Desperate Housewives Quote

Bree: "My husband, the man I spent my life with for 18 years, died thinking that I murdered him."
Susan: "What?"
Bree: "Yes, the cardiologist shared this monoric theory with Rex. And Rex believed him!"
Gabrielle: "Are you sure?"
Bree: "Yes, because he left a note and it said, and I quote, 'Bree, I understand. And I forgive you.' I spent 18 years of my life with this man. How could he not know me?"
Edie: "Well, maybe he was forgiving you for something else?"
Bree: (exploding) "I HAVE DONE NOTHING TO BE FORGIVEN FOR! I was a fantastic wife! When he was sick, I nursed him. When we were low on money, I stayed within a budget. I cooked his meals. I mended his clothes. For the love of god, I used to check his back for acne. And that miserable son of a bitch has the nerve to understand and forgive me? Well, the joke's on him, because I do not understand, and I do not forgive.

TV Show: Desperate Housewives


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