Storm Hawks Quotes

[Aerrow is stuck on a ship heading down to the Wastelands]
Guy Skyly: This is horrible! Tragic! [to cameraman] You're getting this, right?

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Carver: What do you have there?
Stork: Oh, it's my new pet. A Scarlet Maw Razor-Fang Arachnoid; the deadliest creature ever to walk the Atmos.
Carver: So, it's deadly?
Stork: One single, tiny half-bite from it causes body numbing, then brain melting! I sometimes get tingly just looking at it.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Finn: Aerrow? Our Aerrow? Under Cyclonian control?
Stork: Hmmm...
Junko: He has been acting weird.
Stork: I assumed he had mindworms. Then again, I assume everyone has mindworms.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[Aerrow is in jail, but the Storm Hawks have discovered that he is innocent]
Junko: We gotta go let him out!
Carver: You're a little late. It seems a Scarlet Maw Razor-Fang Arachnoid got loose in his cell. Oops.
Stork: Gah! If that's true, then Aerrow is doomed! Double-doomed!
[Aerrow and Radarr enter]
Aerrow: I wouldn't be so sure, Stork.
Carver: Impossible! But how did you...? He said it was...
Aerrow: I have Radarr to thank for springing me from prison. As for the spider - Stork, it turns out that this is a Scarlet Maw Tickle-Fang.
[Radarr gives the spider to Stork]
Stork: The non-poisonous kind. Ah, that's disappointing, in a glad-you're-alive sort of way.
Aerrow: [to Carver] Master Cyclonis'll be disappointed your big plan crashed and burned!
Carver: [laughs] Her? Cyclonis has nothing to do with this. It's all about you and me! It's about payback!

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Stork: So, I traded in the Arachnoid for a new pet. This one is most assuredly the deadliest on Atmos. Wanna see?
[Stork shows the other Storm Hawks his new pet. They recoil in disgust]
Stork: [lovingly] I know. Isn't it great!? What should we name him!?

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[The Storm Hawks are making a quick stop at the Wayside]
Aerrow: OK, if we wanna make the concert, everybody's got five minutes to do what they need to do, and then we gotta go.
Piper: Great. I just need to grab another Turbo Crystal.
[Stork comes crashing out of the Condor in his Storkmobile]
Stork: I need a new proton impeller.
Junko: I need the bathroom.
Finn: Er, if you're wondering why he didn't go on the Condor, don't ask.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Cyclonian #2: Do you know what my greatest fear is? That when they make the movie about Master Cyclonis' conquest of the Atmos, my role will be so insignificant they'll refer to me in the credits as... [sniffs] "Cyclonian #2".

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[Radarr is on Cyclonian #2's cruiser. He uses a radio to contact the Storm Hawks]
Aerrow: Radarr! Boy, are we glad to hear your voice!
[Radarr 'speaks', but the Storm Hawks can't understand him]
Aerrow: What? I-I can't understand what you're saying.
[Radarr chirrups again]
Finn: [taking a wild guess] Um... OK. You're stuck in a lava cave with rampaging magma beasts.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Aerrow: I don't like the way Radarr's signal suddenly went dead.
Piper: Don't worry. We tracked the transmission. We're headed right to him.
Stork: And thanks to that Turbo Crystal, we're going twice our max speed. Eh-heh. We couldn't slow down if we wanted to.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[Cyclonian #2 has been defeated by chickens]
Cyclonian: Sir, Ravess is on the line. If it's any consolation, it doesn't seem like she'll soon forget the name of, as she put it, "Commander Chicken Feather".

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Finn: That's the last of Snipe's posse!
Aerrow: Great job, Finn! Now it's just Snipe and us!
Stork: Wow. Things might actually be looking... good.
Piper: [to Snipe] Think you can take us all on?
Snipe: Don't have to. I'll let my new friend do it! [laughs]
[Snipe presses a button on a remote control. A giant fan appears]
Stork: Eh, yeah. That's the last time I ever get optimistic.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[After Snipe's fan broke down]
Piper: One of these days, Snipe's gonna come up with a weapon that actually works and then we'll be in real danger.
[Stork is lying on the couch, a bag of ice on his head]
Stork: It was a close enough call for me. [whispering softly] I can still feel the breeze...
Aerrow: Uh, Stork... that's not the wind.
[As Stork opens one eye, he sees a Merbian carrier pidgeon floating above him, a rolled-up piece of parchment held in its claws; naturally, he screams in panic]

