X-Men - Evolution Quotes

[After Nightcrawler teleports between Cyclops and Rogue in the middle of rehearsal.]
Nightcrawler: Whoa! Er... Tender moment here? Sorry to interrupt.
Rogue: I swear, he's like a... an annoying little brother!

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Cyclops: Teleporter to maximum, Mr. Wagner.
Nightcrawler: Aye, Captain!
Cyclops: Engage.

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Rogue: Leave her alone, ya yahoo!
Blob: Whatcha gonna do to me? Make me wear bad makeup?
Rogue: Didn't Mystique tell you what my power is?
Blob: No. And I don't care.
(Rogue pulls off her glove and grabs Blob's arm.)
Rogue: My power is your power, and I can take more than one!
(Rogue tosses Blob using his strength, and blasts him further back with Cyclops' beam. He lands in a pile of junk, but gets up again quickly.)
Blob: I got too much power, even for you. You can't hurt me! I'm the Blob!
Rogue: Nah, you're just garbage that wanted a date! Now tell you what: I'm taking you out!

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Storm: Evan, are you alright? I've been concerned about you lately. You know, about the things we've discussed before?
Spyke: Yeah, yeah, no problem Auntie O', everything's cool.
Storm: Evan, I saw what happened to you out there tonight; when you fell.
Spyke: Hey, it's no big deal; I got it under control. Ah... ATCHOO! [the sneeze causes him to spray bone spikes all over the locker room, narrowly missing Storm]
Storm: [Unfazed] Bless you.
Spyke: [Sniffs] Busted, huh?
Storm: Big time.

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Wolverine[after Nightcrawler attempts to get pancakes]: ELF! [sighs] How many times do I gotta tell ya? Ask and it'll get passed to ya.
Nightcrawler: Sorry. I didn't want to interupt you. [teleports back in his chair]
Wolverine: That's better. Now mind your manners. [passes the pancakes to Nightcrawler]

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Nightcrawler: I love the smell of bacon in the morning.

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Scott: It's really not so bad, Mrs. Daniels. Having special powers can be pretty cool sometimes.
Evan: Oh yeah! I'll tell you what, Shades! Let's see what you've got that's so cool!
Mrs. Daniels: Evan!
Evan: Sorry, Mom.
Jean: No really, it's okay. It's just that Scott's powers aren't really what you'd call 'indoor-friendly'.
Evan: Okay, whatever. Look, man. I like it right here and I'm not going to some home for freaks! Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some school stuff to take care of. (goes upstairs)
Mrs. Daniels: Evan!
Jean: Well, that went well!
Scott: Yeah. And I thought we were really making a connection there.
Mr. Daniels: I apologize for my son, Mr. Summers. He's obviously dealing with a lot right now. I'll talk with him.
Jean: (using her power) Hey! He's going out the window.

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Scott: We've really got to work on our sales pitch!

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Kitty: Eww! Professor! Kurt is, like, totally getting fur in the pool!!
Kurt: I am not!! [edit]

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Cyclops: Go to Duncan Matthews' party? I don't think so. Matthews is a jerk.
Shadowcat: No he's not. I'd go.
Cyclops: No freshmen allowed.
Shadowcat: Oh. Matthews is a jerk.

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Nightcrawler: Hey, chicks dig the fuzzy dude! [to Shadowcat, suggestively] Right?
Shadowcat: I'm, like, so out of here. Later.
Nightcrawler: Oh yeah, she can't resist.

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Cyclops: Hey! Watch the tail! (jerks Kurt off of table) Now, see? That's exactly what I'm talking about --
Nightcrawler: You pulled my tail, man!
Cyclops: Grow up, Kurt.
Nightcrawler: Hey, lighten up, dude!
Cyclops: You're always goofing around!
Nightcrawler: And you're seriously cramping my style!
Cyclops: Listen.
Nightcrawler: No, you listen! There's a sound I want you to hear, and it's-
(Nightcrawler teleports, leaving Cyclops coughing in a cloud of brimstone.)
Cyclops: [To Jean and Evan] Blew it, didn't I?
Jean Grey: Oh yeah.
Spyke: Totally.

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Nightcrawler: I knew I should have paid more attention in computer lab.

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Nightcrawler: It's raining furniture!

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Nightcrawler: Don't let my looks fool you. I'm a harmless blue fuzzball.

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
[After Cyclops, Spyke, Jean and Shadowcat recover Forge's projector.]
Cyclops: Step back. This is going to be messy.
Shadowcat: You know, I could just, like, phase through it and short it out quietly? [Cyclops and Spyke look at her blankly.] Oh, right. Forget I mentioned it. [to Jean] Like, what is it with guys and explosions anyway?

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Forge: Man. You do have that rep.

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Nightcrawler: I swear, that homie's lingo is so whack.
(about Forge as they wander through Middleverse.)

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Lance: Rogue, Mystique sent us to find you. So are you with us or them?
Scott: Mystique? You're working for her?
Rogue: Hey, Summers, you got your friends, I got mine. But this ain't my fight, I'm outta here.

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Nightcrawler: So, how far does this middleverse extend?
Forge: Stops just short of the girls locker room, isn't that a burn?

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Kurt: (to Rogue) What are you doing here?
Rogue: Hey, look who's talkin'! At least I didn't blow the place up!

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Lance: You and me got a date, Pretty Kitty. How about a ride on a concrete coaster?
Kitty: Lousy ride, loser! [edit]

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Random kid: Ahhh! A ghost! Blue and hairy demon!! I'm outta here!

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Toad: What is this, abuse the Toad day?

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Storm: I'm a weather-witch, not a snow plow. I'm doing the best I can. [edit]

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Rogue: Scott? Scott!? Listen, just hang on, you're gonna be okay. You're gonna be...(looks over edge) Oh man! We're gonna die!
Scott: thanks for the Pep-Talk

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Logan: Where's your allegiance, kid, us or them?
Rogue: If I don't say you, will I get thrown out of this jet?
Logan: Nope, not our style. We've either earned your trust by now or we haven't.
Rogue: You.
Logan': Welcome to the X-Men.

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Jean: Which one of your guys has been putting on weight? I can hardly hold you!
Cyclops: It's Nightcrawler. Burgers seven days a week will do that to a fella.
Nightcrawler: Ah, the breakfast of mutants.

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Rogue: No trophies for second place.
Scott: How'd a southern gal like you learn to handle a snowmobile?
Rogue: Lets just say I'm full of surprises.

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution
Evan: (Sabertooth grabs him) We've been expecting you. (Evan pops his spikes) You gotta be sharp if you're gonna mess with the Spyke.
Sabertooth: (drops Spyke goes after Kitty) Then I'll take you!
Kitty': (Kitty phases Creed flies through) Right. I'm so sure!
Sabertooth: knocks Kitty into a tree, goes after her again)
Rogue: Back off ugly!
Wolverine: Pickin' on kids, Creed? Big mistake!

TV Show: X-Men - Evolution