Lincoln Heights Quotes

Charles: I hit him with a schnitzel.
Cassie Sutton: With a...?
Charles: Dinner.

Movie: Lincoln Heights
Charles: I hit him with a schnitzel.
Cassie Sutton: With a...?
Charles: Dinner.

TV Show: Lincoln Heights
Jenn: (of Reverend Hammond) That man is a born activist; if there's nothing to protest, he's out of work

TV Show: Lincoln Heights
Charles: Cassie, what I'm trying to say is, I don't wanna be your friend, I want to be more than that. I like you Cassie.
Cassie: Okay, is this you talking or the beer?
Charles: I know what I'm saying, and I'm not drunk. (she grins at him) Okay, maybe a little. (she laughs) But I still like you, a lot.

TV Show: Lincoln Heights
Manolo: A little bleeding and you cry like a girl? Man, you're N.A.T.O., man – No Action, Talk Only.

TV Show: Lincoln Heights
Eddie: So are you saying we all should become bad guys?
Mulaney: Being a good guy hasn't exactly been a growth business.

TV Show: Lincoln Heights
Eddie: What do you think?
Det Wilkes: I think we're looking at a worst case scenario.
Eddie: Which is?
Det Wilkes: A guy with nothing left to lose.

TV Show: Lincoln Heights
Jenn: You didn't happen to bump into a particular cop, Eddie Sutton?
EMT: After a while they all start to look alike.

TV Show: Lincoln Heights
Kevin: He actually chose the clarinet?
Eddie: Yes.
Kevin: Not a trumpet, or a saxophone...
Eddie: Seriously, I think you should stop right now.
Kevin: (laughing) I've upset you.
Eddie: I'm not upset.
Kevin: Boy of mine comes home, says he wants to play the clarinet, God knows how I'd react.
Eddie: You actually think I won't shoot you?

TV Show: Lincoln Heights
Kevin: Rolling stop about ten years ago, no DUI.
Eddie: He's not a drunk. What do you say we cut him some slack.
Kevin: Whatever gets us to lunch on time.

TV Show: Lincoln Heights
Eddie: Hey man, check it out.
(a minivan is swerving in the road)
Kevin: Kinda early in the day to be getting your load on.

TV Show: Lincoln Heights
Kevin Lund: So, you wanna check out that new Thai place after watch?
Eddie: I can't. Tay's recital tonight.
Kevin Lund: So, eh, the clarinet huh?
Eddie: Don't start.
Kevin Lund: I'm just saying...
Eddie: Well, don't just say.

TV Show: Lincoln Heights
Eddie: Hey champ, big night tonight.
Taylor: You gonna be there?

TV Show: Lincoln Heights
Eddie: Wouldn't miss it.
Taylor: That's what you said the last time.
Eddie: Hey. I'll be there.
Taylor: You have to be there by six.
Eddie: I know.

TV Show: Lincoln Heights
Kevin Lund: You have the right to shut up. Now, if you don't shut up, we'll use what you say against you. You have the right to hire a shyster to get you off. But, if no lawyer will take your case because your such a miserable excuse for a human being, the court will provide some low paid, overworked public defender. Now get in the damn car.

TV Show: Lincoln Heights