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[After reading the scroll, Finn wonders aloud what the "rites of Elp" is, asking, "Does it hurt?"]
Stork: More than you could ever imagine! For one day each year, every Merb, no matter where they are, must submit themselves for the most punishing task imaginable! [gasps dramatically] We must... [whispering menacingly] volunteer!
Finn: That's it? What's the big deal?
Stork: But it could be anything! Like cleaning hairy snoz-blat drains, or feeding the mouthless maggle-throps...
Aerrow: Does it have to be something terrible?
[A transport vessel arrives. A Merb in a red uniform steps out to hand Stork a form]
Merb: They're all yours. [he quickly detaches the trailer, and departs]
Stork: [after reading the aforementioned form] Um, it says I'm supposed to go camping at some place called Terra Fauna, with 3 young Sky Scouts!? As their...
[The door on the trailer opens loudly, and three young Merbs yell in excitement, then zip over in front of Stork]
Young Merbs: [in unison] Are you our new Sky Scout master!?
Stork: [dejectedly]Yes... no-no! Ehhhgh! [faints]

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[Aerrow is standing over Stork, who fainted after seeing what he had "volunteered" for]
Aerrow: Everything's fine, Stork.
Stork: Oh... Aerrow, what a relief... I had a dream that I was- [hears the scouts chatting excitedly] Ugh... So, uh.. it wasn't a dream.
[After each name, the scene cuts to the kid who's named, starting with one boy wearing a red hankerchief and matching socks, jumping over the table then standing up triumphantly]
Aerrow: Uh, that's Griffin...
Griffin: Huh... oh, I could do lotsa cool moves if this place were bigger!
Aerrow: Owlsley...
[Cuts to a boy wearing an orange hankerchief and matching socks]
Owlsley: [points to random levers, then pulls them] Hey, what's this do? And this? Oh, I know a lot about machines and stuff...
[Piper begins chasing after him]
Owlsley: What's that thing? [tightens a bolt on one of the cannons] I could make this way better.
[The cannon springs forward, followed closely by a frustrated Piper who groans in protest]
Aerrow: And Pydge.
[Cuts to a boy wearing a blue hankerchief and matching socks]
Pydge: [hugging Radarr tightly] I love animals... I-I, I can talk to them... [imitates Radarr's growls]
[Radarr looks horrified, then runs away, with Pydge chasing after him excitedly]
Pydge: Oh, hey, where ya goin'? Come back, I wanna talk to ya...
Aerrow: [to Stork] You should get going... now...

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Pydge: [to Stork] The manual says you're supposed to teach us.
Owlsley: Don't you know anything?
Stork: [points to a tree Griffin is climbing] Well, I know that that type of tree is where the poisonous bark-snark usually lives.
[Griffin jumps down. Pydge makes an animal call]
Stork: Go ahead, make that sound again, and see what happens when a Bog Howler answers you...
[Owlsley is drilling into a tree trunk]
Stork: And that could be a tree trunk, but it also might be a giant galumpous foot...
[Owlsley stops drilling]
Pydge: [holds up a brown paper bag, shaking it menacingly] And what's this?
Stork: That's my lunch! Gimme that! [takes it from him]
Griffin: A harmless tree snake? [motions to a purple snake climbing a tree]
Stork: Yes, but if it had a red spot on its head, it would be a venomous scapper serpent.
[A Bog Howler is up a tree]
Owlsley: And is that ugly thing harmless, or is it something scary like a Bog Howler?
Stork: [calmly] Um, no, that is a Bog Howler.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Owlsley: [referring to a Bog Howler ready to attack them] How do we stop it?
Stork: I'm going with throwing stuff at it!
Pydge: I could talk to it...
Stork: Here's a little conversation starter.
[Stork throws a rock at the Bog Howler. The Sky Scouts join in, picking up random things to lob at it]
Stork: Not my lunch! Not my radio!

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[The Condor is flying upside-down]
Junko: This is seriously scary!
Finn: Not nearly as scary as what I'm gonna do to that kid for messing up our controls!

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Griffin: Well, I think we lost the Howler.
Pydge: Aww, I never got to talk to it!
Stork: Yeah, I think that's one voice you never need to hear again.
[Snipe laughs somewhere offscreen]
Stork: Goik! That's another...

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Pydge: The scout's manual says you always have a plan.
Stork: [groans] I really hate that manual...

