Gossip Girl Quotes

Chuck: Hard way is the only way.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Serena: That baby right there, he’s gonna grow up to be smarter than the rest of them, that would make him feel like an outsider…
Dan: oh really? Well… You see that baby there? She’s gonna grow up to have fabulous hair, and a great smile, but her daddy issues are gonna make it really hard for her to trust people.
Serena: you wanna take a walk?
Dan: yeah
Georgina: And this baby is gonna do somethings to make all the other babies hate her.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Chuck: Excuse my confusion I didn’t expect to see you tonight… of ever again…
Blair: Sorry I was so late
Chuck: I waited
Blair: Dorota went in to labor, she had her baby, I wasn’t going to show up, I was resolved not to, every bone try to slow me, every voice in my head screamed don’t…
Chuck: but…
Blair: …but I didn’t listen, I followed my heart because I love you, I can’t deny that our path has been complicated, but in the end love makes everything simple…

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Jenny: I wanted to wait, I wanted it to be special…

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Blair: …this night is perfect
Chuck: oh… there’s one thing that would make it even better… I’m so sorry, for the pain I cause you, and I know that I can't take it back but I want to make it up to you, even if it takes me the rest of my life… Blair, will you….

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Blair: HUMPREY, what are you doing?... have you lost your mind? What the hell are you doing?
Dan: you, tell her
Blair: tell me what? What’s going on?.... [Looks at Jenny and Dan and understands] you didn’t
Chuck: Blair…
Blair: you did…. [To Jenny] You, get out of here now, and not just out of this hospital but off this island, go and never come back, cause if you ever set one foot in Manhattan ever again, I’ll know and I’ll destroy you.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Blair : Morning! Oh, I see the moving in went well!
Chuck : Hey Blair.
Nate : Blair..
Chuck : Excuse the mess. How was dinner? Did you and Serena worked things out?
Blair : Oh no, she took off immediatly, thank God. Then I had to relieve her for mentor duties. Is that pole artist wearing my agent provocator corset?
Chuck : ...
Blair : Just make sure she's careful under the high hooks, they pinch. I just came to grab a dress for tonight! (goes to the other room)
Chuck : The last time I saw blair that freakishly calm...
Nate : ...Was when Serena left for boarding school.
Chuck : And you know as well as I do, the calm won't last. And when it breaks, there are going to be pieces of Blair all over the wall. And I really don't want to clean up that mess.
Nate : What is she and Serena fighting about this time?
Chuck : Basically, how each one loves the other more than the other loves her. (goes to her bag, takes and hides her phone).
Nate : Can you even fight about that?
Blair : You might want to ring house keeping. Chocolate leaves a stain! Toodles!!

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Blair: Just because you're dressed poorly doesn't mean you're not Chuck Bass.
Chuck: Why would I wanna be him ?
Blair: You should have told me you got shot.
Chuck: I'm Surprised you didn't shoot me yourself.
Blair: I have. Many times. In my dreams. The good ones.. But if you were really hurt, i would wanna know.
Chuck: When I woke up, my ID was gone. Nobody knew who I was, nobody was coming to look for me. I realized that I might be alive but Chuck Bass doesn't have to be.
Blair: Changing your name doesn't change who you are.
Chuck: It's a good start. A chance to live simply, earn people's respect. Maybe become a person someone could love.
Blair: Someone did love you. And you owe it to her and everyone else you are leaving behind not to run away, which is what you're doing. And I don't think that great man you're talking about wanting to be.. is a coward. I think he would face up to what he did.
Chuck: I destroyed the only thing I ever loved.
Blair: I don't love you anymore. But it takes more than even You to destroy Blair Waldorf.
Chuck: Your world would be easier if i didn't come back.
Blair: That's true. But it wouldn't be my world without you in it.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Gossip Girl: Any time the rules change you don't know how they change you.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Chuck: I know what you did Blair. It was despicable even for you. Do you hate me so much you can't stand to see me happy?
Blair: No!
Chuck: So why did you drive the person I care most about out of town?
Blair: Eva left? Chuck, I never meant to--
Chuck: Make her leave me? Of course you did. I need to know why. Is it possible you still love me?
Blair: How could I still love you after what you did?
Chuck: So you did it just to hurt me. Eva made me into someone I was proud to be. You just brought back my worst self. This means war Blair.
Blair: Chuck.
Chuck: Me versus you. No limits.

TV Show: Gossip Girl
Gossip Girl: Looks like the battle between Brooklyn and Uppear East Side has finally come to a head. Word has it: Lonely Boy and Golden Boy both declared their love. They gave Cinderena up to midnight to decide. That Carolina Herrera dress makes her look like an angel but this decision is demonic... and the forces of evil are just getting started.

TV Show: Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl: Speak of the devil and he doth appear - wearing his trademark scarf. Careful, B, hell hath no fury like a Chuck Bass scorned.

TV Show: Gossip Girl

Blair Waldorf: 3 words, 8 letters. Say it and I'm yours.

TV Show: Gossip Girl

Chuck Bass: I'm Chuck Bass.

TV Show: Gossip Girl