Angel Quotes

Faith: I'm not gonna kill him, Wesley. Angelus. Don't care what you thought you sprung me for, Angel's the only one in my life that never gave up on me. There's no way I'm giving up on...
Wesley: I know. That's why it had to be you.

TV Show: Angel
[Fred and Gunn walk down the stairs with blood for Angelus. Gunn's carrying a crossbow.]
Angelus: Othello and Desdemona. My favorite couple. Oh, wait, Desdemona wasn't in love with the other guy. So much for stand by your man. Then again, you probably like her on her knees.
Gunn: Keep talking. I'll sweep out the cage when I'm done.
Angelus: Oh. Provocative. Get me all riled up. You think that's what your boss would want?
Gunn: Don't have a boss.
Angelus: You might want to tell Wesley that. Ah, Fred. You look all fresh and sweet, but I hear you at night in your room with Gunn. The things you say. I'm lying there, listening, hands under the covers... I can't help myself. It's so... gripping.
Gunn: This coming from a guy who can't get any. Ever.
Fred: You're a pig.
Gunn: Step back.
[Angelus steps back, and Fred pushes the cart up to the bars. She stands there, holding the cart, waiting for Angelus to take the glass of blood. He picks up the glass, eyeing Fred who won't even look at him. When she finally meets his gaze, he kicks the cart forward, causing Fred to fall forward on it where he can reach her. He pulls her up, her back toward him, and puts his arm around her neck.]
Angelus: Might get some now. I like the way you move, Fred. Do it just a little to the left.
Fred: Charles...
Gunn: Get off her!
Angelus: Come on, Charles, save her! Come on! Save, her Charles!
[Angelus is interrupted when he's hit in the arm with a tranquilizer dart shot by Wesley, who's standing on the stairs. Angelus's grip loosens and Fred steps away from the bars into Gunn's waiting arms. Wesley shoots Angelus again, in the chest this time. Angelus looks at the dart, then collapses backwards.]

TV Show: Angel
Cordelia: You and I are gonna make a deal.
Angelus: Tough. Did you practice that in front of the mirror a few times? Lemme guess. You want to know about the Beast.
Cordelia: Everything you know.
Angelus: Oh. And in return, I get what? (paces) Wouldn't mind a car. I hear the new Mustang is nice.
Cordelia: Something better.
Angelus: What's a better ride than a Mustang?
Cordelia: Me.
Angelus: You?
Cordelia: That's the offer. No more stalling, no more games. You tell us what you know, you get me.
Angelus: Must be some confusion. You took out the soul. Still have the brain.
Cordelia: Then use it. The Beast, the darkness,the world is falling apart. We're out of time, we're out of ideas. You're the end of the line.
Angelus: Wes was better at buttering me up.
Cordelia: You know what it means to be a champion.
Angelus: I'm trying so hard to forget.
Cordelia: Sometimes a sacrifice needs to be made.
Angelus: And you're the little lamb. Not that there aren't a few things I wouldn't mind doing to that body. Other than the obvious.
Cordelia: Tell us about the Beast, and you can do whatever you want.
Angelus: You're lying.
Cordelia: Look in my eyes. Angel knows me. You know me. Better than anyone. So, when you look at me, you know I'm not lying.

TV Show: Angel
Angelus: Here I thought you'd be halfway to Georgia by now.
Cordelia: I told you I'd be back. I'm back.
Angelus: How'd the little field trip turn out? Priestesses still feisty?
Cordelia: We found a little boy, his sister, mom, dad, grandma. All dead.
Angelus: Oh, God! I'm always missing the fun stuff.
Cordelia: The Beast butchered them.
Angelus: So? Did you bring me back a souvenir? Maybe a stray baby toe? (chuckles, stands) Come on, Cordy. Where's your sense of humor?
Cordelia: Guess I lost it.
Angelus: Well, don't blame me for our little debacle. I told you everything I know.
Cordelia: Too late.
Angelus: And who's fault is that? Doesn't matter. I showed you mine. Now it's time to show me yours.
Cordelia: The deal was: you give us information, we save the world, you get me. Well, world not saved.