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Aerrow: Now, any idea where we are?
Piper: Way off course. [points at a section of a map] Here. We're at the very edge of the charted Atmos, Aerrow. A place called "Sky's End".
Stork: Yeah, our end, more likely.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[The Storm Hawks are fighting a "dragon"]
Aerrow: I think I've found a chink in its armour! I'm gonna aim for that... belly button-looking thing.
Piper: Aerrow, dragons hatch from eggs! Even if it was real, it can't have a belly button!
Aerrow: Well then, Finn, Junko, you distract it while I aim for its imaginary belly button.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[After Eyeball saw the baby dragons that the Storm Hawks need to protect]
Junko: I think Radarr's trying to tell us something.
[Radarr holds up four fingers]
Aerrow: OK, four words.
[Radarr holds up one finger]
Piper: First word.
[Radarr points at his eye]
Aerrow: Look?
[Radarr shakes his head]
Stork: Uh-uh. See!
Junko: Saw!
Finn: Seesaw!
[Radarr sighs and points at his eye again]
Piper: Eye?
[Radarr tries to tell Piper that she was close]
Piper: Eyeball!
[Radarr nods before holding up two fingers]
Finn: Second word!
[Radarr shakes his finger near his eye]
Junko: Eyeball!
[Radarr groans]
Junko: But you just... OK.
[Radarr pretends use a saw]
Aerrow: Piston! Eyeball piston?
Stork: Oh, oh, oh - the death throes of a three-armed swamp gobbler?
[Radarr groans and pretends to use a saw again]
Piper: Reaching? Grabbing?
Finn: Sawing?
[Radarr makes a positive gesture]
Finn: Seesaw!
Aerrow: Saw! Eyeball saw!
Stork: Eyeball saw? Is that some kind of torture device?
[Radarr shakes his head and holds up four fingers]
Piper: Straight to the fourth word.
[Radarr points at the baby dragons]
Junko: Um, dragons?
[Radarr gives Junko the thumbs-up]
Junko: Yes! This is fun!
Finn: Eyeball saw dragons!
Stork: Eyeball saw dragons?
Piper: Eyeball saw the dragons! That means this place is about to be swarming with Murk Raiders!

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[After being defeated by the dragons and losing their pants]
Captain Scabulous: That's enough for today! Call retreat, Eyeball! We'll get a bigger fleet and come back for the dragons!
Eyeball: And our pants, Captain?
Captain Scabulous: No, Eyeball. We'll never see our pants again.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[Radarr runs in, chattering excitedly]
Piper: What's up, Radarr?
[Radarr points toward Aerrow and scratches wildly]
Stork: [gasps] Radarr has fleas!
[Radarr growls and points at Aerrow more forcefully]
Stork: Aerrow has fleas!?

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[Aerrow has an itch, but he is not allowed to move to scratch it]
Finn: We're here for ya, buddy! Where does it itch?
Aerrow: [hesitantly] Well, uh...
Junko: Your knee? Uh, foot? Uh, elbow?
Aerrow: Uhh, not exactly...
[Radarr demonstrates its location by patting himself on the butt]
Junko: Ohhh...
Finn: Ooh, sorry, dude... I can't help you there...
Piper: [handing Finn an extendable grabber]You've got the best aim...
Finn: Aww, man!
Aerrow: Finn, more than ever, don't miss!

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[Stork is reading from his poetry book to help Aerrow pass the time]
Stork: Now, for the next verse from "Darkness, Total Darkness, Purest Black"...
[Just as he is about to begin, Junko and Piper come in with Aerrow's meal, much to Stork's dismay]
Junko: Uh, guys... Fresh plate of Numby-Numby Scrool Bugs!
Aerrow: [disliking the look of the bugs] You know, guys, I've got a better idea. I've been noticing a slight knock developing in the left engine pod. Junko, could you check on that?
Junko: I don't hear anything.
Aerrow: And Stork, I think the Condor is listing about a tenth of a degree to the port side.
Stork: [noticably saddened] Fine... I'll read to myself...

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Aerrow: Junko, I'm still hearing the engine click.
[Junko growls and hits a pipe with a spanner]
Aerrow: Now I call it more of a "clack".
[Junko growls]
Aerrow: And Stork, we're on keel now, but maybe, like, two degrees of yaw.
Stork: [feeling a draught] What was that? [closes an air hole]
Aerrow: Stork, are you letting in a draught?
Stork: You know, I'll be really glad when Captain Notice Everything has better things to do than notice everything.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Master Cyclonis: [to Piper] Well, if it isn't my best friend forever.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
Junko: Stork, do you really need to buy another venomous cricket?
Stork: Um... I need the venom to make anti-venom, which is important since the first cricket is still loose somewhere on the ship.
Junko: Uh, maybe we better buy two.

TV Show: Storm Hawks
[Talking about the Suit of Untold Vengeance]
Piper: But legend said it was cursed.
Stork: Ah! Cursed! I like the sound of that...

TV Show: Storm Hawks