Sherlock Quotes

Sherlock Holmes: I need to get some air; we're going out tonight.
John Watson: Actually, I've got a date.
Sherlock Holmes: What?
John Watson: It's when two people who like each other go out and have fun...
Sherlock Homes: That's what I was suggesting.
John Watson: No, it wasn't. At least, I hope not.

TV Show: Sherlock
John Watson: Hi, I have two tickets reserved for tonight.
Box Office Manager: And what's the name?
John Watson: Uh, Holmes.
Box Office Manager: Actually I have three in that name.
John Watson: No, I don't think so. We only booked two.
Sherlock Holmes: [From off screen] And then I phoned back and got one for myself as well.

TV Show: Sherlock
Sherlock Holmes: We'll just sneak off, no need to mention this in your report.
DI Dimmock: Mr. Holmes...
Sherlock Holmes: I have high hopes for you, Inspector, a glittering career...
DI Dimmock: If I go where you point me?
Sherlock Holmes: Exactly!

TV Show: Sherlock
Convict: Without you, I'll get hung for this.
Sherlock Holmes: No. No, not hung. Not at all. Hanged, yes!

TV Show: Sherlock
Sherlock Holmes: [shoots wall]
John Watson: What the HELL are you doing?!
Sherlock Holmes: Bored...
John Watson: What?
Sherlock Holmes: BORED! [continues to shoot wall] BORED! BORED! [stops, hands the gun to Watson] Don't know what's got into the criminal classes. Good job I'm not one of them.
John Watson: So you take it out on the wall?
Sherlock Holmes: Oh, the wall had it coming.
John Watson: What about that Russian case?
Sherlock Holmes: Belarus? Open and shut domestic murder. Not worth my time.
John Watson: [dryly] Oh, shame!

TV Show: Sherlock
John Watson: It's a head. A severed head.
Sherlock Holmes: Just tea for me, thanks.
John Watson: There's a head in the fridge!
Sherlock Holmes: Yes?
John Watson: A bloody head!
Sherlock Holmes: Where else am I supposed to put it? You don't mind, do you? I got it from the Barts' morgue, I'm measuring the coagulation of saliva after death.

TV Show: Sherlock
Sherlock Holmes: [quoting Watson's write-up of "A Study in Pink"] "Sherlock sees through everything and everyone in seconds. What's incredible, though, is how spectacularly ignorant he is about some things."
John Watson: Now hang on a minute, I didn't mean that--
Sherlock Holmes: [sarcastic] Oh, you meant "spectacularly ignorant" in a nice way! Look, it doesn't matter to me who's Prime Minister, or who's sleeping with who...
John Watson: [somewhat bitterly] Or that the earth goes around the sun.
Sherlock Holmes: Oh God, that again. It's not important!
John Watson: Not important? It's primary school stuff! How can you not know that?
Sherlock Holmes: Well, if I ever did, I've deleted it.
John Watson: "Deleted it"?
Sherlock Holmes: Listen: [points to his head] This is my harddrive, and it only makes sense to put things in there that are useful. Really useful. Ordinary people fill their heads with all kinds of rubbish, and that makes it hard to get at the stuff that matters! Do you see?
John Watson: ... But it's the solar system!
Sherlock Holmes: [extremely irritated] Oh, hell! What does that matter?! So we go around the sun! If we went around the moon or round and round the garden like a teddy bear, it wouldn't make any difference! All that matters to me is the work! Without that, my brain rots. Put that in your blog - or better still, stop inflicting your opinions on the world.

TV Show: Sherlock
Sherlock Holmes: Look at that, Mrs. Hudson. Quiet. Calm. Peaceful. Isn't it hateful?

TV Show: Sherlock
John Watson: There are lives at stake Sherlock, actual human — Just, just so I know, do you care about that at all?
Sherlock Holmes: Will caring about them help save them?
John Watson: [angrily] Nope!
Sherlock Holmes: Then I'll continue not to make that mistake.
John Watson: And you find that easy, do you?
Sherlock Holmes: Yes, very. Is that news to you?
John Watson: No. [pause] No.
Sherlock Holmes: [realising] ...I've disappointed you.
John Watson: [sarcastically] That's good, that's good deduction, yeah.
Sherlock Holmes: Don't make people into heroes, John. Heroes don't exist, and if they did, I wouldn't be one of them.

TV Show: Sherlock
Sherlock Homes: [While watching television] No, No, NO!! Of course he's not the boy's father! Look at the turn-ups on his jeans!!!

TV Show: Sherlock
Jim Moriarty: Is that a British Army Browning L9A1 in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?
Sherlock Holmes: [Draws the gun, points it at Moriarty] Both.

TV Show: Sherlock
Jim Moriarty: No one ever gets to me... and no one ever will.
Sherlock Holmes: I did.
Jim Moriarty: You've come the closest. Now you're in my way.
Sherlock Holmes: Thank you.
Jim Moriarty: Didn't mean that as a compliment.
Sherlock Holmes: Yes you did.
Jim Moriarty: [Shrugs] Yeah okay, I did.

TV Show: Sherlock
Sherlock Holmes: People have died.
Jim Moriarty: That's what people DO!

TV Show: Sherlock
Jim Moriarty: Do you know what happens if you don't leave me alone, Sherlock, to you?
Sherlock Holmes: Oh, let me guess, I get killed?
Jim Moriarty: Kill you? Um, no. Don't be obvious, Sherlock. I mean, I'm gonna kill you anyway, someday. I don't want to rush it though. No, if you don't stop prying, I'll burn you. I will burn the heart out of you.
Sherlock Holmes: I've been reliably informed that I don't have one.
Jim Moriarty: Oh, but we both know that's not entirely true, now is it?

TV Show: Sherlock
Sherlock Holmes: What if I were to just shoot you right now?
Jim Moriarty: Well, then you would get to enjoy the look of utter surprise on my face. Because I would be surprised, Sherlock. Surprised, and maybe just a little bit disappointed. And of course, you wouldn't get to enjoy it for very long.

TV Show: Sherlock
Sherlock Holmes: Catch.... You.... Later.
Jim Moriarty: [High pitched, sing-song voice] No, you won't!

TV Show: Sherlock
John Watson: I'm glad no-one saw that.
Sherlock Holmes: Mm?
John Watson: You ripping my clothes off in a darkened swimming pool. People might talk.
Sherlock Holmes: They do little else. [smiles]

TV Show: Sherlock
Official tie-in website emulating the site of Sherlock Holmes in the series

TV Show: Sherlock
1. I observe everything.
2. From what I observe, I deduce everything.
3. When I've eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how mad it might seem, must be the truth.

TV Show: Sherlock