Lie to Me Quotes

"Zoe Landau (Beals, Jennifer): Permission to treat Dr. Lightman as a hostile witness.
Dr. Cal Lightman: [instantly] Granted!

TV Show: Lie to Me
Eli Loker: Her name was Louise Mason. She was a patient of one of Lightman's professors when he was in grad school. She had been in the psych ward about a month when that was recorded. She told the professor she was fine. No-one could see she was actually in agony. Lightman finally got the idea to slow down the film and that's when he saw the agony in her face. That's what led him to discover micro-expressions in the first place.
Ria Torres: I hope they didn't let that woman off the psych ward.
Eli Loker: She got a pass home for the weekend and killed herself.

TV Show: Lie to Me
Dr. Cal Lightman: Truth or happiness. Never both.

TV Show: Lie to Me
Dr. Cal Lightman: [to Foster] *This* your divorce present.

TV Show: Lie to Me
Michelle Russo: How do you know when I stop lying?
Dr. Cal Lightman: You shut your mouth.

TV Show: Lie to Me
Ria Torres: What am I supposed to believe about you?
Cal Lightman: [shrugging] You can believe whatever you want. It's what everybody else does.

TV Show: Lie to Me
Cal Lightman: (to Gillian) Politician. That's all you. Charge him by the lie. You can retire tomorrow

TV Show: Lie to Me
Cal Lightman: (to Gillian) Politician. That's all you. Charge him by the lie. You can retire tomorrow

TV Show: Lie to Me
Cal Lightman: Just getting in, Loker?
Loker: Yeah, I got piss-drunk last night with my roommate, and I was just lying in bed this morning thinking how nasty hot Nancy Grace is, and just trying to decide if I was gonna come in at all cause it's not like there's anyone in here to fantasize about.
Gillian Foster: No offence taken.
Loker: I don't go for married women.

TV Show: Lie to Me
Cal Lightman: Just getting in, Loker?
Loker: Yeah, I got piss-drunk last night with my roommate, and I was just lying in bed this morning thinking how nasty hot Nancy Grace is, and just trying to decide if I was gonna come in at all cause it's not like there's anyone in here to fantasize about.
Gillian Foster: No offence taken.
Loker: I don't go for married women.

TV Show: Lie to Me
Baldridge: So Dr. Lightman just assumes you're a liar if you're a politician?
Gillian Foster: He assumes you're a liar if you're a Homo sapien.

TV Show: Lie to Me
Eli: I would like to sleep with you.
Cal Lightman: Ah, Eli Loker, Ria Torres. He's harmless, just always speaks the truth about what's on his mind. What do you call it again?
Eli: Radical honesty.

TV Show: Lie to Me
Gillian Foster: Do you still have that note, that I brought you? I want it for my office.
Cal Lightman: (handing over the note) You really are a pack rat.
Gillian Foster: You could have just told me what this was for.
Cal: No. You're a terrible liar.
Gillian Foster: Normal people think that's a good thing.

TV Show: Lie to Me
Ria: Sir. We don't think you were doing anything sexual at that club, because, I believe this escort, Melissa, who you paid for time with-
Weil: What about her?
Ria: She's your daughter.

TV Show: Lie to Me
Cal Lightman: The only way three people can keep a secret is if two of them are dead.

TV Show: Lie to Me
Cal Lightman: What's your content analysis of the mother?
Gillian Foster: She was definitely concealing something. When I asked her about Miss McCartney, she started referring to her as 'that woman'.
Cal Lightman: As in, 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky'
Gillian Foster: You think I'm naive just because I don't share your twisted view of the world.
Cal Lightman: That and you read romance novels.
Gillian Foster: Yes I do, because they make me happy. A pursuit I highly recommend to you.

TV Show: Lie to Me
Cal Lightman: Truth or happiness, never both.

TV Show: Lie to Me
Gillian Foster: We'd like you to come work for us, Miss Torres.
Ria: Why?
Gillian Foster: You've made seven times more arrests than the average TSA agent and you scored 97% on the TSA deception diagnostic, which Dr. Lightman created.
Cal Lightman: Have you ever had any specialized deception training?
Ria: I've dated a lot of men.

TV Show: Lie to Me
Gillian Foster: (to Cal) Congratulations. One liar bound. Six and a half billion to go

TV Show: Lie to Me
Student: He talked a bunch of crap about Miss McCartney.
Gillian Foster: Really? But what did he say?
Student: Kid's a freak. I mean, I can't remember exactly but, I'm sure I heard him say something psycho about her.
Gillian Foster: You wouldn't just be saying that because you got suspended for hitting him in the face?

TV Show: Lie to Me
Hutchinson: Personally, I think what you do is a joke. It's a frigging carnival act.
Cal Lightman: I get that a lot. You know, a moment ago, I saw you smile at your colleague, flash her a glance and shift your gaze. She responded by raising her chin boss, revealing deep embarrassment. I'll take another 'wild guess'. You two had a fling. She doesn't want a repeat performance because, you know, what with your wife and all... But you want to move on.

TV Show: Lie to Me
Cal Lightman: Oh no, no. Keep your fingers off your nose. Men have erectile tissue there. Itches when they're hiding something

TV Show: Lie to Me
Gillian Foster: The question is never simply if someone is lying. It's why

TV Show: Lie to Me
Hutchinson: The kid was at the scene of the crime. He had motive, means and he resisted arrest.
Estin: And he failed a polygraph test.
Hutchinson: It's murder one.

TV Show: Lie to Me
Cal Lightman: Well, I guess we're all here. Someone wants the truth, somebody who wants to be right, and us, the idiots in the middle.

TV Show: Lie to Me
Cal Lightman: What is that?
Gillian Foster: Chocolate pudding.
Cal Lightman: Who eats pudding at ten in the morning?
Gillian Foster: People who like pudding.

TV Show: Lie to Me
Cal Lightman: These expressions are universal. Emotion looks the same whether you're a suburban housewife or a suicide bomber. The truth is written on all our faces.

TV Show: Lie to Me
FBI Agent': (talking about Cal) A friend of mine said this guy's a total nut-job. He spent, like, three years in the African jungle with some primitive tribe, studying their eyebrows.

TV Show: Lie to Me
Cal Lightman: That's okay. That's okay. I don't have much faith in words, myself. Statistically speaking, the average person tells three lies per ten minutes conversation. And granted, just regular people. We haven't studied people planning to fire-bomb a black church. Could skew differently

TV Show: Lie to Me
Eli Loker: I have no chance with you. No, ... do I have any chance with you?
Ria Torres: You always tell the truth?
Eli Loker: Always.
Ria Torres: How good are you in bed?
Eli Loker: Fair.
Ria Torres: Fair is better than most.

TV Show: Lie to Me