Angel Quotes

Spike: There's a hole in the world. Feels like we ought to have known.

TV Show: Angel
Fred: [dying in his arms] Wesley, why can't I stay?

TV Show: Angel
Gunn: What about her—If her organs have been liquefied?
Spike: [raises hand] Flash fried in a pillar of fire, savin' the world. I got better.

TV Show: Angel
Harmony: I want to help. Fred's my friend. We went out for drinks all the... once.

TV Show: Angel
Angel: Any idea how she got past you?
Gunn: One second she was standing there, the next, poof.
Angel: She's a teleporter?
Wesley: I don't think so. No characteristic displacement of the atmosphere around her.
Spike: I fancied I saw a blur just before she went Houdini.
Gunn: Yeah, like she was pulling a Barry Allen.
[Angel looks at him, not recognizing the name; Gunn looks around at the others]
Gunn: Jay Garrick? Wally— Like she was moving really fast.

TV Show: Angel
Wesley: Is there something you'd like to tell me, Charles?
[Gunn turns in horror to see Wes is holding him at gunpoint after overhearing some of Gunn's conversation with the doctor.]
Wesley: Knox was in contact with the doctor. But you already know that, don't you?
Gunn: Yeah, one of my sources...
Wesley: Don't! What he said... about Fred, about her soul, is it true? What did you do, Charles?
Gunn: It was just a piece of paper. I was losing it. Everything they put in my head, everything that made me different. Special. And he could fix it. Make it permanent. So I signed a piece of paper. It was a custom's release form. I didn't think anyone would get hurt.
Wesley: Nothing from Wolfram & Hart is ever free. You knew that.
Gunn: I couldn't go back... to being just the muscle. I... I didn't think it would be one of us. I didn't think it would be Fred.
Wesley: I understand not wanting to go back, not wanting to be who we were. I understand it. And I can forgive it. But you knew what was happening to her. You knew who was responsible and you didn't say anything. You let her die.
[Picks up a scalpel from the table and thrusts it into Gunn's gut.]
Wesley: I'm less forgiving about that.

TV Show: Angel
Angel: [slams Wesley against wall] What the hell did you do?
Wesley: What I had to.
Angel: I don't remember seeing "stab Gunn" on the agenda this morning.
Wesley: I avoided the major organs. He'll probably live.
Angel: Is that supposed to make it all right?
Wesley: Nothing is all right! Nothing will ever be all right.
Angel: We'll get her back, Wes.
Wesley: No, we won't. Fred's soul... her soul was destroyed resurrecting Illyria.

TV Show: Angel
Wesley: Illyria.
Angel: We have to stop her before she-
Spike: Unleashes hell on earth?
Angel: What'd you get out of the doctor?
Spike: Screams. Various fluids. And a name: Vahla ha’nesh.

TV Show: Angel
Angel: You're about as low as it gets, Knox, but you're a part of humanity. That isn't always pretty, but it's a hell of a lot better than what came before. [to Illyria] And if it comes down to a choice between you and him, then yes, I would fight for his life, just like any other human's. Because that's what people do. That's what makes us —
[Wesley shoots and kills Knox.]
Angel: [to Wes] Were you even listening?

TV Show: Angel
Illyria: We cling to what is gone. Is there anything in this life but grief?
Wesley: There's love. There's hope - for some. There's hope that you'll find something worthy. That your life will lead you to some joy. That after everything, you can still be surprised.
Illyria: Is that enough? Is that enough to live for?

TV Show: Angel
Spike: My first official parley as a very loosely affiliated member of... what are we? Tell me we're not Scoobies.
Angel: We haven't got-
Spike: [Interrupting] A name? Probably just as well. You'd want to be Angel's Avengers or something.
Angel: [laughing] Please. Angel's Avengers. Thats so... [stops laughing and gets a look implying that he likes the name]
Spike: So what's on the agenda?
Angel: Uh, I have assignments for people— [a fizzing noise is heard, Angel glances over]
Spike: What? [Angel glares] I'm listening. With beer.
Angel: Forget it. This isn't a meeting, this is you being annoying.
Spike: [looking at the page] Hey, bullet points. Classy. Why am I always reconnaissance? I should get a decently flash gig like "save the girl" or "steal the emerald with the girl".
Angel: "Handsome man saved me from the monsters."
Spike: Exactly! Or... What's that now?
Angel: That's the first thing Fred said to me. In Pylea. She was trapped, hiding, afraid. Nearly crazy. Crazy, but brave. I should never have let her come here. Bad things always happen here.
Spike: Hate to break it to you, mate. But bad things always happen everywhere. Besides, she wanted to be here. It was her choice.
Angel: Was it?
Spike: Bugger, you're fixing to do something stupid, aren't you.
Angel: Done it. Came here. Spend every day lying to myself about making the world a better place.
Spike: Welcome to the planet. We all paint on our happy faces everyday, when all we really want is to pound the neighbour's missus, steal his Ben Franklins and, while we're at it, not think about the third of the world that's starving to death.

