Charmed Quotes

Phoebe: Piper, what do you really think about your boss?
Piper: I think he's a self-serving jerk who must have a very small penis...[Piper, Phoebe and Prue all gasp/laugh] Oh my god, I'm gonna be so fired!

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: For those who want the truth revealed,
Opened hearts and secrets unsealed,
From now until it's now again,
After which the memory ends.
Those who are now in this house,
Will hear the truth from other's mouths.

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: She's carrying!
Piper: Carrying what?
Phoebe: A baby! She's pregnant!
Piper: Ohh.
(Piper starts to go towards Tanya)
Phoebe: No, no. She doesn't know yet.
Piper: Oh.

TV Show: Charmed
Leo: Well, I wanted to see you, I just um... I have this really strange feeling that I did something that I should apologize for. Did I?
Piper: No, no. Definitely not. Can I buy you a drink?

TV Show: Charmed
Andy: I don't know. I mean of all the things I thought you were hiding, this was actually nowhere on the list. Does this mean Piper and Phoebe are...
Prue: Yeah. We inherited our powers from Mom and Grams.
Andy: So, when you have kids...
Prue: If they're girls...yes.

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: He had that look... You know what I'm talking about, you might recognize it from the mirror.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: Don't even think of asking me what I think of you right now!

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: Don't you hate turkey?
Hannah: Of course I do, just don't want you to have it.

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: Is there any reason why you are such a bitch to me?
Hannah: Yes, because it's my mission in life to destroy you.

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: Leo, how do you feel about women who make the first move?
Leo: I don't know, I'm still waiting for it to happen.
Piper: Good news.

TV Show: Charmed
Leo: How do you feel about guys who make the second move?
Piper: Love 'em!

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: I'm about to tell my boyfriend that I'm a wi...
Phoebe: ...nner!

TV Show: Charmed
Melinda Warren: How do modern women keep their legs warm?
Prue: We drink coffee.

TV Show: Charmed
Melinda Warren: "To work with One's hands is a great gift."
Leo: Well ... "I am a true laborer. I earn that I eat, get that I wear"
Melinda Warren: "owe no man hate, envy no man's happiness..."
Melinda/Leo: Shakespeare.

TV Show: Charmed
Matthew Tate: If you like what you see, take a look. What's with all this false modesty in this era?
Hannah: Well, it's complicated with all the Women's Rights and sexual harassment...

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: Am I the only one having second thoughts?
Phoebe: Yes.
Prue: We don't really have any others options.
Piper: But aren't we, like, raising the dead? What if she's all..
Phoebe: I read The Book of Shadows very carefully. She will come back as a real live person, flesh and blood. She will have her powers too, our powers. (Phoebe picks up a knife.)
Piper: What's that for?
Phoebe: Well, the spell works by blood calling blood, so it shouldn't hurt.. much. (Phoebe cuts her finger.) I lied, I lied. Okay, come on guys. It'll be just like the summer by the lake. Remember when we made a blood oath to be friends forever, not just sisters? (Prue takes the knife.)
Piper: I remember my finger got infected.
Prue: (Prue cuts her finger.) Ow. Yeah, but the oath worked.
Piper: And I couldn't go in the water for three weeks. (Prue holds out the knife.) Don't hand me that knife.
Prue: How are you gonna cut yourself?
Piper: I'm not.
Phoebe: Piper.
Piper: I can't stand the sight of blood.
Prue: Evil beings have blown up in our attic..
Phoebe: ..Disintegrated to dust right before our very eyes..
Prue: And you're afraid of a little drop of blood?

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: Great, so I'm being hunted by a warlock and the San Francisco P.D.

TV Show: Charmed
Melinda: No, don’t...don’t rip the dress to make it fit me.
Phoebe: Oh, no, no, I’m not ripping it. It’s called a zipper, see?(Phoebe zips up the dress)
Melinda: Oh, a wise witch made this.(Melinda takes the dress off of Phoebe and plays with the zipper)
Phoebe: Yeah, and wise witches in this century keep a low profile. You slip this dress on, you’ll blend right in.

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: You've never asked a guy out before?
Piper: Not on a real date, no
Phoebe: I don't understand. Am I the only person in this family who's inherited the 'take a chance' gene?
Piper: Probably, 'cause if I remember my biology correctly it's attached to the 'can't mind my own business' gene.

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: Somebody must have manipulated me into taking it.
Phoebe: The same way someone manipulated me into being a witness against my own sister!
Darryl: Any idea about what they're talking about?
Andy: Not a clue.

TV Show: Charmed
Andy: Hey, I thought you didn't know my first name.
Darryl: Prue said it.

TV Show: Charmed
Darryl: You have to admit, you stopped seeing Prue for a reason, you thought she was hiding something from you. How do you know she wasn't hiding something like this?
Andy: A secret life of crime? I don't think so.
Darryl: You got a better explanation?

TV Show: Charmed
(After Piper and Leo have spent the night together)
Phoebe: Between you and Leo, and Prue the new-hot-Wicca woman, and me, soon to be employed, things are looking up.
Piper: Don't say that! The moment somebody says that everything always goes south!
Phoebe: Unless you freeze him. Ooh! I couldn't help it, it was so good!

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: Prue was right about Rex, which means I'm dating a warlock!
Piper: Been there, done that!

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: Problems?
Prue: What problems?
Piper: Well, it's been a while since, you know, I-I was a little nervous, and I kinda kept freezing him.
Prue: Piper, you didn't?
Piper: I didn't mean to...the first time.
Phoebe: Oh!

TV Show: Charmed
Piper: I thought you guys were supposed to be shopping.
Prue: Obviously.
Phoebe (points): Oh, look, front-clasped bra. She means business.
Prue: Ooh, serious business.
Piper: (pulls her shirt closed) Do you mind?
Phoebe: No, are you kidding? I think it's great -- as long as he's not still on the clock.

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: The Guardian punishes the greedy, so maybe if Clay does something selfless, it'll even the score.
Piper: Good luck...

TV Show: Charmed
Prue: Seasons change, people don't...
Phoebe: I changed. Do you remember what you thought of me before I walked back through that door?
Prue: That's different.
Phoebe: How is that different?
Prue: You're my sister.

TV Show: Charmed
Coroner: I found someone's business card in his pocket. Buckland's Auction House.
Andy: (cutting him off) Ah. Let me guess, Prue Halliwell?
Coroner: Yeah. How did you know?
Andy: I'm cursed.

TV Show: Charmed
Phoebe: Don't take this the wrong way, but why are you here, with me, now?
Clay: What, can't a guy visit?
Phoebe: Yeah, but you're not just a guy, you're Clay, and Clay comes with strings attached.

TV Show: Charmed