Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy Quote

[Edd attempts to escape Ed and Eddy via Kevin's bike. However, he puts off Sarah and Jimmy from their after-school carnival in the lane]
Eddy: GIVE US THOSE REPORT CARDS!! [They see Edd cycle the opposite way] That-a-way, Ed!
Ed[turning his head]: Which-a-way, Eddy?
[Eddy notices Sarah approaching]
[Sarah is seen, angrilly heading toward Ed and Eddy]
Ed: Sarah no good for Ed, Eddy!
[Ed turns around, much to the cost of the fence]
Eddy: GO, LUMPY, GO!!
[Edd continues cycling, only to be caught by Kevin]
Kevin: Any last words before I pound ya?!
[Eddy and Ed catch Edd, also running over Kevin and Sarah]
Ed: Beep-beep!
Eddy: End of the road, Mr. Do-Gooder!! Hand over those report cards!! [Edd gets an umbrella from his satchel and hooks it onto a tree branch. And in the process, leaving Ed and Eddy crushed by the tree. They then break out of the debris, only to see Edd flying off via umbrella] How'd he do that?
Ed[tearful]: He's too smart for us, Eddy!![Ed blows his nose on Eddy like a tissue] We'll never catch him.
[Ed drops Eddy]
Eddy: Don't count your biscuits before they hatch, Lumpy! Sock-head may be smart, but he's weak. And he'll never deliver those report cards... ALIVE!!!
[Eddy gives a sinister cackle before receiving a big hug from Ed]

TV Show: Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy


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