TV Show: Angel
Angelus: You're not thinking I'm just gonna let this go?
Cordelia: Not seeing a whole lot of other options. With the big steel cage and all.
Angelus: Won't be in here forever.
Cordelia: 'Bout another hour. Forgot to tell you the best part. We're putting your soul back.
Angelus: Not gonna happen.
Cordelia: Oh, but it is. Just in time for the primo apocalypse that's coming. Too bad. I know how you love those.
Angelus: Been looking forward to it all day. Still am.
Cordelia: Thing is, you're never coming back. Angel's going to make sure of that.
Angelus: We'll see.
Cordelia: What you don't get, Angelus, is that you're nobody. Just a disease. And Angel can't wait to be rid of you.
Angelus: I think I'll start with the twins. I just love a woman with nice ripe thighs.
[He suddenly reaches out to grab Cordelia, but misses her by less than an inch. Cordelia doesn't even flinch.]
Cordelia: Not even close.
[Cordelia smirks and walks away]
Angelus: The more you piss me off, the longer I'll keep you alive. Oh, something tells me she's a screamer.

TV Show: Angel
Cordelia: OK, let's...
[She notices the look of shock on everyone's face.]
Cordelia: What?
Fred: Angel's soul. It's gone.

TV Show: Angel
[A guard flies through the door and lands in a heap.]
Shaman: Must acquire better guards.

TV Show: Angel
Gunn: Now, instead of just worryin' about big bad rock-eater, we got Darth Vampire livin' in the basement.

TV Show: Angel
Lilah: I just — I just want my life back. All my pretty things. I'm selfish that way. That's why we wouldn't have worked out.
Wesley: [softly] There are many reasons why we wouldn't have worked out, Lilah.

TV Show: Angel
Angelus: Look at yourself, Lilah. All these years, wanting to see me. You couldn't run a comb through your hair, maybe slap on a little lipstick? Evil doesn't have to mean sloppy.

TV Show: Angel
Lilah: You wanna kill the Beast and give his boss a run for his evil? The answer is downstairs in a cage. Set Angelus on it.
Cordelia: Do you know what Angelus would do if we let him out?
Lilah: Kill you all in a bloody shower of violence, but hey! Greater good!

TV Show: Angel
Lilah: He's gonna kill us.
Cordelia: I know. (stabs Lilah to death) Why'd you think I let him out, you stupid bitch?

TV Show: Angel
Wesley: We need you.
Faith: Well, uh, hate to wet the paper for you Wes, but I'm kinda unavailable right now. Maybe you wanna check back in a few decades when my parole comes up.
Wesley: You need to know...
Faith: It's Armageddon again. I dig. Last thing you need's me in the mix. Besides, Angel comes shinin' through in the end like he always does.
Wesley: Angel's gone, Faith. Angelus is back.
[long pause]
Faith: Step away from the glass.

TV Show: Angel
Faith: (after jumping from a 3-story window and smashing a car rooftop) You okay?
Wesley: Five by five.

TV Show: Angel
Faith: He'll do what I tell him.
Connor: (sarcastically) Yeah, sure I will.
Faith: (after an exchange of blows) I get it, you're a super-being. (another flurry ensues ending with Faith's crossbow at Connor's throat) Are you a murderer? Cause I am. And if it comes down to you or Angelus, you haven't shown me a thing to want to take your side. (Connor reluctantly leaves)
Gunn: I like her.

TV Show: Angel
Wesley: How do you expect to find Angelus without Connor?
Faith: The old-fashioned way. Kid's not the only tracker. Something'll turn up. Trail of bodies. A telltale clue.
[sees a big sign that says "Welcome Faith"]
Faith: Maybe a carpet fiber.

TV Show: Angel
Angelus: Rah rah! Good over evil! Do what must be done! Hang in there, kitten, it's almost Friday!

