Charmed Quotes

Phoebe(talking on the phone with Piper): Okay, you put the jack under the jeep and then put the handle in the base and ratchet it up and down, okay? It's very easy.
Piper: Handle. Handle. I don't think I got a handle. Wait, there's a long wooden spoon in the back.
Phoebe: (talking to Prue) That's not gonna work. She's looking for a long wooden spoon.

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: (talking on the phone with Piper) Piper, you're stranded and you're all alone, and the only thing you have to protect yourself with is a wooden spoon that's broken.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: No problem... for I bear the power of.... One.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: Oh, my God, that's a lot of blood.
Prue: Hey, sweetie.
Phoebe: Oh, my God! Are you okay?
Piper: Yeah, I'm fine. If I pass out and I need a transfusion, I'm AB negative. It's very rare. It could be a problem.
Andy: Try not to look at it. And just so you know, I'm AB negative too. Plus, I love good food. Perfect donor.

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: You really wanna work at Bucklands with me?
Phoebe: When opportunity knocks, I answer the door.
Prue: The job is very demanding. Auctions can be stressful.
Phoebe: I love a challenge.
Prue: We work pretty long hours.
Phoebe: Overtime is my friend. Plus, I just thought of something else. With my premonitions, I might just be able to get you the straight dope. Without a trip to the office water cooler.
Prue: Don't push it.
Phoebe: Right. So, what do you think?
Prue: Can you start tomorrow?
Phoebe: Yes. Hey, can you give me a ride?

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: Nothing. This is just the same crap I've already seen.
Prue: I tried Andy's cell phone, no answer.
Phoebe: We can't find anything about revearsing the Wendigo thing.
Prue: Well, there's got to be something. Oh, didn't you check this at the bottom of the page? "c.f. Desiderata."
Phoebe: Yeah, like we're supposed to know what that means.
Prue: Well, it means "conferred desiderata." It's Latin for "look up things that are yearned for."
Piper: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're so very smart.
Prue: Piper.
Piper: Don't Piper me. Just shut up!

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: But we might have to confine you until we get back. So tie you down, I guess.
Piper: No! Go to hell!
Prue: Do we have any chains?
Phoebe: I actually think I have something. (walks in with handcuffs)
Prue: Where did you get the--? Never mind.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper (under the influence of the Wendigo): Back off. What? Do you think I can't walk now?
Phoebe: Honey, we're just trying to help you.
Piper : Help me. You can't even hold a job.
Prue: Okay. Now wait a minute, Piper.
Piper: Oh, save it. Do you always have to be in charge? (Prue and Phoebe look at each other, confused)
Piper: (normal) I'm so sorry. What's happening to me?

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: ...besides, that's your world, I need to find one of my own.
Prue: You will.
Piper: Just stay out of my world or I'll kill you!
(Phoebe frowns and Prue stares at her confused, Piper starts getting up)
Piper: Just kidding, it's a joke!

TV Show: Charmed
Andy: What would you do if you were in my shoes?
Prue: First of all, no one should ever be in those shoes.

TV Show: Charmed
Leo: Oh, well, I thought I'd tell her that, uh, you know, as much as I love her and as much as I would like to stay in San Francisco, I can't, a-and I don't know how long my work will keep me away.
Phoebe: No, no. What you just said was as much as you would love to stay and have sex with her, you have a wife and kids in another part of the country. Try again.
Leo: Uh... [chuckles] Piper, um, you know how much you mean to me, and more than anything, I wish things can work out, but, they can't... and no one is more sorry than me.
Phoebe: [shakes her head] Translation? I found someone I like even better.
Leo: I'm completely confused.
Phoebe: Look, Leo, it's not that complicated. Okay, um, just avoid the following: We can still hang out; I don't deserve you... yet; I need more "me time" before we can have "we time" [makes air quotes], and my personal favorite: It's not you, it's me. And whatever you do, do not start of the conversation with "we need to talk", other than that you'll do fine.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper (about Leo): It just seemed like he wasn't telling me the whole story, like he had some secret he was afraid I couldn't handle.
Phoebe: Well, that's his call. Assuming that he had a secret. Might not have.
Piper: What are you talking about?
Phoebe: Ok, ok, you don't have to beat it out of me. Leo is a whitelighter. They're sort of guardian angels for witches. And they're not supposed to get involved with witches, but Leo couldn't help it. He fell in love with you, and that broke all the rules and got him in all sorts of trouble. And even though he'll love you forever, you will probably never see him again.
Piper: What? Phoebe, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Oh, God. Don't be so silly.
Phoebe: That's me, silly.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: And looky here, miss Phoebe's diaries...
Phoebe: The place where I kept all my secrets...

