In Plain Sight Quotes

Mary: That was Ashok.
Marshall: What was a shock?
Mary: On the phone. That was Ashok.
Marshall: Ah-shoke.
Mary: Whatever. Whoever. He's on his way up.
Marshall: How did he sound?
Mary: How do you think? Arrogant! He sounded arrogant. Like he's better than everyone and right about everything. [gets a long look from Marshall] Yeah, but I really am.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Peter: So you ducking Brandi --
Mary: She sent you to what? To spy on me?
Peter: No, this is a solo mission, but it's all starting to make sense. She doesn't know about your --
Mary: Growth spurt, no, and now you're running around like some sort of munchkin P.I. because Brandi thinks I'm mad at her?
Peter: Pretty much.
Mary: And you're here of your own volition? She has no knowledge?
Peter: None.
Mary: Sneaking around. Keeping secrets. Going behind my sister's back? This brother-in-law thing could work for me. I could milk this. No jokes. None.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Mary: [listening to federal prosecutor] Listen to him. We run the race, he takes the victory lap. How long have you know this ballbag anyway?
Stan: Too long.
Marshall: You two aren't related, are you? Inbred in-laws from feuding clans?
Mary: Come on, you're killing me! Give it up, Stan.
Stan: I slept with his --
Mary: Mother? Sister? Say mother.
Stan: Fiance.
Mary: What?!
Marshall: Whoa!
Mary: Stanley, up top! [Mary and Marshall hold up their hands for a high five] Come on. No? [high fives Marshall]
Stan: Ex-fiance. I mean, to be clear, she is now his ex-fiance, all right? And I had no idea they were involved when we got intimate. That's --
Mary: Look at him. Just standing there. Like we're going to just leave it at that.
Marshall: Adorable.

TV Show: In Plain Sight
Mary: [voiceover] There are times in your life where all you can do at the end of the day is turn out the lights, flop on the bed, and throw in the towel. Raise the white flag. For some that kind of surrender is hard to even contemplate and harder to accept, and there's a dignity in that, in fighting to the finish, to the red-faced bitter end. But in those moments, in bed, right before the lights go out, solace can be found. The very act of giving up becomes a starting point. You clear your head. You still your beating heart. You navigate the rocky shoals, setting out again. Call it surrender or serenity, it doesn't matter which, because the thing you never thought you'd do or say or ever have to face, becomes more than what you have to do. It becomes the way it is.

TV Show: In Plain Sight

Mary Shannon: [intro] Since 1970, the Federal Witness Protection Program has relocated thousands of witnesses, some criminal, some not, to neighborhoods all across the country. Every one of those individuals shares a unique attribute, distinguishing them from the rest of the general population. And that is, somebody wants them dead.

TV Show: In Plain Sight

Marshall Mann: [Answers phone] House of pie.

TV Show: In Plain Sight