him!"
Gabrielle: "Are you sure?"
Bree: "Yes, because he left a note and it said, and I quote, 'Bree, I understand. And I forgive you.' I spent 18 years of my life with this man. How could he not know me?"
Edie: "Well, maybe he was forgiving you for something else?"
Bree: (exploding) "I HAVE DONE NOTHING TO BE FORGIVEN FOR! I was a fantastic wife! When he was sick, I nursed him. When we were low on money, I stayed within a budget. I cooked his meals. I mended his clothes. For the love of god, I used to check his back for acne. And that miserable son of a bitch has the nerve to understand and forgive me? Well, the joke's on him, because I do not understand, and I do not forgive.

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
[Parker is coloring]
Lynette: Sweety could you put the crayons down for a second, we need to talk. I talked to your teacher today and she told me about the cookie deal you made with Cindy Lou.
Parker Scavo: Oh, are you mad?
Lynette: [laughs uncomfortably] No, not exactly, I'm trying to understand why you did that.
Parker Scavo: [Innocently] Tommy Keenan told me babies come from down there, that doesn't sound right to me.
Lynette: Well, actually he's kinda right, he's got the concept down.
Parker Scavo: [Innocently confused] That's weird! How does a baby get in there?
Lynette: Daddy will be home from his business trip in a few days, why don't you wait for him?
Parker Scavo: OK. Or I can ask Tommy's brother. He's fourteen and he knows everything!
[Parker looks skeptical as Lynette draws a picture]
Lynette: ... And then the mommy and the daddy because they love each other so much, they hug real tight, and a seed is magically implanted and nine months later a baby is born.
Parker Scavo: What kind of seed?
Lynette: Oh, that's not important.
Parker Scavo: I don't believe you!
Lynette: Parker I'm your mother. Mother's don't lie to their sons. Now go wash your hands or Santa's not gonna bring you anything for Christmas.

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Dr. Goldfine: "So the hives occured right after you kissed George."
Bree: "Yes. It was the strangest thing. And so inconvenient. To be honest, I think we were about to make love for the first time."
Dr. Goldfine: "Bree, have you considered the idea that your subconscious mind was trying to sabotage your evening with George?"
Bree: "Actually, I have not considered that, because that's... idiotic."
Dr. Goldfine: "You don't think that being with George made you feel a bit guilty?"
Bree: "Why should I feel guilty?"
Dr. Goldfine: "Perhaps you felt you were about to commit adultery."
Bree: "Dr. Goldfine, Rex is dead. You can't cheat on a corpse."
Dr. Goldfine: "Maybe that's not how you really feel deep down."
Bree: "Oh, so you think I'm crazy?"
Dr. Goldfine: "You say you got a case of hives for no reason. I think there is a reason, and it's probably a psychosomatic one."
Bree: "You can think whatever you want, but to be honest, I don't believe in the subconscious."
Dr. Goldfine: "Every time you've said 'Rex' in this session, you stroked the place where your wedding ring used to be. Why did you do that?"

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
David: "What the hell is this? I thought I told you to dress maternal."
Gabrielle: "Yes, you did, and I considered it for about a second."
David: "What happened?"
Gabrielle: "David, I know you're the lawyer and all, but if you ask me, it's never a smart strategy to cover this up."
David: "We've got 40 minutes before the pre-trial hearing. Let's go home and get you changed."
Gabrielle: "What?!"
David: "You want to get your husband out of jail? Got to dress like a pregnant, suffering wife, not the cover of Vogue."

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
David: "You're not willing to get a divorce but you're willing to have an affair?"
Gabrielle: "I said I was Catholic, not a fanatic."

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Edie: "Well, someone may as well say it. Susan, what the hell have you been smoking?

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Mary Alice(voiceover): Every storm brings with it hope that somehow by morning everything will be made clean again, and even the most troubling stains would have disappeared like the doubts over his innocents, or the consequence of his mistake, like the scars of his betrayal or the memory of his kiss. So we wait for the storm to pass, hoping for the best even though we know in our hearts some stains are so indelible nothing can wash them away.

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Austin: "A month?! It was a $10 whiskey!"
Edie: "Exactly. You weren't even smart enough to steal the good stuff."

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Nora(dying): "I don't have later, you stupid bitch."

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Lynette(In her dream, seeing Mary Alice at the last time): "Let me save you."
Mary Alice: "You can't."
Lynette: "Why not?"
Mary Alice: "Sweety, we can't prevent what we can't predict."
Lynette: "Isn't there anything I could do?"
Mary Alice: "Yes. You can enjoy this beautiful day. We get so few of them."

TV Show: Desperate Housewives
Carolyn(To lynette in the supermarket): Have you not been listening? My husband cheated on me!
Lynette: "Who cares?! We all have pain, every one of us has pain but we deal with it; we swallow it and get going with our lives. What we don't do is go around, shooting strangers!"
Carolyn: "She deserved it!"
Lynette: "Well maybe you deserved to be cheated on!"

TV Show: Desperate Housewives