In Plain Sight Quotes

Mary: [Watches Eleanor pour a cup of coffee] What's in that?
Eleanor: Coffee.
Mary: Yeah, right. [Pours it in a potted plant]
Marshall: She's got you spooked, doesn't she?
Mary: A little bit.
Marshall: It's fun to watch.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Eleanor: How'd the video shoot go?
Mary: Great. It was just a really long day.
Eleanor: Tom called. Stan knows you got kicked off the set.
Mary: Well, fine. It was the one time I actually didn't cross the line. Everything I said needed saying.
Eleanor: You know what your problem is? You've got integrity. The world hates integrity.
Mary: You're screwing with me, right?
Eleanor: Not this time.
Mary: You want a cookie?
Eleanor: Ooh, Snickerdoodle!

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Marshall Mann: I'm not giving you the name of the first girl I had sex with.
Mary Shannon: Why? Is it because you're a virgin?
Marshall: No, because you'd track her down, call her up, and make her tell you all about it.
Mary: So? I told you mine!
Marshall: Neil Armstrong was not your first.
Mary: Technically, no, but who can ever remember that other guy's name?
Marshall: Do you care that Stan is two hours late for work and unreachable?
Mary: Of course I care! This is how I cope. Come on. You know I won't stop until I get what I want.
Marshall: Oh, God. Fine. Katinka Magnúsdóttir. Tenth grade foreign exchange student from Iceland.
Mary: Katinka?! Excellent!
Marshall: Tell her I said hi.
Mary: How do you spell Magnúsdóttir?
Marshall: The usual way.
Mary: Jesus, Mary and Joseph. There's like a thousand K. Magnúsdóttir's. I swear to God, if that's not her real name...

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Mary: Hey, how do you know how I like my coffee?
Dershowitz: I'm a detective. It's my job to know things.
Mary: You're walking a fine line between cute and creepy, detective.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Mary: [hums while using the telephone]
Marshall: Save that number. It seems to make you happy.
Mary: Hold music. It's from a play I did in high school. I know, hard to believe. While most kids were experimenting with drugs, I was experimenting with musicals. Just as harmful.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Eleanor: [rescuing Marshall's finger] The hardest part is the knuckle. It's sort of like the baby's shoulders in the birthing process.
Mary: Ugh. You have any idea what that makes my ring!

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Eleanor: How about a toast? [to Mary, at her office engagement party]
Marshall: Excellent idea. Okay. Here's to the best friend I've ever had. Could ever hope to have. A girl for whom no man will ever be good enough. I hope you know that I love you and I wish for you nothing but a lifetime of happiness.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Mary: [voiceover] Forward progress is impeded by several menial laws: inertia, friction, fear of the unknown, and the impeccable timing of charming ex-husbands. But somehow, improbable as it may be, we find ourselves not quite free of the past, but lurching toward the future, inch by bittersweet inch.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Marshall: And they say romance is dead. Ninety-year-old billionaire weds flight attendant, twenty-three. Gee, I wonder how they met?
Mary: In an airplane.
Marshall: [sarcastically] Did you read this already?
Mary: Think you'll ever get married?
Marshall: If the right flight attendant comes along, who knows.
Mary: If you ever did take that plunge, not that I'd wish that hell on any woman, think you'd tell the missus about the job?
Marshall: No.
Mary: That's it? No diffuse and flowery philosophical treatise with footnotes?
Marshall: Runs contrary to WITSEC regs.
Mary: Heaven forbid we run contrary.
Marshall: You're not thinking about --
Mary: [rummages through sauces on diner counter] Hot sauce. Gotta be looking right at it.
Marshall: You already told him.
Mary: Found it!
Marshall: Without consulting me?
Mary: You know, I was going to, and then I remembered it's none of your God damned business.
Marshall: Are you kidding?
Mary: [scoffs] I don't think so.
Marshall: By telling Raph what you do, you've told him what I do, and I wasn't quite ready to share that information with your future husband.
Mary: You're serious?

