Angel Quotes

Angel: I had to sing Barry Manilow.
Faith: You're kidding.
Angel: In front of people.
Faith: And here I am talking about my petty little problems.
Angel: Just wanted to give you a little perspective.
Faith: "Copacabana"?
Angel: "Mandy". I don't want to dwell on it.
Faith: The road to redemption is a rocky path.
Angel: That it is.
Faith: You think we might make it?
Angel: We might.

TV Show: Angel
Cordelia: [emerges from her kitchen, serving drinks to Angel and Wesley in her living room] English breakfast tea... coffee... [sets a tall glass on the table for Angel] ... O-pos.

TV Show: Angel
Cordelia: Something the matter?
Angel: [looking at the dark liquid in his glass] I, um, I think it's gone bad. It's starting to coagulate.
Cordelia: Huh? No - that's cinnamon. [off Angel's look] What, I can't try something?

TV Show: Angel
Bellhop: You ever look into his eyes? There's nothing there.

TV Show: Angel
Wesley: I can sense it. There is a pattern here... Some force was residing at the Hyperion over the last decades, affecting staff and residents. I just fear there is no real way to...
Cordelia: A Thesulac paranoia demon. Whispers to its victims, feeds on their innate insecurities.
[Wesley stares]
Cordelia[holding out phone]: Angel wants to talk to you.

TV Show: Angel
Wesley: I've been accused of a great many things in my time but paranoid has never been one of them. Unless people have been saying it behind my back.

TV Show: Angel
Wesley: Angel, you don't think I'm especially paranoid do you?
Angel: Not especially, no.
Wesley: Good. I was worried.

TV Show: Angel
[Cordelia and Wesley try to clean up the long-deserted Hyperion Hotel.]
Cordelia: Oh, this place is never gonna get clean.
Wesley: Buck up. It's just a little dust.
Cordelia: Oh, this isn't mere dust. This is "Son of Dust". This is the kind of dust that spawns countless generations of little baby dust. I give up.
Wesley: I suppose will just have to move our offices back into your apartment, then.
Cordelia: And, I'm dusting.

TV Show: Angel
Angel: I still can't believe you're here. I mean...I killed you.
Darla: I'm over that. You haven't told anyone else about these dates of ours, have you?
Angel: No. I want you all for myself.
Darla: I know how you feel.
Angel: It's so strange.
Darla: But good.
Angel: But good.
[They kiss as the song ends.]
Lorne: Somebody get these two love-vamps a room!

TV Show: Angel
[She takes a piece of ice out of her drink and draws a line with it down the middle of Angel's chest. He starts to laugh.]
Angel: Why are you so good to me - after everything I did?
Darla: Because - you and I are one.
[She draws the ice cube across Angel's lips. The phone stops ringing]
Darla: See? I told you it would stop.
[She leans down and they kiss.]'

TV Show: Angel
Wesley: Angel, it’s me!
Angel: What are you doing here?
Wesley: Gunn’s in trouble. Can’t breathe!
Angel: Gunn can’t breathe?
Wesley: I can’t breathe!
Angel: Oh, sorry.

TV Show: Angel
Wesley: Now, about the naked thing.
Angel: I’ll get dressed.
Wesley: Much appreciated.

TV Show: Angel
Gunn: I’ll say please.
Cordelia: Oh I forgot, you’ll use your famous charm like you did this afternoon with that pigeon stool.
Gunn: It’s stool pigeon.

TV Show: Angel
[He comes up behind Darla and wraps his arms around her.]
Angel: What are you thinking about?
[We hear a soft knocking in the background.]
Darla: You. Us.
Angel: You seem sad.
Darla: It's just...I have to go.
Angel: Where?
Darla: Away.
Angel: I'll go with you.
Darla: You can't. I'm in danger.
Angel: I'll protect you.
[She turns around in his arms as the knocking becomes the sound of hammering.]
Darla: You're too busy protecting everyone else.
[They almost kiss, but the hammering gets louder and they look over to see Wesley putting a nail into an upright coffin.]

