Third Watch Quotes

Bosco: Yokas and I are joining the law enforcement elite.
Sully: You're becoming Ninjas?

TV Show: Third Watch
Carlos: Big fire.
Taylor: I should be in there fighting it.
Carlos: Anything I can do to make that dream a reality, don't hesitate to ask.
Taylor: Just keep being you.

TV Show: Third Watch
Carlos Nieto: Watching Carlos yell at other drivers is good for your resume?
Holly Levine: Oh, come on.
Carlos Nieto: Ha ha. What? What? Are you jealous or something? Huh?
Holly Levine: You have to be kidding me.

TV Show: Third Watch
Kim: [Sam is laying in the middle of the road] Oh great, a human speed bump.

TV Show: Third Watch
Off. John 'Sully' Sullivan: [after seeing Steeper on the floor of the firehouse] Oh, my God. Doc did that?
Kim Zambrano: Not the Doc we know.

TV Show: Third Watch
Yokas: You should just go home and make yourself a nice cup of herbal tea and watch an old movie.
Bosco: Herbal tea? I'm surrounded by new age crap.

TV Show: Third Watch
Sully: How do you do it everyday?
Yokas: I just think of him as one of my kids. Puts it in whole new perspective.
Sully: Most kids grow up.

TV Show: Third Watch
Bosco: Is that your jag out there?
Drunk Woman: What?
Bosco: Is that your jag out there?

TV Show: Third Watch
Doc: You ever think about quitting?
Sully: About 25 times a day.
Doc: Why wouldn't you?
Sully: The day is not over yet.

TV Show: Third Watch
Officers: Get out the car! Now!
Bosco: (to officers) Weapons down! Weapons down!
Bosco: Hey Rick? Big Rick? Shift is over, bud.
Bosco: You can turn over the squad now. You don't have to drive around anymore.
Bosco: Lets go back to station, have some donuts, swap some stories, that what cops do. You are a cop, right?
Bosco: You did a good job, partner.

TV Show: Third Watch
Sully: If you give everyone a beating who deserves it your arms are gonna be mighty tired by the end of the night.

TV Show: Third Watch
Davis: What do you do?
Sully: What do you mean "what do I do"?
Davis: To, like uh kick back, have like uh, sully fun, what do you do? I sort of picture you sitting at home in your boxer shorts watching old movies on black and white TV.
Sully: This is what you do, conjure up images of me in my underwear?
Davis: I'm not saying its pretty.
Sully: You are way off, you know.
Davis: About what?
Sully: I got a color television.

TV Show: Third Watch
Carlos: It's a milk run.
Doc: No lights, no siren.
Carlos: I promise I'll bring it back with a full tank of gas Dad.

TV Show: Third Watch
Carlos: Oh!
Doc: What a hell was that?!
Carlos: Oh my god....

TV Show: Third Watch
Paramedic: What have we got?
Doc: We, hit him by a bus.
Carlos: I didn't see him...
Paramedic: Damn, bro.

TV Show: Third Watch
Bobby: Do you know her name?
Girl: Sunny, you know, like Sunshine.

TV Show: Third Watch
Bosco: Justice delayed is justice denied.
Yokas: Justice? What? Beating on a defenseless prisoner? I don't know if that's what our founding fathers had in mind.
Bosco: Oh, so now we only dispense street justice when you think it is appropriate.
Yokas: Whats that supposed to mean?

TV Show: Third Watch
Doc: Takes the stockings off, too.
Carlos: Is that you talking?

TV Show: Third Watch
Bosco: 21st century and this city still has buildings with no elevators.
Yokas: Well, a little stair climbing will keep you warm.
Bosco: So will the car heater. Any you know what? It's conveniently located in our car!

TV Show: Third Watch
Kim: We may walk upright, buy CDs off the internet, but when it comes down to it, deep under, we are animals. Instincts. We can't get away from instincts.
Bobby: National Geographic?
Kim: Discovery Channel.

TV Show: Third Watch
Yokas: Okay, let's talk about my sex life. Last night my husband was too drunk to get it up, and it's kinda bugging me, you know?
Bosco: Wow, wow, wow! That is a little more information than I needed to hear. Now I have a picture.
Yokas: No kidding.

TV Show: Third Watch
Priest: Excuse me, we are closed.
Kim: A church closes?

TV Show: Third Watch
Carlos: This one nun, she was alright, she used to say, "Carlos, you think you are an orphan, you are not. You've got a father. God is your father and he is looking after you." And then, you know, I'd say t"Well, he's not doing a very good job." Do I believe it, that god's watching? Looking down on the kid, that he sees all the stuff that we see, you know? If he does, where is he? Huh? Why doesn't he stop it?
Doc: You don't get it.
Carlos: What is it that I don't get it?
Doc: We're on our own, man. I mean, he gave us freedom.
Carlos: Oh, right. That's a great idea to give us the freedom to get a little smack going so we can fold our kid up like an aarcordian just see how it feels.
Doc: Believe it or don't believe it. It's up to you. But you ought ask youself, when you die and you meet God....
Carlso: What will I say to him? I'll say, "How dare you!" Yeah, how dare you make a world where kids suffer and die? You let this stuff happen And we're supposed to love you and light candles and spring for a dollar evertime a guy comes around in church with a basket. (Doc scoffs,) Hey, hey, I know. He's testing us. That's what they tell you in church. If there was an election, for God, I would not vote for the one we have got now. No, not until he rode with us the bus, just one day.
Kim: Don't sit too close, Bobby. Ground might open up.
Bobby: Yeah, or the lighting.
Kim: At least then we'd know there is something out there.
Carlos: Doc, we ride together. How can you believe in God after seeing what we see?
Doc: I think you've got it all wrong. I mean, the questions is, how can you believe in man?

TV Show: Third Watch