TV Show: Angel
Waitress: Compliments of the lady.
[Gestures to a lady at the bar who raises her glass toward Angelus, wholooks at the lady at the bar, then back to his friends .]
Angelus: Yeah, as if. Anyway, I couldn't believe how easy it was luring the slayer into my little welcome home from prison party.
Vampire1: Wish I could have been there when she saw the Beast.
Angelus: The guy wasn't gonna win any personality contests, but he put on a good show. Slapped her around real nice.
Vampire2: Like a little bunny?
Angelus: Bloody, whimpering bunny. Once she was tenderized, I gave Rocko the shaft. Never saw it coming, dumbass.
Demon: Yeah, soul-boy. Nice job, bringing the sun back.
[Angelus overhears the demon at the bar. He smirks and the other vampires at the table are frozen in fear. Angelus stands and goes up to the demon. The demon turns to look at Angelus.]
Demon: Oh, hey, Angelus. Buy you a warm one?
Angelus: Maybe after.
Demon: After what?
Angelus: After I rip out your windpipe so it stops making that annoying talky sound.
Demon: Wait! I have a condition. Whoop! Goh, boy! Dirty bitch! Tourettes. You've heard of it, right?
Angelus: Yeah, causes uncontrollable yanking out throats.
[Squeezes on the demon's throat.]
Demon: Oh! oh oh...
[Suddenly Angelus hears a mysterious imposing, echoy voice.]
Beastmaster: Hello, Angelus. It's time we had that talk.

TV Show: Angel
[after Faith destroys part of Wesley's bathroom wall]
Faith: Sorry about your bathroom.
Wesley: It's not the bathroom I'm worried about. Although, I'm sure my security deposit is a complete loss.

TV Show: Angel
Beastmaster: Destruction sometimes is its own reward.
Angelus: Hey, man, you're preaching to the guy who ate the choir. Wait, it was you, wasn't it? You pulled just the wrong strings to make them think it was their idea. Got 'em to yank that white, fluffy soul, and stuff it in a jar, and then gone, baby, gone.
Beastmaster: Couldn't risk them putting it back in you. I have wonderful plans for you, my sweet boy.
Angelus: Um, yeah, but the thing is, as far as plans go, I make my own. So, you know, thanks for stopping by my head.
Beastmaster: You would dare to defy me?
Angelus: Defy who? A big scary voice? Whoa! Hey, I got one of those, too. You wanna hear it? [cups his hands over his mouth] You can kiss my vampire ass! [talking normal again] That do anything for ya?

TV Show: Angel
Beastmaster: Angelus!
[Angelus stands, holds his hands to his ears.]
Angelus: Hello, volume!
Beastmaster: I am not well pleased!
Angelus: I am not well deaf.
Beastmaster: Do you think me blind, little man? That I don't see every move before you decide to make it? Dare to seek me out again, and your insolence will be punished ten-fold.
Angelus: Yeah, what're you gonna do, huh? Give me a migraine? You ethereal types with your big, swinging omniscience. When push comes to shove, though, you gotta send some overgrown slag-heap to do your dirty work. Ooh, that's real spooky. Oh, that's great! You made me lose my shopkeeper.
Beastmaster: This isn't the way, my sweet. We should be friends, you and I.
Angelus: No, and I'll tell you why. One, because, you know, I'm evil, so the friends thing, that's out. And two, if I did have any friends, they sure as hell wouldn't be living inside my head.
Beastmaster: Like you're forced to live inside Angel's? Because you're the voice in there, aren't you? Just beneath the surface, buried under all that goodness, fully conscious, fully aware, but trapped. Unable to move or speak, powerless to act on your desires. So thirsty, so must be agony.
Angelus: I'm getting real bored with this game.
Beastmaster: Then how 'bout a round of show-and-tell? Soul, soul, who has your soul? Oh, right.
[The jar containing Angel's soul appears on a table in front of Angelus]
Beastmaster: Me.
[Angelus lunges for the jar and tries to grab it, but his hands go right through it like it was a mirage.]
Angelus: More smoke and mirrors?
Beastmaster: Only a glamour, yes, but I assure you, my sweet, this very moment I hold the real thing in the palms of my very corporeal hands, and I will restore it if you

TV Show: Angel
Demon: Look, I'm telling ya, I don't know nothing. On my mother's tumor.
[Notices another demon sneaking up behind Wesley and Faith, intending to attack them; then cockily.]
Demon: And even if I did, I'd never yak to a couple of fleshbags that are about to get their internal organs sucked out of their
[Without looking Wesley shoots behind him with the shotgun, nailing the would-be attacker in the face.]
Wesley: Strom demon. Face should grow back. [Cocks the shotgun] Eventually.
Faith: Think yours will?
Demon: Oh, that Angelus. Yeah, in here all the time running his mouth. "Look at me, I'm so evil." Real jackass. Never liked him. I'm on your side.

