I Love Lucy Quotes

Lucy Ricardo: Ricky, we're revolting.
Ricky Ricardo: No more than usual.

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Lucy Ricardo: This whole thing is Ricky's fault.
Ricky Ricardo: MY FAULT?
Lucy Ricardo: Yeah, if you hadn't have left Cuba to come to America, we wouldn't have gotten married and we never would've come to Switzerland in the first place.

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Lucy Ricardo: Time to make another call to Ethel. [Dials]
Lucy Ricardo: Hey, get this. [In disguised voice]
Lucy Ricardo: Hello, this is the Ajax Salvage Company. We buy old glass, I understand you have some rings that you're interested in selling.
Ricky Ricardo: Ha ha ha ha! [Fires air hammer into the phone]

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Lucy Ricardo: We have to find Sylvia Collins a husband but where?
Ethel Mertz: I'll make the sacrifice she can have mine.

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Lucy Ricardo: What are you? The Cuban television network?
Ricky Ricardo: Yes. CBS. The Cuban Broadcasting System.

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Lucy Ricardo: Will you at least wait for us?
Bus Driver: Go ahead. TRY me.
Lucy Ricardo: "Go ahead. TRY me".

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Lucy Ricardo: You look like an ad for a trip around the world.

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Arthur: But... You're a woman.
Lucy Ricardo: Yes, my husband likes me that way.

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Superman: How long have you been married?
Ricky Ricardo: 15 years.
Superman: And they call me Superman!

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Fred Mertz: [working in a diner] Adam and Eve on a raft. Wreck'em!

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Fred Mertz: Now what are we supposed to do? Thumb a ride on a passing halibut?

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Fred Mertz: She said my mother looks like a weasel.
Lucy Ricardo: Ethel, apologize.
Ethel Mertz: I'm sorry your mother looks like a weasel.

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Fred Mertz: We'll sue you.
Ricky Ricardo: Yeah? We'll see who's gonna sue who.
Lucy Ricardo: Yeah, we'll sue who's gonna see...

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Mr. Merriweather: Oh, you study numerology?
Lucy Ricardo: Of course.
Mr. Merriweather: I'm a 1.
Lucy Ricardo: I'm a 3.
Ricky Ricardo: I'm a 5.
Mr. Merriweather: We're all odd, aren't we?

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Ethel Mertz: [does not believe that Lucy got her black eye when Ricky accidentally tossed her a book with poor aim, and suspects abuse instead] This is Ethel, your friend, to whom you may turn in time of crisis.
Lucy Ricardo: Ethel, have you been drinking?

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Ethel Mertz: [Lucy has a loving cup for Johnny Longden stuck on her head, and has to get to the Tropicana to give it to longden shortly] Lucy, does heat make metal contract or expand?
Lucy Ricardo: Expand, I think. Why?
Ethel Mertz: That's it! We'll put your head in the oven!
Lucy Ricardo: Oh fine.
Ethel Mertz: Well, don't you like the idea?
Lucy Ricardo: It's great. Why don't you stick an apple in my mouth and barbecue me?

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Ethel Mertz: All Fred's taste is in his mouth.

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Ethel Mertz: Fred, I'm sorry I said you were a dumb bunny.
Fred Mertz: And I'm sorry you're so fat you sat on my glasses and broke'em.

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Ethel Mertz: Gee, this high altitude sure gives me an appetite.
Fred Mertz: What's your excuse at sea level?

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Ethel Mertz: I refuse to go anywhere with someone who thinks I am a hippopotamus.
Ricky Ricardo: Lucy, is this true?
Lucy Ricardo: No, I just implied that she was a little hippy... though she has got the biggest potamus I've ever seen.

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Ethel Mertz: If I let my hair go like that you'd never let me hear the end of it.
Fred Mertz: Honeybunch, if the rest of you looked like that I wouldn't care if you were bald.

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Ethel Mertz: Imagine me meeting a Queen face to face, I'm scared.
Fred Mertz: You're scared? Think of the Queen.

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Ethel Mertz: Let's let Ms. Trumble get a load of us.

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Ethel Mertz: Oh, Lucy, I know you're not going to move, but if you ever do move, don't move.

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Ethel Mertz: Rome wasn't built in a day.
Fred Mertz: Well, Rome wasn't built like you either.

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Ethel Mertz: There's lots of things you're good at.
Lucy Ricardo: Like what?
Ethel Mertz: Well, you're awfully good at... uh... You've always been great at...
Lucy Ricardo: Those are the same ones Ricky came up with.

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Ethel Mertz: Three!
Lucy Ricardo: Two!
Ethel Mertz: One! One cent hamburgers.
Fred Mertz: Ethel, are you out of your mind?
Ethel Mertz: Well I thought this could get'em.
Fred Mertz: One cent hamburgers.
Customer: [Gives Ethel one dollar] I'd like a 100 hamburgers.

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Ethel Mertz: What are you writing about?
Lucy Ricardo: I'm writing about things I know.
Ethel Mertz: That won't be a novel that will be a short story

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Ethel Mertz: Where you afraid you'd lose me?
Fred Mertz: I'll say, that outfit you're wearing is rented.

TV Show: I Love Lucy

Ethel: Common sense has nothing to do with it. When I say he's wrong, hes wrong.

TV Show: I Love Lucy