Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy Quotes

Old Jonny: She still got it, huh, Eddy?
Old Eddy: Got what? Liver spots? I can't take this anymore! [Trips Over] Ow! My hip!

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
Old Rolf: Hello, Kevin.
Old Eddy: Huh? I'm not Kevin.
Old Rolf: Who is this Kevin you speak of? (changes subject) ROLF'S TRACTOR IS NOT FOR SALE!

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
Old Ed: You remember the funniest things, Eddy. Like... uh I forget.
Old Eddy: It was all just stories? Memories from the past? We really are old!

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
[Edd is stuck at his desk, sat between Ed and Eddy. This goes on during the math, woodwork, geography and cooking classes. Ed and Eddy then close in on Edd one minute before the final bell]
Edd[to his cooking teacher]: Pardon me, sir. But may I be excused to the restroom? [pause for response] Thank you.
[Edd leaves the class in an attempt to get a head start]
Eddy[incoherently]: Suckerpunch!
[Edd runs toward the door]
Edd: Now to get to the outside before the final bell!!
[The final bell rings before he could even get outside. He is then stood on by other kids]
Jonny[to Plank]: Race ya home, buddy! [laughter]
Lee Kanker: Meat Loaf Monday, girls!
Marie Kanker: Last one home peels mom's bunyans!
May Kanker: No bunyans for me. I'm on a diet.

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
[Ed and Eddy are about ambush Edd from the school's main entrance, only to have caught Rolf]
Ed[after getting Rolf with the net]: Got him, Eddy!good for me!
Eddy: You idiot!! Does this look like Double D?
[Ed looks closely at Rolf's face before dropping his net]
Ed: Hmm. Maybe with a hat?
[Eddy shoves his cone through Ed's head before looking closely at the entrance door to see if Edd's still inside]
Rolf[carrying his bag]: Double D Ed-boy? Err, I am an innocent son of a shepard. I know nothing. Goodbye.
[Rolf's bag breaks open, causing his typewriter to fall out. Edd comes out of the typewriter like a sheet of paper]
Eddy: IT'S THE RAT!!

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
[Edd attempts to escape Ed and Eddy via Kevin's bike. However, he puts off Sarah and Jimmy from their after-school carnival in the lane]
Eddy: GIVE US THOSE REPORT CARDS!! [They see Edd cycle the opposite way] That-a-way, Ed!
Ed[turning his head]: Which-a-way, Eddy?
[Eddy notices Sarah approaching]
[Sarah is seen, angrilly heading toward Ed and Eddy]
Ed: Sarah no good for Ed, Eddy!
[Ed turns around, much to the cost of the fence]
Eddy: GO, LUMPY, GO!!
[Edd continues cycling, only to be caught by Kevin]
Kevin: Any last words before I pound ya?!
[Eddy and Ed catch Edd, also running over Kevin and Sarah]
Ed: Beep-beep!
Eddy: End of the road, Mr. Do-Gooder!! Hand over those report cards!! [Edd gets an umbrella from his satchel and hooks it onto a tree branch. And in the process, leaving Ed and Eddy crushed by the tree. They then break out of the debris, only to see Edd flying off via umbrella] How'd he do that?
Ed[tearful]: He's too smart for us, Eddy!![Ed blows his nose on Eddy like a tissue] We'll never catch him.
[Ed drops Eddy]
Eddy: Don't count your biscuits before they hatch, Lumpy! Sock-head may be smart, but he's weak. And he'll never deliver those report cards... ALIVE!!!
[Eddy gives a sinister cackle before receiving a big hug from Ed]

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
[Edd safely lands in the construction site, but as he progresses on, he sees a giant hole created by Ed and Eddy]
Eddy[to Ed]: Deadly-Do-The-Right-Thing doesn't stand a chance. It's brawn over brains, I tell ya! [to Edd once he sees him] A-HA! You're trapped!! There's no escaping now, Smart guy!! Hand over those report cards!! [Edd makes an odd face at the audience before taking a left turn to avoid their pit] He's getting away!!
Ed[still digging]: Dig a hole! Dig a hole! Dig a hole! Dig a hole! Dig a hole! Dig a hole!
[Eddy kicks Ed in the rear]
[Ed lands on top of Eddy. As for Edd, he makes it out of the construction site, but is soon blocked by the Kankers' trailer, set up by both Ed and Eddy]
Eddy[tangled in the antenna above the trailer]: Just like our report cards, you've failed!

