Total Drama Action Quotes

Duncan: Right now! Are you serious? Ohhhh. I don't know, blue?
Courtney: Burnt sienna! Ugh, he doesn't even know everything about me.

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Courtney: Yes, we're rich!
Duncan: Whoa, wait a minute sister. Who said I would share anything with you?
Courtney: (kisses Duncan) Every king needs a queen!
Duncan: King, huh? That doesn't sound so bad.

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Courtney: How could you do this to me? After everything. We are so done! (door closes)
Owen: Uh, Chris? I think you forgot to give me my Gilded Chris Award.
Chris: I'm sorry Owen, but you've been fired.
Owen: What? Whhhyyy!
Chris: What's the point of having a spy who's been spied?

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Duncan: How did you manage to escape?
Izzy: The monster and I had a romantic date. He doesn't take "no" for an answer. Pretty crazy, I can't even tell you guys.

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Trent: (To Owen) It took you ten and a half hours to walk three city blocks?
DJ: That's just sad, man.

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Owen: (Confession Booth) My mom says I eat when I'm upset...and happy and tired...not to mention bored, gassy, morose, joyous, comatose, semi-conscious, avuncular..(An AWESOME moustache appears on his face and he laughs)..avuncular.

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Izzy: If I can handle hand to paw combat with a polar bear, I can handle a bald emotionally withdrawn cook in a Halloween costume.
Chef Hatchet: Who are you calling a cook!?

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Gwen: You are not pretty, ok Duncan? You're hot. You look hot, sexy, stud-like!
Duncan: That's better.

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Lindsay: Yay! Go Justin!
Beth: Yeah, go!
Lindsay: Copycat!
Beth: Tanorexic! (gasps) Sorry. Friendship bracelet?

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Gwen: Did you call me in here just to make me feel bad?
Chris: Yes, yes we did.
Gwen: Well it worked.
Chris: My work here is done.

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Geoff: Don't forget to join Chris next time for another thrilling episode of Total...Drama....
Bridgette: (Does some things and tackles Geoff down)
E-Scope: Action-e!

TV Show: Total Drama Action
(Owen's attempting to reach the trailer's air duct)
Harold: Owen you'll never fit.
Owen: I can try my best.
Harold: It's not about trying, it's just a scientific fact.

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Owen: I love you guys! I promise I'll never ever blow another morning- (Farts) Starting now! (Farts again) I mean now! (Green steam comes up from the vent in the boy's trailer)

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Heather: Wow, you actually do have a heart.
Duncan: I vote for LeShawna to win the reward.
LeShawna: (LeShawna cries and says stuff, and then interns take her to the limo)

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Duncan: Once, I gave a dozen five-year-olds seizures.
Duncan: and papa duncan wants to win and go to bed! so....

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Izzy: I'm surrounded by loons!

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Justin: Me, not cute? Oh, I'll tell you who's not cute. Blind crazy people named Izzy!
Duncan: i've always wanted to be a marine,there rough, tough, they wear rad boots and they say HOO-AH! No clue what that means but it sounds so cool. HOO-AH!

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Gordon: Ahoy, mates.
Geoff: Ello, ol' chap.
Gordon: I'm from London, Ontario, and I wanna be a chef! I'm making DJ sandwiches! But there's some stupid (censored) ingredient I can't (censored) figure out! (censored)!

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Duncan: (Confession Booth) The H-bombs, Harold and Heather, were so busy finding out who's the biggest dweeb that they totally forgot I'm an experienced criminal! Frankly, that's a little insulting.

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Heather: : (in confessional make-up room) I got some! Courtney's hair, soon it will be mine, all mine! (starts laughing like a maniac) What? I'm not crazy, I'm just bald!
Courtney: (in confessional make-up room) Sure, Duncan has this primal animal magnetism, but he also wants to make me hit him where it hurts. (yelling) (hits Duncan with bone in the crotch)
Duncan: : (in confessional make-up room) EEEE! Why do they always go for the kiwi's? WHY?!!!!
Duncan: : (Groans loudly) (falls into tar pit)

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Harold: Oh! Oh! Let's cheer for Norbert Swindlow!
Heather: Who?
Harold: The creator of the pom-poms? Duh.
Heather: I say we should cheer for me.
LeShawna: You?
Duncan: I'd rather cheer for my school principal, my mother, LeShawna.

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Justin: We gotta push spiced up chef like he's a football dummy?
Heather: I'm not doing this.
LeShawna: Oh, your doing it! NOW GET IN THERE AND PUSH THAT DUMMY!

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Courtney: (in confessional) And that's the only million LeShawna would ever see. My lawyers are working on it right now.

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Harold: There is no way I am voting off LeShawna. We're supposed to have an alliance with her. Duncan, we should vote you off for treason.
Duncan: Pals before gals, Harold? We're outnumbered, and if you don't do anything I say, I'll tell LeShawna that you pick your nose in your sleep.
Harold: You do have curcumstantial evidence at best.
Duncan: harold is about to experience a painful life lesson.

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Harold: Ow!
Chris: Even i saw that one coming.Two points.

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Heather: I thought we are friends?
LeShawna: Oh we are, girl. I sure miss Harold.

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Justin: Courtney? Beth? Lindsay?
Lindsay: Princess Beth is so cute.
Justin: Is no one even going to miss me?
Duncan: Chao.
Harold: See you in the funny papers. Farewell. Auf Wiedersein. Don't let the door hit you in the...
Justin: Okay, stop! I'm going, but you'll regret it. With me gone, things have started to become 80% less handsome. (bumps head) Ow! Alright, 79!

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Courtney: I want a prize. I want a prize. I want a priiize!

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Harold: But she has invincibility.
Owen: I know I'd be wasting my vote, but it's her fault I got kicked off the show. Plus, I don't think she was very nice today.
Chris: Ok Ringo, spotlights not big enough for the both of us.

TV Show: Total Drama Action
Owen: So Harold, what can you tell me about LeShawna? I mean the one you voted off, not the one in the box.

TV Show: Total Drama Action