Blue Heelers Quotes

Maggie: Why does every Christmas turn every driver into testosterone on wheels?
PJ: Yeah, and that's only the women.
Maggie: Oh, ha, ha.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Maggie: Have you talked to Gina yet?
Adam: What about?
Maggie (sarcastically): Oh, Carols by Candlelight, Adam, what do you think?

TV Show: Blue Heelers
PJ: Well, it's always been sort of one of my fantasies to get in there and sort of rescue you.
Maggie: Really?
PJ: Yeah.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Monica: So, have you decided on a name for the dog yet, Clancy?
Clancy: Yeah, Monica...and she's a bitch!

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Tom: Tell me you didn't do that! There are people's lives at risk out there, and you're swallowing drawing pins!

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Tom (to Nick): Were you standing next to a burning marijuana plant?

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Tom (to Nick): What's it like out there?
Nick (to Tom): It's like a bunch of headless chooks having a fun run.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Matt: Power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
PJ: Ah, I was dreaming about you, Doyle.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Maggie: PJ, I'm not the one you have to convince.
PJ: Yes, you are. You're the only one that matters.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Maggie: I've thought about this, and it wouldn't work.
PJ: I don't believe that.
Maggie: Yeah, you do...can we please keep this professional for both our sakes?

TV Show: Blue Heelers
PJ: Yeah, I thought with you prosecuting, Mags...he'd get life!

TV Show: Blue Heelers
PJ: Next thing you're going to tell us that you've been bonking in the cells.
Adam's girlfriend: Oh no...we used your office.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
[Maggie laughs in the background, until PJ turns around and she quickly stops.]

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Nick: It's nice to know we've got law abiding drivers today.
Wayne: Yeah, either that or some helpful citizen's put a sign up down the road.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Adam: Ah, sounds like a job for the granny squad, Boss.
Tom: That's not funny, Cooper.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Roz: It was always police force first, me second.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Maggie: Wayne...he put his arms around me and he took me to bed. But no, it wasn't like that. He was very warm and loving and so incredibly gentle. I fell for him in such a big way.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Tom: Well, whatever else Wayne had going for him, he certainly had a fine bunch of workmates. Proud of you.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Roz: I loved Wayne.
Nick: Sure you did, that's why you shot through on him isn't it?
Roz: It wasn't like that Nick. Do you have any idea what it feels like to be told your husband's been shot? To nurse him back to health only to see him strap on that bloody gun again, do you?
Nick: Do you have any idea what it feels like to put the gun on and do the job? No, you've got no idea. You've got no idea because you shot through on him. He came back to us because he knew we'd back him up.Do you know what it's like for me, to hear from someone like you, that I can't go to my mates funeral?

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Adam: Shut up and blow!

TV Show: Blue Heelers
PJ: What is it today, Friday the 13th?

TV Show: Blue Heelers
PJ: Cooper, I love you.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Heelers (singing): Why was she born so beautiful, why was she born at all? Because she had no say in it, no say in it at all.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Tom (to Digger): Did you bark? If you didn't bark, you're going to the pound!

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Nick (about Anna): It's 350 degrees in the shade, she's four hundred years pregnant, we're gonna give her a lift.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
PJ: Well, women's bodies are not my expertise.
Adam: Oh, that's not what I've heard!

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Jack: They expect us to fight against filth but they won't let us fight dirty.

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Tom: No, PJ, why don't you take all the credit?
Maggie: Or, how about, "Big head finally cracks it"?

TV Show: Blue Heelers
Maggie: Yeah, that's a good idea, Adam. What's she like?
Adam: She's got amazing eyes.

TV Show: Blue Heelers