MythBusters Quotes

Adam: Another in a long series of things: "What the hell am I doing!?"

TV Show: MythBusters
Jamie: Did you hear that? That's the sound of Mr. Hyneman having fun.

TV Show: MythBusters
Jamie: [Jamie reveals his soda can air cannon] I call it my little Pop Gun!

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: We often learn at the end of an episode of MythBusters, everyday objects can, in fact, be made lethal if Jamie builds a gun to shoot them.

TV Show: MythBusters
Tory: Alright, when we talked about this in the blueprint room, it seemed pretty straightforward. We just grab on to an edge and see how long we can hang on. But now, standing on top of this seventy-five foot building, I'm wondering is this really necessary? I mean, can't we just test this hanging off a doorframe?

TV Show: MythBusters
Tory: [Grant is suspended on a harness] Anybody got a bat?

TV Show: MythBusters
Rob Lee: And as Adam once said...
Adam: Gravity, man... it's not just a good idea - it's the LAW!

TV Show: MythBusters
Grant: My prediction is I will hang on for ten minutes, at least, and then you'll see the traces of my fingernails going down the wall.

TV Show: MythBusters
Grant: Does this harness make me look heavy?

TV Show: MythBusters
Grant: Alright, you ready for two inches?
Jessi: Look, my fingers aren't even two inches long, of course I'm ready for two inches.

TV Show: MythBusters
Grant: That, my friends, is one half of one inch. And that is about how much I can hang on. I'm predicting a lot of pain.

TV Show: MythBusters
Grant: I'd love to see the action hero who can hang on to that!

TV Show: MythBusters
Tory: [Immitating Arnold Schwarzenegger] Get to the choppah, Grant!

TV Show: MythBusters
Tory: [After Grant climbs into the 'helicopter' in a strong wind gust] Damn! Thank God his pants didn't come off!

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: Good morning.

TV Show: MythBusters
Kari: Science get more fun, when I get a bigger gun.

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: Man, Jamie, it snowed like crazy out here last night!
Jamie: Yeah, this is how it snows in San Francisco: in plastic bags!

TV Show: MythBusters
Jamie: Can we show a naked snowman on television? This is a family show.
Adam: Maybe we'll put a fig leaf.

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: [Imitating Jamie] Just remember, everyone, we're working in a really cold environment, so if your fingers start to lose feeling, make sure you go inside and get a cup of tea or something.

TV Show: MythBusters
Jamie: Let's count 'em down [the top 10 most popular myths] Top 40 style.
Adam: All right, get ready for your favorite myth!

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: [pours a glass of champagne] Ooh, I'm feeling lightheaded already. It's like drinking stars!

TV Show: MythBusters
[Jamie and Adam do a blind taste test to test the fizziness of the champagne.]
Rob Lee: Maybe it's the holiday spirit. For once - they agree!

TV Show: MythBusters
Jamie: Another Christmas myth up the chimney.

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: I just had one of those "what the hell are we doing" moments!

TV Show: MythBusters
[On Buster's new skin]
Jamie: I don't like the pink color, it's creepy.
Adam: Yeah, it's creepy, but so is what we do to Buster.

TV Show: MythBusters
[Jamie is holding a manly thong.]
Jamie: A lot of people watch this show. I'm sure some of them are gonna thinking about me wearing this particular piece of clothing on. Um... [chuckles] and uh... I'm gonna put it away now...

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: [in a London accent] It's a lovely sculpture. It's all about man's inhumanity to man... in a pipe and rope sort of way.

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: If we appear on Letterman or Leno and we bring our famous chicken cannon and shoot it off, I want someone to get on their knees and just blow me.

TV Show: MythBusters
Peter Rees (executive producer): [to Jamie] Why don't you ever pretend to be like Adam?
Jamie: What? You mean stupid?

TV Show: MythBusters
Peter Rees: Adam... is a disaster area.

TV Show: MythBusters