TV Show: Angel
Angel: Well, it – it’s, you know. The whole visibility issue, not to mention the hat head thing. You know, when you really think about it, how come I have to wear the ladies’ helmet?
Wesley: Stop being such a wanker and put it on.

TV Show: Angel
[Angel walks into the hotel lobby looking beat.]
Darla: Honey, you're home.
Angel: Hi.
Darla: You look beat. What's wrong?
Angel: Nothing.
Darla: Save any lives today?
Angel: A few. Yeah.
Darla: Did any of your friends say thank you?
Angel: Not exactly.
Darla: Hmm, typical. You know, next time you see them I'm really going to say something to them.
Angel: It's okay.
Darla: No. It isn't. [Puts her hands on his arms] You give and you give and you give.
Angel: I'm used to it.
Darla: Always the protector, never the protected.
Angel: I have so many things to make up for.
Darla: And you have. You take care of so many people. But who takes care of you?
Angel: You do.
Darla: That's right. I do. Come on. Lean back. Now, you just relax and let Darla take care of you.

TV Show: Angel
Darla: How's that?
Angel: Good.
Darla: I'm just getting started, baby. [She starts kissing her way down his bare chest.] I know how to please you. All you have to do is let me.
[Darla kisses his chest, his neck, his mouth, mirroring the dream action in real life without Angel showing any sign of waking. Darla looks down at his sleeping face.]
Darla: Mmm, I could just eat you up.
[Darla leans down and kisses the side of his neck.]

TV Show: Angel
[Lilah sneaks into Lindsey's dark office at Wolfram & Hart and starts to look through the papers on his desk.]
Darla: Exciting, isn't it?
[Lilah jumps and drops the papers she was holding.]
Lilah: Darla. I didn't see you.
Darla: Going through their things, all the little pieces of themselves locked away, given you a naughty little thrill of control.
Lilah: I just like to keep abreast of his latest project. He's probably in my office right now trying to find out about mine. That's just how it works at our firm.
[Darla sits on the edge of Lindsey's desk and pours some dark blue powder into the palm of her left hand.]
Darla: Hmm, all you busy little worker bees, plotting your little schemes.
Lilah: Calynthia powder? Is that how you keep Angel sleeping when he's with you?
Darla: There is nothing so lovely as dreams. Everything is in them, everything hidden. Open those chambers and you can truly understand someone and control them.
Lilah: And what's hidden in Angel's secret chambers?
Darla: Horrors.

TV Show: Angel
Wesley: I am not a sheep!
Cordelia: You are such a sheep. You've never had a single opinion you didn't read in a book.
Wesley: At least I've opened a book.
Cordelia: Oh don't even try with the snooty, Wooly Boy. I was top 10 percent of my class!
Wesley: What class? Advanced bosoms?

TV Show: Angel
Cordelia: Gunn's been working hard for us. He should be pulling in a check.
Angel: I'll think about asking him.
Cordelia: No think, pay. That's an order.
Angel: Let's pretend for a minute that you work for me.
Cordelia: Man, you are really unpleasant...
Angel: Okay, then let's pretend you don't.
Cordelia: You can't fire me. I'm vision girl [Sticks her tongue out]
Angel: Okay, I'll ask him. On a job to job basis.
Cordelia: My hero.

TV Show: Angel
Angel: What do we know about telekinesis?
Wesley: Ah yes, the power of moving things with one's mind. That's pretty much it. The power of.. moving.. I.. I'm better with demons, really.

