Law and Order - Criminal Intent Quotes

[About Logan]
Barek: Boys love their toys.

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
Simmons: It's an honor to meet you. An honor to work on Major Case.
Deakins: At ease, soldier.

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
[When a body falls from the wheel well of a passing plane, Logan and Barek are put on the trail of an unlikely serial killer.]

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
Barek: How do you know all that aeronautical lore? Date a stewardess?
Logan: My old man. Took me to the beach on the weekends to watch the planes take off and land. He used to fly what they called Corsairs off the aircraft carrier Antietam during the Korean War. So. Of course I wanted to be a fighter pilot.
Barek: Hah. I can see that.

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
Barek: None of them were sexually assaulted, just like our Jane Doe.
Deakins: This perp gets stranger.

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
Logan: It's rainin' hookers.

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
[Discussing the possible ID of a Jane Doe.]
Barek: Could be a hooker with no arrests.
Deakins: Yep. And there's a heaven where we'll all be reunited with our childhood dogs.

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
Deakins: If coincidence were evidence--

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
Barek: [Speaking to a suspect] You know what occurs to me? That nothing gets you hot. You're just one of those guys that burn cold. You know, like you didn't do well with girls so you just gave up on sex. Like this drawing, of Junie? It's like a kid did it. It lacks anatomy. Is that what you're like, Dwayne? [glances at his crotch.] You lack anatomy, Dwayne?

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
[Discussing a suspect.]
Barek: He stays here?
Mrs. Geddens: Yes. Until his last night. Then he sleeps on his boat in the harbor. He says to get back his sea legs.
Logan: Yeah. After a weekend I need to get my cop legs back.

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
Barek: Art could've run but he came back to help his cousin.
Deakins: Yeah, it'd be touching. If they weren't serial killers.

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
Barek: If Art's dad had known what his bullying would lead to, he might have thought twice about it.
Logan: You ever wonder why I don't have kids? Now you know.

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
[The murder of a Secret Service agent in her home focuses the detectives' attention on her lobbyist husband.]

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
[Deakins to Logan]
Deakins: I just got a call from the Chief of D's about my detectives giving the run-around to the Secret Service. Didn't I give you my speech about catching more flies with honey because I know your partner's heard it.
Logan: Gee, uh....

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
'Barek: I think we've been made.
Logan: Yes, but as what?

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
Barek: We're not far from the Pekonic indian reservation.
Logan: Talk about feeling like a stranger in your own country.
Barek: Them or us?
[Logan grins.]

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
Barek: That's just what they need. An addiction-driven economy.
Logan: Hey, it's better than no economy at all.

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
[When an opera orchestra violinist shows up dead in a ventilation shaft, detectives concentrate on the conductor.]

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
[When Rodgers starts singing Opera]
Logan: Geez, I never thought I'd envy the dead.

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
[Regarding a K-9 unit going through the locker rooms to sniff for drugs]
Opera Manager: You're going to let that run wild in my opera house?
Logan: Don't worry. Dexter's housebroken.

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
Logan: Guy's already got a reputation. Lawsuit might have cost him big time.
Deakins: So he killed her. Guy's seen too many operas.

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
Logan: This backstage, it should be onstage. They'd sell more tickets.

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
Reinhardt: If I'd known I would be grilled by some Visigoth
Logan: A what?
Barek: It's a barbarian tribe that invaded Rome.
Logan: Oh.
Barek: I remember that from the one history class I didn't cut.
Reinhardt: I'm sure you were a very charming street urchin.

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
Reinhardt: You think I need inducements to get what I want? On any night I can point my baton at any woman in the audience and she's mine.
Logan: Well, whatever little stick that you pointed at her, we think you swatted it down with the threat of a lawsuit.

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
Logan: Waterproof to cover a wound? Maybe it's not for nothing he's wearing a turtleneck.
Barek: We need to find someone who's seen him without his shirt on. Unless you want to take a schwitz with him.
Logan: They don't pay me enough.

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
[Reinhardt is shirtless, being inspected by Rodgers while Barek and Logan watch.]
Reinhardt: I'm warning you, doctor, if you faint, I'm not responsible.
Rodgers: I'll try to control myself. By the way, your production of Aida five years ago? One of the best nights of my life.
[Rodgers looks at Logan.]
Rodgers: Lenny Briscoe took me.

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
Lawyer: Enough with the Vulcan mind meld.

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
Robbie: How do you know those girls? Are they pros?
Jack: No. Thanks to Dr. Dre and Fat Joe, chicks dig fat guys.

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
Logan: These girls have boyfriends?
Detective: Super says no. They were nice, quiet girls.
Logan: Well, they are now.

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent
Barek: Her area of research is death?
Professor: It's how people use magical thinking to deal with the uncertainties of death.
Barek: Magical thinking. So you can control events with your thoughts.
Professor: Or with ritualistic behavior.
Logan: Like crossing yourself when you pass a hearse.
[Barek flips through a notebook.]
Barek: She's got that one here along with getting your throat blessed so you don't choke on a fish bone.
Logan: That doesn't work?

TV Show: Law and Order - Criminal Intent