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Marshall: Hey, look at this. The drugstore security camera is coming around.
Mary: [looks at video of a hooded man] Oh, good. The unabomber.
Marshall: That's what the clerk said.
Mary: I'm going to go out on a limb and guess he didn't pay with credit.
Marshall: Cash. Speaking of which.
Mary: What?
Marshall: Watch.
Mary: Brand new bills.
Marshall: If they're as new as they look, the Treasury could tell us what bank they came from based on serial numbers.
Mary: If they came from an ATM transaction, the bank can give us a name. God, don't you love big brother.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Marshall: Treasury tracked the bills to New Mexico Savings & Loan. They're pulling the ATM transaction now.
Dershowitz: You could have told me who owned the car.
Marshall: No, I couldn't. It's against the rules.
Dershowitz: What is wrong with you two?
Mary: We've been trying to get pregnant. The strain's getting to him.
Marshall: [fake laughs]
Dershowitz: This is why I don't have a partner.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Mary: Look, Phillip, I've been doing this a while, and I've seen people come into this program and fight like crazy to hang on to their old lives, and I've seen people who couldn't wait to be someone else just to throw away their past. But at the end of the day, you are who you are.
Marshall: A wise man once said, and the truth shall set you free.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Marshall: I know why you told Raphael your big secret: to paint yourself into a corner. Afraid you might back out from marrying him, you told him, so now you have to make it work.
Mary: Congratulations, Matlock. You've keenly observed that I'm somewhat relationship phobic, and yet the conclusion you've drawn couldn't be more off the mark. Marshall, I've spent my entire working live with career criminals: liars, thieves and sociopaths, each of whom knows what I do for a living. And I refuse to accept the notion that these miscreants are somehow more trustworthy than the man I'm going to marry.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Mary: Cheer up. Life sucks, we're all going to die, embrace it! [Notices Stan in a meeting with some people in their conference room] What's with the confab?
Marshall: Well, the bald one is Stan. Otherwise, not a clue.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Francesca: [shouting at her CIA contact in the witness room, as Mary, Marshall and Eleanor listen in] You're sadly mistaken if you think I'm going to sit on the sidelines watching my country's revolution on CNN, while you people install your whole, self serving puppet regime!
Mary: We still do that?
Marshall: Yeah. The sad thing is we don't even use real puppets anymore, just socks with buttons sewn on.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Marshall: It was a bad neighborhood; a bad situation from the get go. The witness should never have been allowed to move there. Mary should never have been put in that position: managing a witness over whom she had no authority!
Stan: I know; I know. I shouldn't have allowed it.
Marshall: I should have stayed; I saw what was going on there. It just -- didn't occur to me.
Stan: Why would it? It's Mary. She's like -- [sighs] I don't know.
Marshall: I know.
Stan: Fierce, you know? Like she's always gonna be the toughest dog in a fight.
Marshall: Boxers call it "the air of invincibility".
Stan: That's exactly it.
Marshall: All great fighters have it.
Stan: Yeah.
Marshall: Right up until the minute they're beaten. [dissolves into sobs again]

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Day: Your inspector screwed the pooch. I gave her one job; that was it. One job! I'm telling you: when I get done with her --
Stan: [interrupts Day and manhandles him into empty room] Yeah, what are ya gonna do, huh? What are you gonna do? Huh? Go ahead, say it. Go ahead, say one more word. Say it. Open your mouth again, you moron! My inspector almost got killed! She may not make it because of your stupidity, because against our advice, you allowed that woman to move into the worst neighborhood in Albuquerque! I've already filed a complaint, asshole. Go ahead. Go ahead, please. Open your mouth again. I swear I'll bounce your head off every wall in this frickin hospital! Say it! Go ahead!

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Gang Leader: I didn't do nothing. I didn't shoot your girl.
Marshall: Nobody here thinks you did.
Gang Leader: Then how come I'm still here? What d'you want?
Marshall: I wanna know -- what you dream about.
Gang Leader: Huh?
Marshall: I saw you on your porch, yesterday, running your crew, doing -- what I imagine you do pretty much every day and I was just curious: when you go to sleep at night, do you dream of other places? Doing something else? Or do you dream about sitting on your porch, running your crew?
Gang Leader: Huh? You need to get to the point.
Marshall: The point is: everybody here knows you're too smart to shoot a cop for no good reason, and that nothing happens on that street without your knowing about it.
Gang Leader: What's that gotta do with dreams?
Marshall: Well, this kind of thing is gonna be really bad for your business, and if there were some other place you dreamed of... or something you always wanted to be...
Gang Leader: What? You're gonna wave your magic wand and tomorrow I'm on a beach in Hawaii?
Marshall: No, but I have friends who make that sort of thing happen all the time. All we need from you is the right information. Would you like to be in Hawaii tomorrow? With a new name? Whole new life. I can have a US Attorney in here in five minutes making that happen. Just tell me who the shooter is, and how to find him.
Gang Leader: Sa es que, cabron? We're born where we're born. We is what we is, and that's that. I ain't going nowhere, and I ain't telling you nothing.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Doctor: How are you feeling?
Mary: Good. Better. Because if I say anything else I'm not getting out of here, so great!
Doctor: How's your memory?
Mary: Fantastic! I was shot by a smudge.
Doctor: I told you it might come back slowly or in pieces. Or—
Mary: Not at all, which means no matter what happens you get to be right. You're not letting me out, are you? I'm going to be here another week, I knew it!
Doctor: Promise me you'll take it slow.
Mary: Wait. Is that condescending doctor talk for I can go?

