Storm Hawks Quotes

[Stork is looking for a warm place on the terra. He sees some steam in an ice cave]
Stork: Steam... Oh, that's good. Ice cave... Oh, that's bad.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Suzi-Lu: [to Piper] When we're finished here, there's a couple of dusty old nothing terras nearby we're gonna do up right! Just like this one here.
Piper: I guess, if nobody minds.
Suzi-Lu: 'Course not. Who needs all that rock and dirt when you can have nice, cold snow, eh?

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Stork: Ohh, beautiful warm. Hands love warm, feet love warm, lizards love war- ...lizards?

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[The Condor won't start]
Stork: Just my luck. A frozen starter spring will be the end of me. Although it does beat Bog Fever.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[The Raptors have managed to get on board the Condor]
Stork: They found a way on board! Oh, this is really bad news... for them.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[The Storm Hawks' rides have nearly been buried by snow in an avalanche]
Finn: [to Junko] If I ever say "Yes" to snow sports again, promise to wallop me.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[The Raptors have cornered Stork on the Condor]
Repton: Any last requests?
[Stork notices that they are standing on a catapult]
Stork: Um... yeah. Get off my ship.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[The Blizzard Crystal has saved Terra Blizzaris from a volcanic eruption]
Piper: [to Suzi-Lu] I just spoke with the Sky Knight of Terra Nord. He said you'd be welcome to live there if you wanna move.
Suzi-Lu: Hmmm... It is cold there.
Billy Rex: Yeah, but those guys are hosers. Seriously, I've had fleas that rock out better than them.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[After seeing Finn]
Vapos Soldier: It's... It's him!
Finn: Yeah, you better believe it's me! Wait, what have you heard?

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Man: [to Finn] You appear to be our Great Domo, the legendary saviour of Vapos.
Finn: Legendary? I like this sound of this.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[Finn has retrieved a golden ring from a tree branch]
King Agar: The Great Domo has arrived!
Piper: We're in trouble.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[Stork is a minstrel]
Stork: [singing] Robbed of all my dignity, forced to sing this song. What did I do to deserve this, where did it all go wrong?

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Stork: [singing] Our story is almost finished, and the end is coming soon. I'm here to spoil the finish - doom, doom, doom, doom, doom.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[Finn has repelled a Verroc attack]
Finn: That's right! Nobody tangles with the Great Gomo!
Stork: Domo!
Finn: Whatever.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Stork: [singing] Doom, doom, suffering and doom.
Finn: Does your music have to be so depressing?
[Stork jingles the bells on his hat and feet]
Stork: Yes.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[Finn has been swallowed by the Verroc king]
Finn: OK, this prophecy just went from stupid to just plain gross!

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[Aerrow has left to save Finn]
Stork: [singing] We'll never see Finn again, and that part is sad enough. But now Aerrow is history, too. I get to have all their stuff.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[The Storm Hawks are being pursued by Cyclonians]
Aerrow: Can't this thing go any faster?
Stork: Not... unless you want the engines to melt through the hull!
Aerrow: I'll take that chance. Full speed!

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[The Storm Hawks have gone through some fog to lose the Cyclonians]
Cyclonian Commander: We'll wait for them here, if they come back out at all.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[Aerrow, Finn, Junko and Radarr are investigating the remains of a wrecked ship]
Piper: [over radio] I know who did this!
Junko: So do I! [sneezes] Murk Raiders!
Aerrow and Finn: Murk Raiders?
Piper: [over radio] He's right! We need to go!
Finn: [to Junko] Wait. You know this because...
Junko: Oh, I'm allergic to them.
Finn: You're allergic to Murk Raiders and you're just remembering this now?
Junko: Sorry! It's not like you're gonna run into them every day!
Finn: That's 'cause when you run into Murk Raiders, you don't usually walk away!

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Aerrow: Piper, where exactly are we?
Piper: Terra Deep; favourite hiding place of the Murk Raiders. This is where they drag airships to steal their crystals, supplies and their crews!
Finn: They steal crews?

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[The Storm Hawks are trying to get away from the Murk Raiders]
Captain Scabulous: They want a chase, do they? We'll give them a chase!

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[The Storm Hawks are diving down a cavern]
Aerrow: Piper, how far down does this cavern go?
Piper: So deep it's not even on the map. Aerrow, those aren't just any clouds down there.
Stork: The deeper we go, the denser they get, until finally... crunch.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Murk Raiders: [singing] Deeps, deeps, they'll crush your tiny hulls. Deeps, deeps...
Murk Raider: Leave nothing but your skulls.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[The Storm Hawks are diving down a cavern]
Piper: Crossing 1,500!
Stork: I bet at 2,000 we'll be flat as a flapjack!
Piper: 2,000!
[The Condor starts imploding due to pressure. Stork looks worried]
Aerrow: Come on, Stork, where's your sense of adventure?
Piper: 2,500!
Stork: (sarcastically) This is the most fun I've ever had.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Captain Scabulous: Permission to come aboard?
Aerrow: (takes out weapons) Permission denied!

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[The Murk Raiders are onboard the Condor. Captain Scabulous is fighting Aerrow]
Captain Scabulous: You're about to find out why Murk Raiders are feared across the Atmos!
Aerrow: You‘re about to find out why I‘m a Sky Knight!

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Cyclonian: [to Junko] You're toast, Sky Hog!
Junko: [bangs knucle busters together and hits the Cyclonian's skimmer engine] Ha, sky hog... thats a good one.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[After losing the Cyclonians]
Aerrow: Well, Stork, what's our status?
Stork: Well, we're nearly out of crystal fuel, our bulkhead is torn, and I've got this strange rash.
Aerrow: I mean the Cyclonians. Did we lose them?
Stork: No sign... for now.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Piper: Preparing is spending six hours coming up with a perfect reconnaissance plan, a plan all of you decided to ignore.
Aerrow: I know you worked hard on that, but sometimes you... Um... Details are good. I like details, but when you have too many details...
Finn: What he's trying to say is: your plan was kinda lame.

TV Show: Storm Hawks