DuckTales Quotes

Huey: Hey, why would a ghost need to use a door?
Dewey: Is that a riddle or a knock-knock joke?

TV Show: DuckTales
Webby: You're so smart, Uncle Scrooge.
Scrooge: Thanks, darling. And wasn't it smart of you to notice?

TV Show: DuckTales
Launchpad: You guys gotta think positive!
Huey: But, Launchpad, Webby's lost, Unca Scrooge is lost, we're lost...
Louie: ...and there's a monster in these caves trying to get 'em.
Launchpad: C'mon! There must be something positive about all this.
Dewey: If we don't keep moving, we're going to freeze to death.
Launchpad: There you go!... You gotta keep a stiff upper lip, Louie.
Louie: That's easy. It's frozen.

TV Show: DuckTales
Dewey: Look! We know Unca Scrooge didn't steal that painting, right?
Louie: Yeah! He only likes little paintings of presidents. The ones on dollar bills.

TV Show: DuckTales
[Scrooge is arm-wrestling the other inmates in quick succession]
Scrooge: [Wins] Next. [Wins] Next. [Wins] Next.
Mad Dog McGurk: [Rubbing his hand] How'd you get so strong, McDuck?
Scrooge: By lifting moneybags.
Prisoner: I lifted some moneybags once... right before they threw me in here.

TV Show: DuckTales
Scrooge: Until tomorrow, my beautiful cash. Good night, sleep tight and don't let inflation bite.

TV Show: DuckTales
Bigtime: It'll take a whole night of back-breaking work, aching muscles, dirt and sweat. [Passes the shovel to his brothers] You guys better get started.

TV Show: DuckTales
Bankjob: We gotta get out of here!
Beagle Boys: YEAH!
Bankjob: We gotta get out of here!
Beagle Boys: YEAH!
Bankjob: We gotta get out of here and into Scrooge's money bin!
Beagle Boys: YEAH, YEAH, YEAH!

TV Show: DuckTales
Babyface: [after he, Bankjob, and Bugle go flying out of Ma Beagle's car and into a paddy wagon] See what happens when you don't wear your seat belts?

TV Show: DuckTales
Launchpad: [talking to Doofus during a ransom call] Did they hurt you?
Doofus: [crying] They tortured me, Launchpad! They ate my pancakes!
Launchpad: [under breath] Those dirty rats!

TV Show: DuckTales
[Launchpad decides not to tell the police anything after receiving a threatening phone call from the Beagle Boys]
Judge: Now what were you here about, son?
Launchpad: [quickly and nervously] I just wanted to tell you a joke: I knew a burglar who was so successful, he stopped makin' house calls. A yuk-yuk. [hurries away]
Judge: Yuck is right.

TV Show: DuckTales
Launchpad: [to Ma Beagle] I'm lookin' for my friend Doofus, chubby little kid, about the size of this lamp. [motions to Doofus, who is tied up with a lampshade on his head]

TV Show: DuckTales
Scrooge: [happily] Launchpad, you're alive! [raises his cane] I'M GOIN' TA KILL YOU!

TV Show: DuckTales
Viking 1: Feeding the prisoners to the sharks isn't any fun.
Viking 2: It is for the sharks!

TV Show: DuckTales
Yardarm: [to Sharky] A plan worthy of a master criminal — all you're missing is a little diabolical laughter.

TV Show: DuckTales
Scrooge: Your Uncle Donald's done something right for a change. By accident, of course.

TV Show: DuckTales
Bouncer: "Ain't it a little early for Thanksgiving? [referring to Glomgold's way of bailing the Beagles out of prison]

TV Show: DuckTales
Scrooge: [upon hearing that boats carrying his cash were swallowed by a whale] A sea monster ate my ice creeeeeeeam!!!

TV Show: DuckTales
Security guard: I don't care if you're Frosty the Snowman's sisters. Mr. McDuck left explicit instructions for nobody to be let in, and that means you nobodies, too!

TV Show: DuckTales
[The ducks are imprisoned in an undersea city.]
Launchpad McQuack: Say, why don't we find ourselves some spoons, and dig our way out of here?
Scrooge McDuck: Launchpad, how did you ever manage to survive childhood?

TV Show: DuckTales
Scrooge: Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no!
Flintheart Glomgold: Oh, yes! Oh, yes! Oh, yes!

TV Show: DuckTales
Captain Mallard: My first mate Quackerbill was swallowed alive, which means he no longer is. You all sailed with good old Quackerbill! Remember what he always used to say?
Entire Room: ARRR...
Captain Mallard: Besides that!

TV Show: DuckTales
Scrooge: [About Launchpad] It's no wonder he doesn't wear a crash helmet. What's to protect?

TV Show: DuckTales
[Huey restarts times after thwarting the robbery]
Babyface: Hey, the money!
[the officer gets up and starts blasting his pistol at the Beagle Boys]
Bankjob: Wha-?! How'd he get loose?! Eh, take this copper!
[but instead of the pistol, he has a hot dog, which splatters out of his hand]
Babyface: Huh?!
Bankjob: Let's get out of here!
[the Beagle boys trip and fall over due to their shoes being tied together]
Babyface: Yow!
Bankjob: Oof!
Babyface: What the..!
Bankjob: Aah!
[they squirm towards their car while the officer continues firing at them]
Louie: Gee, they got away.
Huey: Well, at least we stopped the robbery.

TV Show: DuckTales
[after Scrooge explains their plan]
Bankjob: Hey! How come we gotta be the ones to stay behind and keep 'em busy?
Scrooge: Because you're too stupid to hook up Gyro's time tub!
Bankjob: All right, all right, just asking.

TV Show: DuckTales
Magica: "Open!" says me.

TV Show: DuckTales
Scrooge: Let's celebrate by going out to one of my hamburger stands!
Webby: Can we order fries?
Scrooge: You can even order hamburgers!

TV Show: DuckTales
Launchpad: I can't break their little hearts, Mr. McDee — you do it!

TV Show: DuckTales
Scrooge: [to Glomgold] Let's just say I'll invest a million in your company if I lose, and you invest a million in my company when I win.

TV Show: DuckTales
Scrooge: [on being told that a ballroom is only for "important" people] Well, I don't know about status, but I own this hotel.

TV Show: DuckTales