TV Show: Angel
Angel: Listen, Gunn... I know you feel bad about your part in what happened to Fred. And you should. For the rest of your life, it should wake you up in the middle of the night. And it will...because you're a good man. You signed a piece of paper, that's all.
Gunn: But I knew. Not about Fred, but... when I signed, I knew there would be consequences.
Angel: You know, the thing about atonement is, you never run out of chances... but you gotta take 'em. You can't hide in some hospital room and pretend it's all gonna go away... 'cause it never will.

TV Show: Angel
Illyria: I walked worlds of smoke and half-truths, intangible. Worlds of torment and of unnamable beauty. Opaline towers as high as small moons. Glaciers that rippled with insensate lust... And one world with nothing but shrimp... I tired of that one quickly.

TV Show: Angel
Lorne: [asking Eve] This thing coming after you. How bad on a scale of, say, one to Terminator?
Eve: [about Hamilton] Oh, god. He's here.
Harmony: That's the guy? He's just a suit.
Guard: Hey, you, stop! Put your hands up!
[Hamilton punches the guard through the stomach so hard that his hand comes out the back, covered in blood.]
Eve, Harmony, and Lorne: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

TV Show: Angel
Illyria: You break so easily. Why do you bother getting back up?
Spike: Right. We need to set some ground rules. First off... no more punching me in the face. Secondly, when I punch you in the face, you tell me how you feel so I can write that down on my clipboard. Third... no touching my clipboard. Fourth...
Illyria: I enjoy hurting you.
Spike: Well, we're gonna have to fix that, 'cause...
[Illyria kicks Spike in the face. Spike punches her. Illyria punches him across the room]
Wesley: How goes it?
Illyria: I've been hitting the half-breed. He makes noise.
Spike: We're off to a bit of a rough start, but don't worry. I'll break her.
Wesley: She's not a horse, Spike. You know, this room is equipped with automated training devices. You don't have to test her by just... allowing her to pummel you.
Spike: We're working on the basics. But don't worry—I'm writing it all down.
Wesley: Ok. Fine.
Illyria: You reek of frustration. Curls off of you like smoke.
Spike: Actually, love, we call that scotch. 12-year Lagavulin, if I'm not mistaken. Good choice.
Wesley: It's nothing. I'm just, uh... I had a... slight disagreement with Angel.
Spike: Oh, old broody-pants got you wound up, eh? Keep in mind, he can't get laid without maybe going crazy. Makes it funny.
Illyria: In my time, a leader would punish your insolence with death.
Wesley: We're not being insolent, Illyria.
Spike: I am.

TV Show: Angel
Marcus Hamilton: Let's be clear about this. Things run differently now. I'm not a little girl, and you and I won't be making love on this couch anytime soon. Now, with that in mind, how can I help you?

TV Show: Angel
[Illyria sends Spike flying through the training room door.]
Spike: You filthy harlot! [Gets to his feet] I'm gonna tear your neck out!

TV Show: Angel
Illyria: [To Connor] Your body warms. [to Angel] This one is lusting after me.
Connor: Oh... no, I--I-- [looks down, chuckling embarrassed] It's just's the outfit. [whispers to Angel] I guess I've always had a thing for older women.
Angel: [under his breath] They were supposed to fix that.
Connor: What?

TV Show: Angel
Connor: Open sesame. Or whatever.
[Connor takes the top off of the urn, and silvery smoke emanates from it, assembling nearby, forming Sahjahn.]
Sahjahn: [looks around, sees Connor] Thank you, mortal, for releasing me from my cursed prison. In gratitude, I grant you 3 wishes.
Connor: Really?
Sahjahn: Nah. I'm just messing with you.
Connor: [frowns] Oh.
Sahjahn: [chuckles] I do appreciate it, though. (stretches his neck) Ahh... that urn wasn't exactly a day at the spa. I owe you one.
Connor: Right. Well, before you start trying to kiss me, I should probably tell ya... you and I, we're, uh...supposed to fight.
Sahjahn: Is that right?
Connor: Yeah.
Sahjahn: Now, why would you want...[Looks closer at Connor]...ah! You're him.
Connor: Yeah. I'm me. Hi. You can take a moment, if you want. There's some weapons and stuff over here if you think you'll need them.
Sahjahn: Thanks.

TV Show: Angel
Sahjahn: Been a while since we've seen each other. How'd Quor-Toth work out for you, anyway?
Connor: Uh...worked out great. Thanks for asking.
Sahjahn: You know, I've had a long time to plan for this moment. I figured you'd be a lot more... intimidating.
Connor: Yeah. Well... I figured I was going to Tony Roma's with my folks tonight, but... I'm here. Learn to cope.
Sahjahn: I'll work on it.
[Pulls a faster than light punch, knocking Connor to the ground.]

TV Show: Angel
Sahjahn: [To Connor] You know...I went through a lot of trouble to get rid of you. What a colossal waste of time that turned out to be.
[Kicks Connor in the ribs, sending him flying across the room. Cuts back to Angel and Vail and later back to the fight. Sahjahn grabs Connor by the lapels and lifts him into the air before slamming him on the table. Connor groans.]
Sahjahn: These prophecies are turning out to be pretty overrated. I gotta tell you, kid, you're making a good case for the whole concept of free will.

