Zoey 101 Quotes

Lola: Either of you two seen the remote?
Quinn: It's right over there.
[Lola tries to reach the remote from her cushion, unsuccessfully]
Lola: I guess i'll just take a nap.

TV Show: Zoey 101
[when the girls are going with Dean Rivers to confront Mira]
Lola: You don't have any peanut butter in your pocket, do you? [he looks at her confused]

TV Show: Zoey 101
Lola: When I was little, I only liked smooth peanut butter. But now i'm a chunky girl.
Quinn: Chunky?
Lola: Well, not THAT way.

TV Show: Zoey 101
Quinn: [chasing a group of people] I'LL CATCH YOU EVENTUALLY! JUST SIGN THE PETITION!

TV Show: Zoey 101
Mira: [crying] Are you gonna fire me?
Dean Rivers: Well, duh!
Lola: Get out of here, you nutbar!

TV Show: Zoey 101
[after Burvich sees that Michael and Logan used a fake Chase]
Burvich: I knew Chase Matthews left PCA! And let me tell you, mister...you and Logan are getting...
Michael: OH, HA HA HA! [runs off]
Burvich: You and Logan...ARE GETTING A NEW ROOMMATE!!!

TV Show: Zoey 101
(Coco is crying really loud and putting suitcases into the back of her car)
Zoey: Um, Coco?
Coco: I can't go camping, leave me alone
Lola: Okay, what do you mean you can't go camping?
Zoey: What's the problem?
Coco: I thought Carl, my boyfriend, might be cheating on me.
(The kids all moan)
Coco: So I went to his house and I climbed up the tree in his front yard to wait for him to come home, right?
Kids: Right, makes sense, yea.
Coco: Then I thought he was gonna bring home another girl, which he did, but it was his mother.
Logan: Okay, well, that's good.
Coco: No, because the branch I was sitting on broke and I fell on her.
Lola: Oh my god!
Zoey: Is she hurt?
Coco: I don't know, Carl says she has a fractured neck or something.
Michael: Okay, so then what happened?
Coco: He called me a lunatic, then broke up with me, so now I have to drive to Frezno and fix this.
(Coco continues crying and gets in the front seat of her car)
Quinn: You can't just leave us here at PCA.
Lola: It's semester break!
(Coco starts driving away and crying)
Logan: Wait!
Zoey: What are we supposed to do?
(Coco drives away and her suitcase falls out of the back of her car spilling underwear and ravioli all over the road.)

TV Show: Zoey 101
Dean Rivers: You both know why you're here? [neither Michael nor Logan talks] Well? You want to confess?
Michael: I'm sorry! My apple tasted funny so I just heaved it! I didn't know it was gonna hit that squirrel!
Logan: I have no idea what he's talking about.
Dean Rivers: This isn't about squirrels or fruit!

TV Show: Zoey 101
Zoey: Hey guys, we got a problem.
Quinn: What's wrong?
Zoey: Michael just called me and said that he and Lo...Why is Quinn a clown?
Lola: I got bored!

TV Show: Zoey 101
Zoey: So you're sure you were nowhere near the admin building last night between midnight and 1 a.m?
Lunch Lady: I'm sure. I was already in bed asleep by 10-
Lola: [yelling] WE'RE NOT IDIOTS!!!!!!!
Lunch Lady: I-I never called you an-
Lunch Lady: Now you're scaring me!
Zoey: 'Scuse us! (drags Lola away)
Lola: She's a liar! That's a lying lunch lady!

TV Show: Zoey 101
Lola: [yelling at Shaymus] DID YOU SMASH THE TROPHY?!?!?!?!
Shaymus: I never smashed nothing, you little chicken!
Lola: LIAR!!!!!!!
Zoey: We're sorry we bothered you!
Shaymus: [to Lola] I'm sorry SHE exists!

TV Show: Zoey 101
Zoey: Okay, but hurry, because I bet the guys are freaking out.