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
Eddy: You're probably just growing a brain there, lumpy.

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
Edd: This isn't possible! (a 'piece' of the sky falls)
Eddy: Ed was Right, The Sky IS Falling!
Ed: Thank you very Much.
Eddy: (The sky starts to break) So, now what do we do.
Edd: I'm afraid we're just about to find out, Eddy.
(The Eds fall)

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
Edd[sweating as Lee advances]: Perhaps a quiet perusal of this book, so that you too can discover the wonders of egg hatching for yourself?
Lee[looming closer]: Sweet talking won't get you everywhere!

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
[The Kankers are in their trailer eating meat loaf for dinner, despite May's being stolen by Marie, then by Lee. Edd comes through, without looking at the Kankers]
Edd: I'm sorry! I hope you're decent! Pardon me! Excuse me!
[Ed and Eddy also come through]
Eddy: Get back here, you watery little...! [Eddy turns his attention to the Kankers after Lee Kanker trips him over] Hey! What's with you?
Lee: Looks like desert showed up just in time, girls!
Marie[refering to Eddy]: Shortcake, my fave.
May[refering to Ed]: And the tall milkshake.
[Edd escapes through the window whilst Ed and Eddy face kisses from the Kankers]

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
[Edd returns to the Cul-de-Sac, exhausted from escaping Ed and Eddy]
Edd: Tired, so tired. [Edd collapses onto the pavement] I can't go on. [Edd sees Eddy's house] Oh, so close. [Edd gets back up] I must! I will! I shall! [Edd makes it to the door and raises his voice toward Ed and Eddy] I COMMEND YOUR EFFORTS, GENTLEMEN! BUT AS ALWAYS, THE SANCTUM OF EDUCATION CHAMPIONS THE DAY!
[Edd is about to knock on the door, but Ed and Eddy bust the door open from the other side]
Eddy: Who's the smart guy, now, huh?! [Eddy snatches Edd's satchel for the report cards, but can't find them] What the...?! Where did the report cards go?!
[A bugle is then heard, and it's the Urban Rangers]
Jimmy: Congratulations, Ranger Rolf, on your task well complete. It is an honor I present to you the "Report Card Delivery" Badge!
[Jimmy awards the badge to Rolf]
Rolf: Yes, thank you, very good, thank you, thank you. [Rolf looks to the sky, giving the Urban Ranger salute] Rolf is pleased!
Eddy: Our report cards?
Edd: Oh, honestly, I feel sick about all this, but when the principal chose me for this responsibility, I had no other recourse but to accept, and to save you being upset for your own good.
[Eddy is about to get his hands on Edd, only to be caught by his father]
Eddy: Dad!?! Wait! Err, the grades are in Greek this year. I'll be good. I SWEAR!!
[Ed, sat in a puddle of his own tears, is then caught by the ear by his mother]
Ed: Uh-oh. [tearful] No AUNTIE for Ed. MOMMY! NO AUNTIE FOR ED!!
Edd[picking up his bag]: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. I suppose some lessons just have to be learned the hard way.
[Edd is stopped in his tracks by Kevin, who has his broken bike with him]
Kevin: Ain't that the

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
Ed: Zapity Zap Zap!

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
Ed: (while spinning) We were standing next to a... hole in the wall... right after a big... boom, remember?

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
Eddy: This ain't the hole!
Ed: Oh, yes it is. Me and Double-D were here, and Eddy, you were here.

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
Edd: Weren't we just here?
Eddy: I think Ed flashed us backwards or something.
Ed: You bet your sweet bippy I did. (Eddy throws bolwing ball at Ed's face)

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
Ed: Run away! Face-sucking bowling ball!