TV Show: Angel
Wesley: You changed the world.
Angel: He's my son, Wesley. Connor's my son.
Wesley: Did you trade her? Did you trade Fred for your son?
Angel: What?
Wesley: Everything that's happened since we took over Wolfram & Hart, everything that's happened to...her... Did you know? Was Fred the price?
Angel: No. Wes... I can explain. Just put that down.
Wesley: Why are you so afraid of this? He said it would bring back the past. Will it undo what you've done?
Angel: No. It won't bring her back.
Wesley: Let's find out.
[He motions like he's going to throw the glass cube to the ground.]
Angel: No! Please. You have to trust me.
Wesley: I can't. Not anymore.
[Wesley slams the glass cube into the ground. As it shatters, the cube releases an explosion of bright yellow light, sending everyone in the room back from the blast. The force of the magic knocked everyone to the ground. Wesley, his past memories now available to him, stares at Angel in shock and dismay. Angel sees Wesley reacting to those memories, and remembers his son is nearby as well.]

TV Show: Angel
[Connor has just decapitated Sahjahn.]
Angel: Connor?
Connor: Whoa! You see that? I went a little hard-core there for a second. That guy made me really cranky.
Angel: Are you OK?
Connor: Yeah. I guess. I don't really like people touching my neck, you know?
Angel: Connor... uh...
Connor: Hey, can we... get outta here? I'd like to go back... see my parents. This whole fighting thing, I'm not... I'm not really sure it's for me.

TV Show: Angel
[A haggard and very unhappy-looking Wesley sits at his desk in the dark staring straight ahead. Illyria stands nearby.]
Illyria: You betrayed Angel. You stole his son. He tried to kill you.
Wesley: Yes.
Illyria: Are these the memories you needed back? Does this now make you Wesley?
Wesley: At least I know what happened.
Illyria: Do you? There are two sets of memories—those that happened and those that are fabricated. It's hard to tell which is which.
Wesley: Try to push reality out of your mind. Focus on the other memories. They were created for a reason.
Illyria: To hide from the truth?
Wesley: To endure it.

TV Show: Angel
Connor: I thought sunlight burned you up.
Angel: Special glass.
Connor: Cool. You should, like, make a whole suit out of it like the pope has.
Angel: How's your dad?
Connor: He's fine. They're releasing him now. I should warn you he's pretty pissed. I told him that you took me out demon fighting and, uh, almost got me killed. He wants to have a talk with you.
Angel: All right. I'll, uh...
Connor: I'm kidding! Man, you gotta lighten up. He thinks we spent the whole night doing tests. I told him I could bench press, like, 1,000 pounds.
Angel: What are you gonna tell them about... who you are?
Connor: The truth, more or less. I'll tell them that I'm different. I'll tell them it's... actually a good thing. I'll tell them to stop worrying so much.
Angel: Well, they're parents.
Connor: Yeah, I know. They'll feel a lot better knowing you're looking out for me.
Angel: We still haven't found Vail, but we will.
Connor: I'm not too worried about him. Nothing he can show me I haven't already seen. Anyway... I just wanted to say good-bye. I gotta go back to my life now.
Angel: you really have to leave? I mean, right now?
Connor: I kinda think I should. I need to take care of my parents. This isn't their world. They really don't feel safe here. You gotta do what you can to protect your family. I learned that from my father.
[Angel watches Connor walk out of his office toward the elevator. Connor presses the elevator button and waits. When the elevator door opens, he casts one last glance at Angel, then walks onto the elevator.]

TV Show: Angel
Marcus: Curing cancer, Mr. Wyndam-Price?
Wesley: Wouldn't be cost-effective. I'm sure we make a lot from cancer.
Marcus: [chuckles] Yes. The patent holder is a client.

TV Show: Angel
Gunn: Hey.
Wesley: Gunn. First day back?
Gunn: Yeah.
[Wesley grabs another book from a cabinet, rushes back to his desk before pausing to address Gunn.]
Wesley: I stabbed you. I should apologize for that. But I'm honestly not sure how. I think it'll just be awkward.
Gunn: Good call.
Wesley: OK.
Gunn: I ain't lookin' for a sorry. Don't know if I'd accept it. Besides, I just got my heart cut out of my chest every day for 2 weeks straight. Compared to what? A little jab in the gut? Kinda over it.

TV Show: Angel
Wesley: She still thinks she's the God-King of the Universe.
Gunn: So she's like a TV star?
Wesley: No, nothing that bad. Bit more violent, though.

TV Show: Angel
Angel: If this is our chance to get into a better grace with the head office, I have to say it's not my priority.
Marcus: Oh, no, don't think about us, Angel. Think about profits. It's profits that let you keep this plucky little boat-load of good above water. It's a business, boys, not a Batcave.
Lorne: Well, I'll tell you what--still like him better than Eve.

TV Show: Angel
Angel: What if she blows?
Wesley: Conservative estimate, she takes out the better part of Los Angeles.
Angel: And unconservative?
Wesley: Rand McNally will have to alter their maps.

TV Show: Angel