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: What?
Prue: The place where you kept your secrets?
(Phoebe nods)
Piper: Phoebe, you could never keep a secret...
Phoebe: Oh, that is so not true.

TV Show: Charmed
Leo: In the meantime, you must help me keep my secret or I can get into trouble, ok? Piper and Prue can never know what I really am.
Phoebe: Me keep a secret? Hello, wrong Halliwell!

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: You're the only Halliwell that actually likes earthquakes.
Prue: I don't like them, but I don't go running through the house naked screaming "run for your life" either.
Phoebe: Okay. That is such an exaggeration. I was wearing slippers.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: I can handle it all myself. It’s me, the culinary pachyderm.

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: I am light,
I am one too strong to fight,
Return to dark where shadows dwell,
You can not have this Halliwell.
Go away and leave my sight,
And take with you this endless night.

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: You know, someday you might actually hear yourself say stuff like that.
Phoebe: Yes, and I will find myself sassy and delightful.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: I don't know. Maybe only one set of us can have powers at the same time in the same time.
Prue: Thank you Mr Spock.

TV Show: Charmed
Grams: It was doomed from the start. You never even took his last name!
Patty: You wouldn't let me.
Grams: Well that's beside the point.

TV Show: Charmed
Grams: What was the name of my husband?
Prue: Which husband?

TV Show: Charmed
Grams: Oh Patty, I just KNEW I'd deliver the Charmed Ones.
[Patty makes a face]
Grams: Oh, well, once removed of course...

TV Show: Charmed
Little Prue: You’re pretty.
Prue: So are you.
Piper: Oh, give me a break.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: I’m supposed to throw out perfectly good flowers just because they came from a creep? If that was the rule, we would never have flowers.

TV Show: Charmed
Grams: What's the secret ingredient in my blueberry cobbler?
Piper: Honey, and a splash of rum.

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: Hey, um, you can sleep in my room and I'll sleep with Piper.
Brendan: Why?
Prue: Because Phoebe kicks.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: : (peeks into the hall) It's clear.
(Piper walks out, followed by Phoebe, then Prue, then Brendan in his vestments. As they are walking, Greg and Paul come out from around a corner.)
Greg: You betrayed us, little brother. I'm very disappointed.
Brendan: Leave them out of this, Greg.
Greg: You're protecting witches now?! You make me sick!
Piper: Prue?
Prue: Now!
(Piper tries to freeze Greg, but he raises a force field around him. Phoebe picks up Brendan's knife and throws it at Greg, but Greg raises a force field around him and it bounces off. Prue tries to throw them into the wall, but it has no effect due to the force fields.)
Greg: No, not this time. I'm ready for you. (picks up the knife) But family first.
Brendan: You want me? Come get me.
(Greg grabs the knife and is ready to throw it, but Paul stops him)
Paul: Greg, wait!
Prue: Brendan, don't let them turn you. Don't use your powers.
Paul: (to Greg) Give him a chance. (turns to Brendan) It's not too late, you can still join us.
Greg: You are either with us or you are against us!
Brendan: Then I'm against you.
Greg: Then you will die. (he throws the knife at Brendan, but Paul jumps in front and the knife goes into him instead) Damn you, Brendan!
Paul: No, Greg. (he pulls the knife out of him) Damn you! (He throws the knife and hits Greg, and both slump over dead)

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: If you were going to lose a guy, it might as will be to the Big Guy.

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: Then what's wrong with being a couple?
Piper: Well, I thought Leo and I were a couple and then we...coupled and he took off.

TV Show: Charmed