TV Show: Angel
[Last lines]
Wesley: Hello, Mom, it's me. No, everything's fine. I was hoping to speak with Father, actually. Yes, all right. Hello, father, how are... oh, I didn't realize it was so early there. I've had a bit of a... Of course we have clocks in Los Angeles. Listen, I wanted to... Nothing's wrong. I just... wanted to call... and...see how you were.

TV Show: Angel
Angel: If you don't kill, we won't kill you. [in a Wolfram & Hart employee orientation video]

TV Show: Angel
Harmony: [to Fred] We're totally bonding. We're like gal pals. This is awesome. You can teach me about life, and I can teach you how to dress better.

TV Show: Angel
[Faith goes to the side of a woman who's nearly passed out on a couch.]
Faith: Hey, I'm gonna get you out of here.
[Wesley picks up a hypodermic syringe from the floor.]
Wesley: Faith...
Faith: Can you walk?
Girl: No, but I can fly.
Faith: What did they do to her?
Wesley: She did it to herself. They shoot up, the vampires feed, use 'em like a filter. I've read the effects can be quite intoxicating...for both of them.
Girl: [to Faith] Hey, you're pretty. You wanna make out?
[Faith grabs the girl by the collar and pushes her roughly against the wall.]
Faith: There was a vampire in here earlier. Tall, dark hair... [the girl's eyes drift, but Faith grabs her face] Listen!
Girl: OK. God! What's your issue?
Faith: Tall, dark hair, talking to himself.
Girl: Let go!
[Faith punches the girl in the face.]
Faith': Did you see him?
Girl: No, I didn't. Stop it, you're hurting me!
[Faith looks at the girl, gets a disturbed look on her face, and lets the girl go.]
Faith: She doesn't know anything.
Wesley: Maybe not.
[Wesley takes out a knife and stabs the girl in the shoulder, making her gasp in pain.]
Faith: What are you doing, Wes?
Wesley: [to Faith] Shut up! [to the girl] The tracks on your arms--you've been here, what, two or three days straight? [twists the knife] Answer me!
Girl: Yeah, God, stop! Yes four...four days.
Wesley: Then you must've seen the vampire we're looking for.
Girl: Angelus, I saw him. He, uh...
Wesley: Where is he?
Girl: I don't know. [Wesley punches her] I don't know! Please stop!
Wesley: They said h

TV Show: Angel
Faith: So, what? Torturing humans is part of the new makeover?
Wesley: I did what I had to because you couldn't.
Faith: I hit her.
Wesley: You think that's something new to her?
Faith: You crossed it back there, Wes, What'd you do back there...
Wesley: Oh, you have a problem with a little torture now? Seem to recall a time when you rather enjoyed it.
Faith: Yeah, well, it's not me anymore. You know that.
Wesley: [raises shotgun] Nice to have this along though, just in case. [speaking slowly] I remember what you did to me Faith: The broken glass, the shallow cuts, so I'd remain conscious.
Faith: You think I'd hurt you again?
Wesley: This the part where you tell me you've turned a new leaf, found God, Inner peace? We both know that isn't true. You haven't changed. You can't.
Faith: [turns away] Wes...
Wesley: [getting angry] Because you're sick. You've always been sick. It goes right down to the roots rotting your soul. That's why your friends turned on you in Sunnydale, why the Watcher's Council tried to kill you. No one trusts you Faith. You're just a rabid dog who should have been put down years ago! [Faith slams him up against the wall] See? Wasn't so hard, was it? [quietly] It's what you'll need to beat him.

TV Show: Angel
Fred: I let Angelus walk with Lilah's book and everything Wolfram and Hart suckered out of your brain.
Lorne: I was gonna have those framed.

TV Show: Angel
Angelus: Uh-oh! Vampire with a gun!

TV Show: Angel
Angelus: You really have gone soft now, haven't you? Hey, you remember that time you tried to get Angel to kill you because you felt all weepy over being such a bad little girl. Huh? Do you still feel that way? Do you still wanna die?
Faith: No.
Angelus: What's that?
Faith: No.
Angelus: I can't hear you.
Faith: No!
Angelus: (cocks gun) Too bad, because you're gonna. (cocks gun again and again until it's empty) But not like this.

TV Show: Angel