The Munsters Quotes

Eddie Wolfgang Munster: Gee, I'm sorry.
Lily Munster: If you go with bad companions, some of it is bound to rub off on you.
Herman Munster: Exactly. Which brings to mind a famous old quotation: he who lies down with dog, gets up with fleas.
Eddie Wolfgang Munster: Who said that, daddy?
Herman Munster: I'm not sure, I think it was the man who trained Lassie.

TV Show: The Munsters
Grandpa: Look what I found, tucked a way in my files:
Herman Munster: What is it, plans for a condominium in Transylvania?
Grandpa: No, It's your original blueprint!
Lily Munster: The original?
Grandpa: Correct!
Lily Munster: The one they followed when they, when they put him together?
Herman Munster: How did you get it?
Grandpa: [reading the inscription] To our favorite Count Dracula, a souvenir from Dr. Frankenstein and all the guys and galls.
Lily Munster: Isn't that sweet.

TV Show: The Munsters
Grandpa: [to Herman] Boy, if Louis Pasteur had had you looking over his shoulders, I'm sure he never would have invented rabies.

TV Show: The Munsters
Lily Munster: [Taking Marylin's temperature] Oh! She has a fever: Ninety eight point six.
Marilyn Munster: But, but isn't that normal, Aunt Lilly?
Lily Munster: Oh heavens, no. We Munsters average in the low fifties.

TV Show: The Munsters
Lily Munster: Eddie, I am very upset with you this morning. I told to keep Spot's water dish filled out in the yard. Last night he got thirsty, he went down the street, and drained Mr. and Mrs. Haslett's pool.
Eddie Munster: Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot.
Lily Munster: Well Mrs. Haslett just phoned. She was very embarrassed when her husband went out for his morning dip, and dove into an empty pool.
Marilyn Munster: What kind of a neigborhood is this, where people begrudge a poor dumb animal a drink of water?

TV Show: The Munsters
Lily Munster: Oh Herman, you must realize how much we all love you and need you, each in our own way. And I most of all.
Herman Munster: Thank you Lily. [Herman starts sobbing]
Herman Munster: Now look what you've made me do! I haven't cried like this since they canceled 'Kukla, Fran and Ollie'.

TV Show: The Munsters
Lily: Oh Herman, you're such a monster sometimes.

TV Show: The Munsters
Herman; Gee, I don't know, grandpa. I haven't been down in the sewer in a hundred years.
Grandpa: Believe me, they haven't changed.

TV Show: The Munsters
Herman (retelling the dynamite incident): And then there was this terrible explosion, and the next thing I knew I was lying in the gutter three blocks away, and Spot was licking my face.
Eddie: Then what did you do?
Herman: We took a taxi home. Eh, of course, when we got here, I made Spot give it back to the driver.

TV Show: The Munsters