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
Ed: Eddy! The belly is evil! The belly is cruel! [Eddy throws a alarm clock at Ed]

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
Ed: [reads the comic]: They have dragged our comerades to their lair to be...de-skulled!
[The friends scream]

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
[Bad weather has struck in the cul-de-sac]
Nazz: What's with this weird weather?

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
[Jonny attempts to tell Sarah and Jimmy how babies (birds) are born. Jonny then feeds Jimmy a worm]
Jimmy: I swallowed a wiggly!
Sarah: JONNY, YOU IDIOT!! [Jonny, along with Sarah, Jimmy and the nest, all fall into Rolf's back garden] THAT'S IT! YOU'RE PULP!!
[Sarah fights Jonny, then Rolf comes out]
Rolf: Stop! Have you gone crazy?! [Rolf comes over to break up the fight] What's the meaning of this que-cera-cera?
Sarah[pointing at Jonny]: fat-head made Jimmy eat a worm!

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
Ed: If I may reirritate ["Reitterate"], babies come from storks!!

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
[Ed flies carrying Eddy and dropping him into a chimney. Ed starts wailing like a baby upon landing inside the house]
Ed: There, screeching like a baby. Sure, does it stink when I'm right?
[Edd grabs a chair in concearn]
Edd: Ed. How did you do that?
Ed: What? This, Double D? [Ed flaps his arms, but falls to the ground] Yep, my head's still on, Double D.
Eddy[off-screen]: ED!!

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
[Rolf clobbers Ed with his staff] : Rolf: NEVER AGAIN YOU SHALL TORMENT ROLF'S LIFESTOCK! [Rolf runs out of the school, screaming] ROLF WILL HAVE HIS REVENGE!!
[Ed teeters and falls to the ground hard. Eddy laughs histerically.]
Edd: [Runs to a beaten Ed on the floor] Dear Ed, are you alright?
Ed: [With tears] Rolf hits me with an umbrella, Double D! [Hugs Double D]

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
Ed: Yeah Eddy! The School will tell Sarah, and she'll tell Mom, and Mom will tell Dad, AND DAD WILL JUST SIT THERE AND WATCH TV!!!

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
[Edd has refused to partake in Eddy's plan of breaking out of school]
Eddy: Oh yes you do, or Ed here will write your locker combination on the girls' bathroom wall.
Edd: You wouldn't dare!!
[Ed then sharpens a pencil using his mouth]

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
Ed: A hamburger by any other name would be just as cheesy.

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
Jonny: Wow! Are you guys bus boys or something?
Eddy: Jonny, quick! (grabs Jonny, points over fence) Oh, look, Kevin's being attacked by a rabid rake!
Kevin is shown raking leaves, obviously oblivious to the Eds' antics.
Jonny: (exasperated) Holy mackerel, Plank! Kevin's in trouble! (yelled to Kevin) Watch out for those teeth!
Jonny jumps over fence and attacks Kevin's rake.
Jonny: Take that!
Kevin: (annoyed) Unbelieveable!
Jonny: Grab his feet, Plank!
Meanwhile, the Eds take advantage of this distraction and jump into Kevin's pile of leaves.
Eddy: (laughs) Geronimo!
Eddy jumps into the leaves first. Followed by Ed, who drags Edd along with him. Then, Kevin spots them.
Eddy and Ed: (running away, scattering leaves) Run away!
Kevin: I'm on to ya, dorks! Try that again, and I'll pound ya!
Edd: (with his back to Kevin) Oh, of all the- (turns around) Oh, my goodness! My apologies once again, Kevin. (runs away)
Jonny appears from off-screen and tackles Kevin.
Jonny: WE'LL SAVE YA KEV!!!!

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy
Rolf: Listen to Rolf carefully, brick shy of a full load Ed boy!
Ed: That's me!
Rolf: And watch the chickens, as they do not like to be seperated, except for Bridget, who prefers solitude.
Eddy: What's with Rolf's Von stupid clothes?
Ed: Rolf's gotta go to a family reunion and I, Ed, am responsible for his favorite furry friends.
Eddy: Hahahah! Your're kidding, right?

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy