Star Trek - Deep Space Nine Quotes

Benny Russell: Tell me, please. Who am I?
The Preacher: Don’t you know?
Benny Russell: Tell me.
The Preacher: You are the dreamer… and the dream.

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Joseph Sisko: The question is: what are you going to do?
Benjamin Sisko: The only thing I can do. Stay here and finish the job I started. And if I fail…
Joseph: “I have fought the good fight. I finished the course. I have kept the faith.”
. . .
Benjamin: …I have begun to wonder. What if it wasn’t a dream? What if this life we’re leading, all of this—you and me, everything—what if all of this is the illusion?
Joseph: That’s a scary thought.
Benjamin: I know. I know. But maybe, just maybe… Benny isn’t the dream. We are. Maybe we’re nothing more than figments of his imagination. For all we know… at this very moment… somewhere far beyond all those distant stars… Benny Russell… is dreaming of us.

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
[O'Brien, Bashir and Dax are all 1 centimeter tall]
Miles O'Brien: Are you telling me I'm going to be this bloody tall for the rest of my life?
Julian Bashir: [indicating smaller] This bloody tall, actually.

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Julian Bashir: This conduit’s filthy, Chief. Don’t you ever clean up in here?
Jadzia Dax: All right, all right. Let’s not badger the Chief.
Miles O’Brien: Thank you!
Julian Bashir: I’m sorry. It was very small of me.

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Julian Bashir: It’s amazing! It’s like we’re in the middle of an optronic forest!

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Worf: "This is the story of a little ship that took a little trip." What do you think?
Jadzia Dax: [struggling] It’s, uh... well, it rhymes. [grabs the padd from him] There’s nothing on this padd!
[Worf gives a rare grin]

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
[Cardassian soldiers turn on the Jem'Hadar firing squad and gun them down.]
Ekoor: Legate Damar, I pledge my life to free Cardassia from the Dominion.
Damar: With men like you on our side, how can we fail?

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Odo: Are you sure that you two returned to your original height?
Miles O'Brien: Why do you ask?
Odo: It's just that you both seem to be a couple of centimeters shorter. A changeling notices these sort of things.
Quark: Actually now that I think about it, you both do seem a little on the petite side.
Julian Bashir: Infirmary.
[Both run to the infirmary]
Quark: [to Odo] And they say you don't have a sense of humor.
[Quark and Odo chuckle]

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Liam Bilby: Let me ask you something. Back home, wherever that is, you got a family?
Miles O'Brien: Yeah.
Liam Bilby: Good. After all, that's the most important thing.

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Worf: I have a sense of humor. On the Enterprise, I was considered to be quite amusing.
Jadzia Dax: That must've been one dull ship.
Worf: That is a joke. I get it. It is not funny, but I get it.

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Worf: Your problem is that you can't accept change.
Jadzia Dax: I can't accept change?
Worf: That's right.
Jadzia Dax: You've got to be kidding. I've changed bodies six times!

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Lasaran: A Klingon... why did they have to send a Klingon?
Jadzia Dax: I'm a Trill. Does that make you feel any better?
Lasaran: Are you trying to be funny?
Jadzia Dax: Not at all. [nods to Worf] He's the funny one.

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Odo: Well, if you won't talk about it, perhaps you should consider doing something about it.

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Julian Bashir: So what does Section 31 do, aside from kidnapping and interrogating Starfleet officers?
Luther Sloan: We seek out and identify threats to the Federation.
Julian Bashir: And once these threats have been identified?
Luther Sloan: We deal with them.
Julian Bashir: How?
Luther Sloan: Quietly.
Julian Bashir: So if you had been right, and I had been a spy for the Dominion...
Luther Sloan: We wouldn't be having this conversation.

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Quark: Thank you, captain. Thank you for restoring my faith in the 98th Rule of Acquisition: "Every man has his price."

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Benjamin Sisko: My father always used to say that "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions." I laid the first stone right there. I'd committed myself, I'd pay any price, go to any lengths, because my cause was righteous, my... intentions were good.

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Benjamin Sisko: That was my first moment of real doubt, when I started to wonder if this whole thing was a mistake. So then I went back to my office. And there was a new casualty list waiting for me. People are dying out there, everyday! Entire worlds are struggling for their freedom, and here I am still worrying about the finer points of morality! No, I... I had to keep my eye on the ball, win the war, stopping the bloodshed, those were the priorities. So I pushed on, and every time another doubt appeared before me, I just found another way to shove it aside.

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Benjamin Sisko: Welcome aboard Senator, I'm Captain Benjamin Sisko.
Vreenak: So... you're the Commander of Deep Space Nine and the Emissary to the Prophets, decorated combat officer, widower, father, mentor and oh yes, the man who started the war with the Dominion. Some how I thought you'd be taller.
Benjamin Sisko: Sorry to disappoint you.
Vreenak: To be honest my opinion of Starfleet Officers is so low, you'd have to work very hard indeed to disappoint me.

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Benjamin Sisko: Who's watching Tolar?
Elim Garak: I've locked him in his quarters. I've also left him with the distinct impression that if he attempts to force the door open, it may explode.
Benjamin Sisko: I hope that's just an impression.
Elim Garak: It's best not to dwell on such minutiae.

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Elim Garak: If you can let your anger subside for a moment, Captain, you will see that they did not die in vain! The Romulans will enter the war!
Benjamin Sisko: There's no guarantee of that!
Elim Garak: Oh, but I think there is. You see. When the Tal Shiar finishes examining the wreckage of Vreenak's shuttle, they'll find the burnt remnants of a Cardassian optolithic data rod that somehow miraculously survived the explosion. After painstaking forensic examination, they'll discover that the rod contains a recording of a high level Dominion meeting at which the invasion of Romulus was being planned.
Benjamin Sisko: And then they will discover that it is a fraud!
Elim Garak: No, but I don't think that they will! Because any imperfections in the forgery will thought to be as a result of the explosion! So, with a seemingly legitimate rod in one hand, and a dead senator in the other, I ask you Captain, what conclusions would you draw?
Benjamin Sisko: [sighs] That Vreenak obtained the rod on Soukara, and that the Dominion killed him to prevent him from returning to Romulus with it.
Elim Garak: Precisely. And the more they deny it, the more the Romulans will think that they are guilty because it is exactly what they would have done in their place. [pauses]That's why you came to me. Isn't it, Captain? Because you knew I could do those things that you weren't capable of doing. Well, it worked. And you'll get what you want: a war between the Romulans and the Dominion. And if your conscience is bothering you, you should soothe it with the knowledge that you may have just saved the entire Alpha Quadrant. And in the end all it cost was the life of one Romulan senator, one criminal, and the self-respect of one Starfleet officer. I don't know about you, but I'd call that a bargain.

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Benjamin Sisko: At 0800 Hours station time, the Romulan Empire formally declared war on the Dominion. They have already struck fifteen bases along the Cardassian border. So this is a huge victory for the good guys! This may even be the turning point of the entire war. There is even a 'Welcome to the Fight' party tonight in the ward room. So... I lied; I cheated; I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men; I am an accessory to murder. But the most damning thing of all is... I think I can live with it. And if I'd have to do it all over again... I would. Garak was right about one thing...a guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of the Alpha Quadrant. So I will learn to live with it...because I can live with it. [pauses] I can live with it. [pauses] Computer, erase that entire personal log.

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Vreenak: It's a fake!!

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Kira Nerys: I thought we could have dinner.
Odo: And then what?
Kira Nerys: I don't know, maybe we could go dancing!
Odo: And then I suppose you'll want me to kiss you!
Kira Nerys: It's possible!
Odo: Well, then, who needs dinner? Why don't I just kiss you now and get it over with?!
Kira Nerys: Well why don't you?!

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Kira Nerys: You're right...who needs dinner?

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Jake Sisko: I don't even know who you are anymore.
Nog: I'm the chief engineer of the starship Valiant.
Jake Sisko: I'll have them put that on your tombstone.

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Nog: You gonna write a story about all this?
Jake Sisko: Probably.
Nog: What are you going to say?
Jake Sisko: What do you think I should say?
Nog: That it was a good ship, with a good crew, that made a mistake. We let ourselves blindly follow Captain Watters, and he led us over a cliff.
Dorian Collins: That's not true. Captain Watters was a great man.
Nog: Dorien, he got everyone killed.
Dorian Collins: If he failed, it was because we failed him.
Nog: [to Jake] Put that in your story too. Let people read it, decide for themselves.
[Nog gives her his Red Squad insignia]
Nog: He may have been a hero. He may have even been a great man. But in the end, he was a bad captain.

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Jadzia Dax: By the way, what does... "gung-gung-gung" mean?
Worf: [suddenly intrigued] Why do you ask?
Jadzia Dax: It was the strangest thing. When I was taking Yoshi home, he kept shaking his rattle and saying "gung-gung-gung."
Worf: [brightening] He did?
Jadzia Dax: He seemed to be getting a kick out of it. What does it mean?
Worf: That is between Yoshi and me.

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Quark, quoting the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition: 285 - No good deed ever goes unpunished.

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Weyoun: Pah-Wraiths and Prophets? All this talk of gods strikes me as nothing more than superstitious nonsense.
Damar: You believe the Founders are gods, don't you?
Weyoun: That's different.
Damar: [Laughs] In what way?
Weyoun: The Founders are gods.

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
Quark: What makes you think she wants to spend eternity in Sto-Vo-Kor? I know I wouldn't. Imagine what it must be like. Hoards of rampaging Klingons - fighting and singing, sweating and belching.
Miles O'Brien: Sound like this place on a Saturday night.
Quark: Exactly! Would you want to spend eternity here?

TV Show: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine