Survivor (TV show) Quotes

Jeff: Does it have any impact that he is out of the game, or not?

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Sue: No, I, I, no, my mind left this game 24 hours ago.

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Jeff: Lets, uh, if we can bring in the boat, A.S.A.P

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Shii Ann Huang: I'm so sorry Sue, I'm so sorry. I didn't see him, I'm so sorry

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Sue to Chapera: You guys, good luck.

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Kathy Vavrick O' Brien: Boy, is that discouraging.

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Ethan: You're either the hero or you're the goat.

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Jerri: That's the bellboy and he just took all my baggage away. My Survivor closet is now clean.

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Rob: You take care of her; I'll take care of you.

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Rob: I won't stick a knife in your back.

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Rob: Au revoir, adios, arrivederci, sayonara, and as we say in Boston, see ya later!

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Shii Ann: If you can't go all the way, you gotta go all the way fighting.

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Amber: I was under the assumption that the game would be easier in the end, because I knew we had our strategy set in the beginning and that we weren't really gonna have to worry about it too much in the end. But I was completely wrong.

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
??? : Random? Jeff: It's not random.

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Jeff: She [Cassandra] knocks Dreamz' whole name off the board!

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Yau-Man: How many lives does that man have?

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Yau-Man: This is the first time I've been to Tribal Council with a regular heart-rate and normal blood pressure.

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Jeff: (giving the Final 3 a generic notice that all 9 votes would be for the same person) One of you have been successful and the other two have not.

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Yau-Man: Love Many, Trust Few, Harm No One

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
James: I thought I was the dumbest survivor ever.

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Amanda: Can I first hug my sister goodbye?
Jeff: Nope!

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Eliza: It's just a stick!
Jason: It's got a face on it. Don't worry!

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
James: The fish just bit me!

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
James: What in the Nickelodeon is going on here?

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Corinne: (Talking to Sugar) You are an unemployed, uneducated, leech on society. And the only thing I would vote to give you is a handfull of anti-depresants so it may seem more sincere when you really are crying about your damn dead father. You don't deserve the million.

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Joe: I wrote down "Grammy".
Jeff Probst: Who's Grammy?
Joe: Grammy's gonna be the uh, the older lady.
Jeff Probst: What's your name?
Sandy: Sandy.
Jeff Probst: Sandy.
Taj: Two for Sandy.
Jeff Probst: OK, that's two for Sandy.
Sydney: Guy with glasses and peachy orange shirt.
Stephen: Stephen.
Jeff Probst: Stephen. That's two for Sandy, one vote for Stephen.
Spencer: Three for Sandy.
Jeff Probst: OK, that's three for Sandy.
Carolina: The older lady, Sandy, I'm sorry.
Jeff Probst: That is four for Sandy, one for Stephen.
Stephen: Older lady, Sandy, I'm sorry!
Jeff Probst: That's five, there's only eight, five is enough. (to Sandy) Sandy, over here with me!

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Jeff Probst: I'll read the votes

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Jeff Probst: First vote.......Sandy.

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Jeff Probst: Carolina.

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)
Jeff Probst: Carolina. Two votes Carolina, one vote Sandy.

TV Show: Survivor (TV show)