Everybody Hates Chris Quotes

Narrator: While my future was lookin' up, Tonya's was goin' down the drain.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Tonya: So, I'm gettin' fired for bein' honest?
Narrator: It happened to Don Imus, and it could happen to you.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Mr. Thurman: Who the hell are you?
Chris: I'm Chris.
Narrator: Star of the new movie, Guess Who's Coming to Homeroom.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Narrator: In a school that was 7% Latino, 9% black and 3% Asian, I somehow ended up in a class that was 99.9% white.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Chris: I need to change homerooms.
Ms. Morello: Oh, what's the problem?
Chris: Mr. Thurman hates me.
Narrator: Everyone does. It's in the title of the show, dummy.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Ms. Morello: I thought you had about as much chance of working with the football team as Boy George does of joining Quiet Riot, but you did it!
Narrator: And oddly enough, so did Boy George.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Narrator: Because I was a guy and a good cook, I got a lot of attention.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Tasha: Mom, why do you always have to do this?
Peaches: Tasha, please stop talkin' to me like I'm your daughter.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Mrs. Williams: OK, for our second group of partners, we have Sadie and Lola, Tiffany and Amber, Chris and...
Narrator: Chris and Maria, Chris and Maria, Chris and Maria!
Mrs. Williams: ...and Angel.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Angel: [after Chris squeezes his hand too hard] Ow!
Narrator: I broke his androgyny bone!

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Peaches: Malvo, do you like Jell-O?
Malvo: Yeah, I love Jell-O.
Peaches: I love Jell-O too!

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Greg: I'm gonna go beat up some nerds. Have fun at your bake-off!

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Mr. Omar: The lady I'm seein' likes to do things by the numbers. I was waitin' on 800. She had a special surprise for me at 800, and you ruined it!
Narrator: The surprise was, she was a man.
Drew: Isn't that kinda weird?
Mr. Omar: Isn't that kinda none of your business?

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Chris: Welcome back, dude.
Greg: Thanks.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Narrator: After a couple weeks at Tattaglia without Greg, I tried hangin' out with a few different crowds to make myself feel better. I tried hangin' out with the losers.
Chris: So, what do you wanna study? Math or science?
Loser #1: Dude, why are you always studying?
Loser #2: Yeah, you act like you're graduating tomorrow.
Loser #1: Don't be such a downer.
Chris: I even tried hangin' out with the break-dance crews.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Narrator: After all was said and done, even a roomful of girls wasn't the same as having one good friend.
Chris: Greg? What are you doing here?
Greg: Got kicked out of the Bronx Academy, so I'm back.
Chris: See you still have that coat.
Greg: I've changed in ways you couldn't imagine, Chris. I've seen things. I've done things. I've tasted blood and it tastes good.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Chris: Hi. I'm Chris.
Angel: Hi. I'm Angel.
Narrator: Ahn-Hel? More like, "What the hell?"

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Chris: What's up with the outfit?
Narrator: And the makeup?
Angel: I'm androgynous, silly.
Dr. Information: Around 1986, a new trend emerged called androgyny. Inspired by the looks of personalities such as Boy George, Prince, Grace Jones and Attorney General Janet Reno, gender benders, as they were also called, stretched the perceptions of what it meant to be male or female.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Narrator: During football season at Tattaglia, there was nothing more important than Homecoming Week.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Rochelle: [to Chris] Would you go dance with yourself someplace else?!

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Narrator: Nothing like a parent's love to destroy your confidence.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Julius: What the heck is that?
Narrator: "Careless Whisper."

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Narrator: Man, that scene put the "azy" in "crazy."

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Greg: At the Bronx Academy, I was somebody.
Narrator: Yeah, you were the guy who got kicked out.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Dr. Clint Huckstable: What is this ringin' of the bells while I am eatin' this sweet potato pop?

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Tonya: I don't want you to walk me to school. Leave me alone.
Narrator: That's how girls turned down R. Kelly.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Narrator: While I was gonna catch Greg later, some other guys were gonna catch Greg now.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Chris: [to Greg] If you don't get your harmonica-playin', hole-in-the-sock-wearin', woe-is-me, I-should-have-everything-easy behind up, I'm gonna smack the crack outta you!

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Drew: Morons have the highest IQ of the mentally retarded, so if something's wrong with her, you may not notice at first.
Narrator: Like the first time you watch Bill O'Reilly.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris
Dr. Clint Huckstable: Now you know what it's like to come into your home and not believe what the eyes are seein' because your daughter is boo-hooin', sheddin' the tears.
Rochelle: Who the hell are you?
Dr. Clint Huckstable: I am Dr. Clint Huckstable, and I am the father of the daughter sheddin' all the tears because the son of the mother from Bed-Stuy... stood her up at the Tattaglia-talia public school homecomin' dance.

TV Show: Everybody Hates Chris