MythBusters Quotes

Adam: [about conspiracy theorists] What do you think?
Apollo Specialist: I think they're crazy.

TV Show: MythBusters
Tory: [after busting a moon landing myth] In your face, conspiracy theorists!

TV Show: MythBusters
[Jamie and Adam are floating in NASA's special zero-gravity plane]
Adam: That's a hundred-percent wacky right there!!

TV Show: MythBusters
[While interleaving two phone books together...]
Adam: Does this remind you of when you used to count money for the Mafia?
Jamie: I was a hitman; I wasn't a money counter.

TV Show: MythBusters
[Two military tanks are attached to two phonebooks, in order to pull them apart]
Jamie: I just wanted to make a phone call. That's all I wanted to do!

TV Show: MythBusters
[After Adam destroys the course while driving blindfolded]
Driving instructor: That was great!
Adam: Was it?
Driving instructor: You nailed that! Every single one of them!
[Adam laughs hysterically]

TV Show: MythBusters
[While drunk.]
Kari: What is red and smells like blue paint?
Adam: I don't know. What?
Kari: Red paint.

TV Show: MythBusters
[Jamie slaps Adam in the face.]
Adam: AH! Holy crap! Holy bleeping bleepity bleep!
Jamie: Can I do that again? That was fun.
Adam: No, that made my head ring!

TV Show: MythBusters

TV Show: MythBusters
Rob Lee: It's Crouching Savage, Hidden Hyneman.

TV Show: MythBusters
Jamie: Well, we've got our bamboo. It's time to go back to the shop and torture some dummies.

TV Show: MythBusters
Tory: We're gonna blow the CRAP out of that toilet! Get it?

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: [In French accent] Jamie is imagining himself to be a plant.

TV Show: MythBusters
Jamie: This may look nice and sunny. And it is. But it's also a torture chamber. Or will be soon.

TV Show: MythBusters
Tory: Yeah, normally Grant's a better shot when he's using the toilet.

TV Show: MythBusters
Tory: I feel like I've been lied to. What I saw on that internet video was an explosion.

TV Show: MythBusters
Kari: Next on MythBusters, extreme plumbing!

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: I ate a radio for science!

TV Show: MythBusters
Jamie: [referring to whether brandy from a St. Bernard will bring a person back from the brink of death] Or this is like an apertif before I eat the dog?
Adam: You can't say that!

TV Show: MythBusters
Kari: It's always a good day when you start it at the bomb range.

TV Show: MythBusters
Grant: We love pianos. We're not enjoying this in the least. ...Okay, maybe just a little bit.

TV Show: MythBusters
J.D. Nelson: What I think you need is the MythBusters Concerto in C4.

TV Show: MythBusters
Jamie: Excellent! I see everybody got the message
Kari: Yeah, Dress for Demolition Derby Special
Grant: So what's exactly going on here?
Adam: Ha, ha, ha!, You're gonna love this (Points to Jamie) Tell em'
Jamie: Well, its the...
Tory: Sweet!
Adam: I know..., (Points to Jamie)give him the details!
Jamie: Well, we've got...
Grant: Nice...
Jamie: (Clears Throat)
Jamie: To do this we'll be using...
Jamie: (Stares daggers at Adam)
Adam: What?!?

TV Show: MythBusters
[Having just obliterated a car by smashing a rocket sled into it.]
Jamie: So our goal was to fuse metal and pancake the car. Did we succeed? …What car?

TV Show: MythBusters
Rob Lee (US Narrator): Don't you just hate it when something you've paid good money for won't break the way you want it to?

TV Show: MythBusters
Tory: Well we proved one thing, gravity still works.

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: One bullet, three paving stones, and a cardboard hoosier... and a cartridge in a pear tree.

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: Does this remind you of when you used to hunt mastodons?

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: [Before hitting a target with soda cups] Every target needs a motivation. [Holds up a picture of Jamie] Yeah!!

TV Show: MythBusters
Adam: Mmm, delicious MythBusters non-trademark slush drink. Icy, fruity, blue, and potentially lethal. Use with caution.

TV Show: MythBusters