Lexx Quotes

790: Oh, universe of cruelty!

TV Show: Lexx
Woz: Breathe in for the sisters, breathe out for the brothers.

TV Show: Lexx
Kai: I do not give anything any thought when I am frozen.

TV Show: Lexx
Xev: I think we're all lucky to be still alive.
Kai: Some of us.

TV Show: Lexx
Kai: Life is a harder stage to achieve than death.

TV Show: Lexx
790: [advising Zev] Always choose the robot over the dead man.

TV Show: Lexx
[Brizon seems dead]
Kai: Mouth to mouth resuscitation would seem a reasonable action.
Stan: Well, go ahead.
Kai: One must have breath to give it.

TV Show: Lexx
Xev: You are a monster.
Brizon: No, I am a parasite. And you are my host...ess.

TV Show: Lexx
Mantrid: [to Brizon] You, my friend, are a leaking boil on the anus of a cancerous rodent, squeaking from a damned corner of oblivion!

TV Show: Lexx
790: If I only had an arm, I'd be more than just a head. If I only had an arm, I would strangle Tweedle dead.

TV Show: Lexx
790: Do you have any idea what you are doing, or am I correct in observing that you are a ridiculous know-nothing attempting to gain a tiny modicum of understanding of how that device works?
Stan: I've taken lots of things apart before.
790: But were you able to put any of them back together?

TV Show: Lexx
Kai: [to Mantrid]: I know that I am dead. But you believe you are alive, and you should know that life is always full of surprises.

TV Show: Lexx
Kai: Mantrid... I do not experience pleasure, but my - friends are deriving satisfaction from the knowledge that their deaths will be simultaneous with yours.
Xev: You are a machine. We are human. And we have beaten you!
Mantrid: Ha. Ha. Ha.
Kai: In the end, you're just a calculator. You may rule the universe, but this universe is collapsing. You have moved too much mass too quickly to one point. This universe was born in a big bang, and now it is about to die in a big collapse.
Mantrid: You have played well.
Kai: You should have made better use of your human side.

TV Show: Lexx
Mantrid: I concede the game to you.
Kai: [nods] Good riddance.

TV Show: Lexx
Mantrid: [speaking from his little box, he's inside the Lexx] I destroyed the universe! I destroyed the universe! I destroyed the universe! I destroyed the universe! [shrieking] I destroyed the universe!
Xevi: And we destryed you! [she crushes the box under her heel]

TV Show: Lexx
790: Bring me to my beloved Xev! Bring. Me. To. Xev.
Prince: Who is Xev?
790: My beloved, darling Xev - the greatest woman who ever lived and I demand that you wake her up at once!
Prince: Who else is on board, exactly?
790: A security guard called Stanley Tweedle who is of no use and no importance in any situation at any time! And a dead assassin named Kai. Bring me to her at once or -
Prince: Or what?
790: ...I'll wake her up myself. I would have woken her up along time ago if the control unit had heard me from down there, where I was stuck!
Prince: So she's the important one...
790: [his voice softens] Without a doubt.
Prince: Good.
790: So are you going to bring me to her?
Prince: No. [tosses 790 into the depths of the Lexx]

TV Show: Lexx
Stan: [waking up after 4000 years of sleep] Ouh... I feel really stiff for some reason... wait a second, are we somewhere?
Prince: Yes...
Stan: [disorientated Oh yeah! Where?
Prince: ....Somewhere.

TV Show: Lexx
Stan: This is the Lexx!
Prince: [looks around] This comet?
Stan: Comet? No no! This is what we're on, this is the Lexx... It's big err... a big...
Prince: Bug.

TV Show: Lexx
Stan: Um... Lexx?
Lexx: ...Yes?
Stan: Tell 'em.... um... tell them, that you're not unfriendly in any way. That you're just a big bug... that.. t-that wants to eat, right?
Lexx: I am not unfriendly in any way. I am just a big bug that wants to eat, right?

TV Show: Lexx
[Prince's guards hold Stan up against the cryochamber by his neck.]
Stan: That hurts!
Prince: Does it?
Stan: Yes!
Prince: I'm very good... with pain.

TV Show: Lexx
Stan: Why are doing this to me?
Prince: Fun.

TV Show: Lexx
Stan: Just let's not forget, now we are in the Dark Zone! This is the universe of evil, of chaos, of depravity! I mean, so what do we do now, eh?!
Xev: I suppose we find ourselves a new home?
Stan: Yep, which then gets destroyed like every other place we've ever been.

TV Show: Lexx
Stan: Kai! You know about the Dark Zone, I mean where are the good planets?
Kai: Define good planet.
Stan: Well, for me - it would be one you'd feel confortable living on! Tingle me, jingle me! Get hunk and do it, y'know, kinda planet, you understand what I mean!
Kai: No.

TV Show: Lexx
Stan: Why don't you just go ahead and eat?
Lexx: There is nothing to eat around here.
Stan: Well, go somewhere where there is food!
Lexx: I cannot go... anywhere.
Stan: How can he be so stupid?!
790: Easily and always, he is stupid. And you are captain of the stupid.

TV Show: Lexx
790: I will love you until my last electron.

TV Show: Lexx
Kai: We can drift until we are drawn into the solar system of a celestial object.
Stan: So how long is it gonna take us to reach one of those if we just... drift?
790: Somewhere between nine hundred standard years and sixteen thousand standard years.
Xev: So what do we eat in the meantime?

TV Show: Lexx
Xev: [as she is about to go into cryostatis] Kai! Is it okay if I dream about you?
Kai: You will not dream.
Xev: Well, if I did dream... I would like to dream about you.
Kai: If you like.
Xev: I do like. Goodnight Kai.

TV Show: Lexx
Stan: And then... then, you unfroze me. Seems like it all just happened... I guess you have no sense of time when you're in cryosleep. Well, that's everything, that's it. We're just travellers, we're just passing through. And look, I know that the ship looks big, and looks scary n' all, but I mean it's just a big bug! It couldn't hurt a fly...so it's no threat to you, or to anybody! See? So, I'll just go and wake up the others and we'll just continue on our way.

TV Show: Lexx
Prince: What about the man in black?
Stan: Oh! He's dead. See, we're just hanging onto him until we can finally land on a planet and bury him, y'know, it's a custom we observe with our dead. Actually, he's kinda alive dead.
Prince: Alive dead?
Stan: Yeah, yeah he can actually walk around a little bit. Y'know, we should go wake him up so that I could show ya! You'd find it really interesting.

TV Show: Lexx
Prince: What about the woman?
Stan: Oh... Don't worry about her, oh she's just a nurse or something... Y'know, I'm not even sure what it is she actually does do. But she's definitely not important.
Prince: She's not important?
Stan: No, not important. Not in any way, shape or form.
Prince: [enraged] YOU ARE NOT IMPORTANT!

TV Show: Lexx