TV Show: Angel
Cordelia: I can't get this bandage to - stop moving!
Angel: I'm not.
Cordelia: Well, then stop breathing.
Angel: I don't breathe.
Cordelia: Then stop flexing your manly boob-muscles or whatever.
Wesley: That's an ugly looking wound.
Angel: It doesn't feel pretty either.
Wesley: We should definitely approach this girl with caution - I guess you already figured that out.
Angel: She's very powerful. We got to find out everything we can about her.
Cordelia: Like, oh, say, her name?
Angel: I was impaled at the time!
Cordelia: Of course. Perfectly understandable.
Angel: Do you know how hard it is to think straight with a rebar through your torso?
Cordelia: Actually, I do. Benefits of a Sunnydale education. No address or anything?
Angel: She said she was staying with a friend.
Cordelia: Well, that narrows it down to people with friends. (to Wesley) Where do we keep that list?

TV Show: Angel
[On Bethany leaving]
Angel: You gotta learn to lose, sweetie.
Lilah: Did I mention you're not invited in?

TV Show: Angel
Wesley: What about my salary? That's fixed too.
Cordelia: What if every time you identified a demon in one of your big old books, we gave you ten bucks? Or a chicken pot pie?
Wesley: Wait, I have another idea — no. Get a vision!
Cordelia: Well, it's not like you can hit me in the head and wham, it happens!
Wesley: What if we test that theory with one of my big old books?
Angel: Children, stop bickering.

TV Show: Angel
Darla: All that power wasted on a whiny, mopey do-gooder. God, I could eat his eyeballs.
Lindsey: Our plans for Angel are a little more long-term than that. But if you can't help yourself, then by all means, be my guest.
Darla: You're fun for a human.

TV Show: Angel
Darla: Just nod and smile pleasantly, Stephen.
Stephen: What'd this guy do to you anyway? You're going to an awful lot of trouble to teach him a lesson. Not that I mind, work is work. Last year I did this puppet theatre of the absurd and believe me it was...
[Darla's hand slips out of sight beneath the table cloth in the general region of his crotch.]
Stephen: Ow-oh!
Darla: If you don't shut up I'm going to kill you.
Stephen: Okay.
Darla: Okay.
Stephen: Okay.

TV Show: Angel
Drusilla: Black sky. It wants a little wormy me.
[Angelus and Darla break apart and look over at a sobbing Dru.]
Drusilla: No. No. Make it stop!
Darla: What is she doing here? I thought you killed her.
Angelus: No. Just her family.
[He pushes Darla down on the floor and rolls on top of her.]
Drusilla: Eyes like arrows - like-like needles.
Angelus: This one's special. I have big plans for her.
[He leans down to kiss Darla.]
Drusilla: Snake in the woodshed. Snake in the woodshed. Snake in the woodshed! Snake in the woodshed!
[Darla rolls them over so she's now on top.]
Darla: So are we going to kill her during, or after?
Angelus: Neither. We turn her into one of us. - Killing is so merciful at the end, isn't it? The pain has ended.
Darla: But to make her one of us? She's a lunatic.
Angelus: Eternal torment. [Grabs a hold of Darla's arms and rolls them so he is back on top with her under him on the floor.] Am I learning?
[Angelus starts to kiss Darla while Dru first laughs then cries.]

TV Show: Angel
Cordelia: [spins in Angel's chair] Hey, look at me, I'm Angel!
Wesley: He doesn't generally spin that much.
Cordelia: Right. This is Angel.
Cordelia [as Angel]: Oh, no, I can't do anything fun tonight. I have to count my past sins, then alphabetize them. Oh, by the way, I'm thinking of snapping on Friday.

TV Show: Angel
Angel: There's no Wyndam-Pryce agency...

TV Show: Angel
Darla: Lindsey. You never talk about yourself, Lindsey. You have a girlfriend? Boyfriend? Someone special?
Lindsey McDonald: There's no one.
Darla: You can be with someone for 150 years - think you know them. Still - doesn't work out. Angelus - why, you should have seen us together.
Lindsey: He was a different person then.
Darla: And so was I. Now do you know what we've become?
Lindsey: Enemies?
Darla: Oh no. Much worse. Now we're soulmates. [laughs as Lindsey stares]

TV Show: Angel