TV Show: Zoey 101
Michael: I am freaking out! I am freaking out, man!
Logan: Relax!
Michael: We're under dorm arrest! If my grandma hears my name in the same sentence with the word arrest, that lady's gonna back up over me with her pick-up truck. And she's got big old tractor tires on that thing! How come you're so calm about this?
Logan: Because, i'm rich and innocent. I'm also great looking, but that's just gravy.

TV Show: Zoey 101
Guy: Hey you two, Yeah!

TV Show: Zoey 101
Logan: (addressing anger management class) I go to PCA, a boarding school not too far from here. And I left a voicemail to this kid, Dustin---
Angry Male student: You're the jerk who left that voicemail?!
Angry Female student: I heard that on the internet!
(Anger management class surrounds Logan and starts yelling at him)

TV Show: Zoey 101
Zoey: Am I the only one who wants to do something about this?!
Michael: No...you're just the only one who wants to drive Logan's head 150 feet.

TV Show: Zoey 101
(after Dean Rivers accidentally uses Quinn's laser gun and destroys his cupboard which reveals a coffee machine)
Lola: What is that?
Dean Rivers: (tries to hide it) Nothing! Let's forget about this whole thing, dismissed!
Michael: (takes the coffee kettle) My goodness.
Quinn: Is that coffee?
Zoey: It looks like coffee!
Michael: It smells like coffee!
Logan: I am gabberflasted! [Everyone looks at him weirdly] I AM SHOCKED!

TV Show: Zoey 101
Quinn: You're not gonna charge me, are you baby?
Logan: Yes I am.
Quinn: But, we're, boyfriend and girlfriend.
Logan: I know but, business is business.

TV Show: Zoey 101
Quinn: Stop zapping Logan!

TV Show: Zoey 101
Dean Rivers: I am flabbergasted, flabbergasted! Do you understand me?
Everyone nods heads, except Logan who shook his head
Dean Rivers: What don't you understand Logan?
Logan: What flabbergasted means...

TV Show: Zoey 101
Physics teacher: Why do I feel like Quinn is the only one who cares?
Quinn: Even I don't care...
Physics teacher: Oh, i'm a boring teacher.

TV Show: Zoey 101
Logan: (unaware that Lola tossed his hamburger into a fountain) Didn't I have a hamburger?
Lola: I'm having fruit!

TV Show: Zoey 101
???: Anybody lose a hamburger? I found this in the fountain.
Logan: Yeah, I...I think that's mine. (he squeezes it, and water drips from it, shrugs, and takes a bite of it)

TV Show: Zoey 101
Lisa: I hate seeing you this upset!
Michael: I'm not upset! I'm happy.
Lisa: Why?
Michael: Because...Lola made Logan's earlobe bleed. I enjoy that.

TV Show: Zoey 101
Michael: (grabs Logan by the shirt) You told everybody that i'm afraid of roller coasters!
Logan: Uh, James, I think he's about to kill me! Little help?!
James: Hold on, i'm organizing this playlist.

TV Show: Zoey 101
Zoey: James, why aren't you doing anything?!
James: I am. I'm making you a really cool playlist.
Zoey: Aw.

TV Show: Zoey 101
Lola: Michael!
Quinn: Stop!
Zoey: He'll stop.
James: Yeah, I know. There's a fence. (Michael, screaming, runs through the fence and it breaks)

TV Show: Zoey 101
Coco's cousin: Remember when I wore the wedding dress and scared the snot out of you?
Michael: YES. I do. (Coco's cousin laughs menacingly) Thank you. That's very nice.

TV Show: Zoey 101
Logan: Can I atleast give you an idea of how i'd like to take?
Quinn: Sure.
Logan: Do you see those twins over there?
Quinn: Sure, whick one do you want?
Logan: Both..

TV Show: Zoey 101
Quinn: You're so irrating sometimes.
Logan: Wanna go make out?
Quinn: Yes!

TV Show: Zoey 101