TV Show: In Plain Sight
[Mary looks at and strokes her new granite countertop]
Rafael: Do you like it?
Mary: Are you kidding? I want to get drunk and do it.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Mary: [voice over] I have this weird tendency to remember almost everything. Big, small, five minutes ago, thirty years ago; it doesn't matter. If I saw it and if it happened on a day that mattered, I knew it forever. I always thought of it as kind of a curse. I mean, do I really need to remember what I had for breakfast May 11, 2007 just because I met a guy in a diner that I'm now gonna marry; denver omlette, extra cheese, or what shirt my dad was wearing two days before my seventh birthday when he walked out the door and never came back? White button down, navy pinstripe. No. But I do. I remember almost everything, except the one thing I have to.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Gang Member: What is it with you?
Marshall: [Is back in the neighborhood where Mary got shot] I have the right to drink my coffee and eat my danish anywhere I want. And that's the wonderous high wire balancing act of democracy. [Takes a bite of his danish] Did you know that the first danish was raspberry with almond flakes? The cheese danish actually came later. Cheese is, in my opinion, the bolder breakfast choice. Like, crack. [Notices a car driving up. Marshall holds out his WITSEC badge and the person in the car who is coming to buy drugs, drives off] Once again, my daily visit causes the revenue in to take an icy plunge. [Offers the gang member coffee] Black, four sugars? Right?
Gang Member: I don't take nothing. I don't give nothing. Ever.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Mary: [is being wheeled out of the hospital and is talking to the nurse pushing the chair] You are so sweet.
Marshall: This won't last.
Mary: Family just couldn't be bothered, right? What? Mom and sis getting two belly rings? Fiancee giving how to be gorgeous lessons to underprivileged models? Why am I in such a hurry to get home to those people and leave the place where I can pee lying down?
Marshall: And she's back.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Mary: [to fleeing suspect] I swear to God, if I popped a stitch, I'm going to shove that dog up your ass and let him bark his way up your throat.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Mary: [Voice over] We forget sometimes how much the world can hurt. It can hurt people we love, people we don't, people caught in the middle, even people who would give anything if they could just never ever get to hurt again, but sometimes the hurt can't be avoided. It's just coming at us and can't be stopped. It's in us and can't be seen, or it's lying next to us in the dark, waiting but sometimes it doesn't come at all. Sometimes we get this other thing that flutters down out of nowhere and stays just long enough to give us hope. Sometimes rarely, barely, but just when we need it the most and expect it the least, we get a break.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Marshall: This is like a trailer for a movie called "Geriatric Marshal."

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Marshall: [to the gang member from earlier in the episode] You're like a crossword puzzle with B.O.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Mary: [voiceover] There's a researcher who claims he can tell if a couple is going to break up based on how they talk to each other. An ability I've had since I was five, without NIH funding. I just looked up at my parents and thought "nope." It took a six figure gambling debt, an alcoholic spiral and an FBI manhunt before they finally came to the same conclusion. It can take many forms but the worst are the ones who should have known better. The ones who rushed in, got hitched and now they don't know how to get out of it. They look like marmots, trapped in a cage.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Mary: Wow, Stan. Opening day at Ascot?
Stan: I have a meeting with Allison Pearson.
[Mary shakes her head in confusion]
Marshall: The newly appointed U.S. Marshall for our district.
Mary: Right! Right, the political hack who licked D.C. butt like a creamsicle so she could tell actual marshals how to do a job she can't comprehend, let alone be in charge of. That Allison Pearson.
[Marshall nods in confirmation]
Stan: You two are going to be gone all day, right?
Marshall: No, but it's okay. I think your meeting with Allison is tomorrow.
Stan: Is it?
Mary: Oops. That's good! It gives you time to buy the top hat and monocle.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Marshall: [to Mary] Were you drunk when they covered witness protection at the academy?

TV Show: In Plain Sight