Gossip Girl Quotes

[cut to Bart placing a necklace on Lily, holding her close.]

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Gossip Girl: ...others surface, only to be buried away deeper than they were before.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
[cut back to Blair on steps of the Capitale]

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Gossip Girl: ...but the most powerful secrets are the truths you thought you could never reveal...

TV Show: Gossip Girl
[cut to Serena and Poppy, then back to Blair]

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Gossip Girl: ...but once spoken, change everything. But don't worry, B, the brightest stars burn out the fastest, or at least that's what I heard. Waiting for a star to fall. x o x o. Gossip Girl

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Dan: I know we dont like eachother, you think im a boring sheltered nobody...
Chuck: I dont think of you
Dan: All right, of course you dont, but i 've been thinking of me... And i 've come to the conclusion that i need to get out of my comfort zone, I need to experience new things...
Chuck: Are you gay???

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Chuck: We both know you'll do it again. It's just a question of when.
Blair: The answer is never.
Chuck: We're inevitable, Waldorf.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Chuck: Dance with me.
Blair: What's the point, Chuck? We're never gonna be them. You said so, remember? It's not for us.
Chuck: Maybe, but I wouldn't change us, not if it meant losing what we have.
Blair: Well, what do we have, Chuck? You tell me.
Chuck: Tonight. So shut up, and dance with me.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Blair: Chuck! Stop! Don't go, or if you have to leave, let me come with you.
Chuck: I appreciate your concern.
Blair: No, you don't. You don't appreciate anything today, but I don't care.Whatever you are going through, I want to be there for you.
Chuck: We have talked about this. You are not my girlfriend.
Blair: But I am me, and you are you. We're Chuck and Blair, Blair and Chuck. The worst thing you've ever done, the darkest thought you've ever had, I will stand by you through anything.
Chuck: Why would you do that?
Blair: Because I love you.
Chuck: Well, that's too bad.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Blair: Only a masochist could ever love such a narcissist.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Gossip Girl: One thing about being on the top of the world.. it gives you a long, long way to fall.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Jack: Chuck, your father wouldn't want this.
Chuck: Fortunately, all I know is what he didn't want.. which is me.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Chuck: I'm Chuck Bass!...No one cares.
Blair: I do! Don't you understand? I'll always be here, I don't want you going anywhere, I couldn't bear it. So whatever you wanna do to yourself, please don't do that to me. Please!

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Blair: Your dad left you a letter? You have to read it.
Nate: Yeah, aren't you curious as to what it says?
Chuck: I think I can guess. "You're a disappointment of a son. I'd die of embarrassment if I wasn't already. Why do you wear so much purple?"

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Blair: (to Chuck) I believed in you. Your father believed in you. You're the only one that didn't. All I wanted to do is just be there but today when you called me your wife, made it sound like the ugliest word in the world.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Lawyer: Now Charles, your Uncle Jack Bass is your closest living relative and, as such, has been named as your legal guardian. Are you comfortable with this?
Chuck: (to Jack) Curfew?
Jack: None.
Chuck: Girls sleeping over?
Jack: Yes, please.
Chuck: I'll allow it.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Gossip Girl: But every once in a while the fate smiles upon you and you get the one thing you really need.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
[Lily and Rufus are kissing]:
Eric: I would say "get a room", but yours is right above mine. Please try to remember that.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Lily: (about Jack) The bastard is untouchable.
Chuck: What shall we do?
Lily: Time to get dirty. I'm all yours.
Chuck: Let me educate you.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Chuck: If your people don't come up with anything, maybe we can try number 26.
Lily: "Crash Jack in plane." The Bass jet is kind of expensive, Charles.
Chuck: There's insurance.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Penelope: This is madness !

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Blair: No ! This is Constance !

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Chuck: The Ultimate Private Gentleman's club. I walked through this door and it was...
Vanessa: the Chuck Bass' version of Narnia?

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Blair: When the truth fails you, you have no choice but to abandon it. Make something up, idiots! With friends like these, who needs friends.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Blair: Ladies, you can get your tiny brains to rest. Once again the world has proven - anything you can do, I can do better.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Gossip Girl: Shakespeare says, "All's well that ends well". And sometimes, it just ends.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Gossip Girl: In life, as in art, some endings are bittersweet. Especially when it comes to love. Sometimes fate throws two lovers together only to rip them apart. Sometimes the hero finally makes the right choice but the timing is all wrong. And, as they say, timing is everything.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Blair: I realized that while we can't tear out a single page of our life, we can throw the whole book in the fire.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Chuck: This isn't you!
Blair: How do you know?
Chuck: Because I know you better than I know myself!

TV Show: Gossip Girl