Glee Quotes

Rachel: Are you saying you want to be carried in in a giant egg?
Lauren: [whispers to Mercedes and Mercedes smiles] We'll get back to you.

TV Show: Glee
Santana: The truth about what?
Karofsky: None of your business, J Lo.
Santana: First of all, anything you do became my business when you decided to toss that slushie up in my grill.
Karofsky: I think I can take a couple of queers and a girl.
Santana: Ha. See here's whats gonna go down. Two choices: You stay here and I crack one of your nuts—right or left, that's your choice. Or you walk away and live to be a douchebag another day. Oh, and also, I have razor blades hidden in my hair. [gestures to her hair] Yeah, just all up in here.
Karofsky: [reluctantly walks away]
Blaine: We could have handled that.
Santana: It was more fun doing it together.

TV Show: Glee
Finn: What's that saying? The show's gotta go all over the place or something.
Rachel: You mean the show's got to go on.

TV Show: Glee
Jacob: Technology allows us to be brutally cruel without suffering any consequences.

TV Show: Glee
Sandy: You just got poked. Poked by the Pink Dagger.

TV Show: Glee
Mercedes: I just don't get it, why are you a bigger star than me?

TV Show: Glee
Santana: Hold up, could we all just get real here for a second? I hear that Rachel has a bit of a schnoz. I mean I wouldn't know because like Medusa I try to avoid eye contact with her. But can we all just stop lying about how there aren't things we don't want to change about ourselves? I'm sure that Sam has been at the doctor's office and riffled through pamphlets on mouth reductions. I'll bet Artie's thought about getting his legs removed since he's not really using them anyway. And I'm definitely sure Tina has looked into eye de-slanting.
Tina: That's extraordinarily racist.
Santana: Just keeping it real.
Tina: Sorry Santana, I'm a beautiful person. I'm in love with myself and I would never change a thing.
Mike: Is that why you're wearing blue contacts today, Tina? [whispers] Self hating Asian.
Tina: Not too many Asian sex symbols, Mike. I'm just trying to mirror what I see in magazines.
Finn: My dancing kind of bothers me. It almost killed Rachel but I like the way I look.
Santana: Oh please. You have weird puffy pyramid nipples.
Sam: [tries to look at Finn's nipples]
FInn: [slaps Sam's hand away]
Santana: They look like they're filled with custard. Or you could dust them off with powdered sugar and pass it off as some sort of dessert. Look, maybe Rachel is fine with having an enormous beak. Maybe she needs it to crack hard seeds. All I'm saying is if you look in the mirror and you don't like what you see, you should change it.

TV Show: Glee
Mercedes: At this school the thing that makes you different is the thing that people use to crush your spirit.

TV Show: Glee
Santana: I'm a closet lesbian and a judgemental bitch, which means one thing. I have awesome gay-dar.

TV Show: Glee
Santana: I gotta gay--go. Go-- I gotta go.

TV Show: Glee
Emma: I was born this way. Hooray. Hooray! Hooray!

TV Show: Glee
Quinn: [hanging up posters]
Lauren: [watching Quinn] There's our future queen, a size two teenage dream.
Puck: You know what? We're going to change that.
Lauren: How?
Puck: Baby, you're gonna get that crown. And I'm gonna be your king.

TV Show: Glee
Rachel: Thanks for doing this.
Quinn: I'm surprised more girls haven't asked me. My nose looks awesome. I can totally count on your vote right?
Rachel: Yeah. Tot...totally.
Quinn: [goes back to reading her magazine]
Rachel: So, what's it like? [Quinn turns to Rachel] Looking like you look.
Quinn: I pretty much have a warped sense of the world. Being a hot seventeen year old you can get away with or do pretty much anything you want so I kind of always assumed that people were nice and accommodating.

TV Show: Glee
Lauren: Who you are inside and who you pretend to be to the rest of the world? They're two different people.

TV Show: Glee
Santana: You really need to be more careful with your leering.
Karofsky: I was just checking out what kind of jeans he was wearing.
Santana: Like that's any less gay.

TV Show: Glee
Santana: Look, I'm not ready to start eating jicama or get a flat top yet, either. Maybe in junior college

TV Show: Glee
Karofsky: All I can say is that Santana has really helped me to see the light. She showed me all these stories on-line about kids jumping off of bridges and hanging themselves because they were being bullied so bad. I couldn't believe someone could make another person feel that awful. But she helped me accept that I was one of those bad people, and I don't want to be any more.

TV Show: Glee
Kurt: A Latina Eve Harrington. Okay if you are going to be gay, you simply must know who that is.

TV Show: Glee
Kurt: I don't believe in denying who you are, but I don't believe in outing either.

TV Show: Glee
Mercedes: Well guys, [looks at her watch] it's noon. Which means, it's official.
Sam: What's official?
Kurt: My transfer! Kurt Hummel is back at McKinley!

TV Show: Glee
Kurt: [to Blaine] I'll never say goodbye to you.

TV Show: Glee
Quinn: That’s me. My middle name is Quinn, I stopped going by Lucy because kids made up a mean nickname, Lucy Caboosey. I hated the way I looked. I had zits, I was chubby. I felt terrible about myself. I didn’t have friends. Nobody would talk to me. I was the only kid at school who had to dissect their own frog because nobody would be my lab partner. And then I joined ballet, lost a little bit of weight, found out I was athletic and joined gymnastics and cheer-leading, went on proactive for my acne, and when my dad got transferred he got a raise, and I asked him if I could get a nose job, and he said yes, and I asked them to call me Quinn. I love myself, and that's why I did all those things. I’ve been that girl, and I’m never going back. I was a miserable little girl. And now I’m gonna be prom queen.

TV Show: Glee
Quinn: I respect you. I had to get a nose job and go on a crazy diet to walk around this school like I own it and you just do it.
Lauren: I have to admit. I have considered going blonde.

TV Show: Glee
Santana: Legend has it, right after I was born, I told the nurse she was fat.

TV Show: Glee
Brittany: Because you're Lebanese and I'm bi-curious?

TV Show: Glee
Brittany: I do love you. Clearly you don't love you, as much as I do, otherwise you'd put that shirt on and dance with me.

TV Show: Glee
Rachel: Hey.
Sam: Why are you talking to me?
Rachel: Can't I say hello?
Sam: I guess, it's just, Santana told me never to speak alone with you because you would try to steal all of my gold.

TV Show: Glee
Sam: Hey, you got a lot of nerve accusing me of cheating when you're the one who snuck in and stole my girl!

TV Show: Glee
Artie: God, Brittany, why are you so stupid?
Brittany: [shocked and begins to cry] You were the only person in school who didn't call me that.

TV Show: Glee
Brittany: I'm so sad, like a sad little panda.

TV Show: Glee