Invader Zim Quotes

GIR: Awww! He's cute! And sticky looking!
Zim: Cute?! This is a serious threat to our mission!
GIR: He's just a baby! [gets in front of the window] HI BABY! [Zim tackles GIR]

TV Show: Invader Zim
Zim: I am the neighborhood baby inspector. I have come to inspect the baby.
Mother: Oh, goodness! Inspect him for what?
Zim: Your resistance will be noted!

TV Show: Invader Zim
[Zim is being held captive by aliens who look like earth babies]
Zim: Noogums! I should have known.
Schnooky: Do not call me by that name! It is demeaning to the proud and fierce race of the Nar-Gh'ok to be dubbed "Noogums."
Zim: What should I call you then?!
Schnooky: Schnooky! Gh'ok Space Sergent Schnooky!

TV Show: Invader Zim
GIR: Awwww, I wanted to explode.

TV Show: Invader Zim
Dib: And once I get in there I', am I gonna do something.
Gaz: I'm trying to draw a little piggy. Can't you see I'm trying to draw a little piggy?!

TV Show: Invader Zim
Dib: Don't you care that Zim is trying to destroy all mankind? Huh?
Gaz: But he's so bad at it.

TV Show: Invader Zim
GIR: I'm guarding the house!
Gaz: Where's Dib?
GIR: [turning to duty mode and producing weapons from his head] None may pass! You are an intruder!
Gaz: [angrily] Where's Dib?
GIR: [retracts weapons] He's down there!

TV Show: Invader Zim
Zim: You can't escape by teleporter, little Gaz. I cut the power! Your pitiful attempt to escape is nothing but a PITIFUL FAILURE! Stupid, stinking humans!
Gaz: Doesn't this spaceship have any escape pods?
Zim: Of course; they're right over there. Stupid, stinking humans... huh?

TV Show: Invader Zim
Bloaty's Mascots: Doo dee doo dee doo! Doo dee doo dee doo! Doo dee doo dee doo!

TV Show: Invader Zim
Zim: That's it, Dib. Laugh now, yes. Laugh and frolic in your vile meats of evil...meats of evil! But know that vengeance shall be mine. Oh, how it will be mine!
[Dib sits on a tack that Zim put in his chair]
Dib: This is your vengeance, Zim? A tack? That's pathetic, even for you.

TV Show: Invader Zim
Dib: Gaz, taste me! I'm delicious!
[Gaz slowly walks backwards, then sprints away]

TV Show: Invader Zim
Dib: Joke's on you, Zim! Now you have to find a cure for the bologna thing.
Zim: Fool! You think I would share the cure with you?! I'll find a cure and keep it all to myself, and then watch you transform more and more into what you really are deep down in your heart.
Dib: Deep down I'm bologna?
Zim: ...Yes.
Dib: That's just dumb.
Zim: Dumb like a moose, Dib, dumb like a moose!

TV Show: Invader Zim
Dib: Now what, Zim? What's your next plan?
[Dogs with foaming mouths appear and snarl hungrily at them]
Zim: Let's run screaming.

TV Show: Invader Zim
Ms.Bitters: Class, today's horrible lesson is about something horrible. Open your horrible textbooks to page 2038.

TV Show: Invader Zim
[Shows a picture of Iggins brushing his teeth, and playing his Game Slave, then looks up and sees 'The Game Is Mine' written in steam on the mirror above the sink]
Iggins: 'The Gam-ee Is Mine..' [Gasps then turns around and gasps as Gaz Appears outside the window with a flash of lightning] Ahh- Wait, how did you write that if you're out.. Huh?
[Gaz appears from different sides of the window with each lightning flashes while Iggins screams}

TV Show: Invader Zim
Iggins: I need those! Save point, so close!
Gaz: What you need is to give the Game Slave to me, or I will plunge you into a nightmare world from which there is no waking.
Iggins: But... I'm a better gamer than you..
Gaz: I hope you like nightmare worlds!

TV Show: Invader Zim
Dib: A Colony of horrible Rat People! Hey, do you know the way outta here?
Rat Man: There is no way out, we all got lost here too! And we've been here ever since!
[Other Rat People Chime in] Ever Since! There's no way out!
Dib: Oh come on, getting lost in a parking garage did not turn you all into horrible Rat People
Rat Woman: I was once, a man!
Dib: But.... You're a woman!
Rat Person: You'll be just like us soon!
Dib: I don't think so, I think I see the Exit over there, see ya!

TV Show: Invader Zim
Dib: Sorry...I'm late...horrible nightmare visions...
Ms. Bitters: It's called life, Dib. Sit down.

TV Show: Invader Zim
Zita: Ms. Bitters!
Ms. Bitters: [is startled into waking from a brief snooze in her desk chair] Yes, Zita?
Zita: I think Dib seems crazier than normal today. Can we use one of the crazy cards to send him to the crazy house for boys?
Ms. Bitters: Each class only gets three cards a month. Are you sure you want to use one?
[Everyone looks at Dib who is twitching and falls to the floor.]
Zita: Yeah...

TV Show: Invader Zim
Zim: Where are we?
Dib: Some kind of alternate universe. It's based on my imagination somehow.
Zim: And you brought me here?! You sickening, troublesome human!
[Zim activates his robot spider legs and approaches Dib threateningly]
Dib: Hey! The only way out is through my head! Anything happens to me and you're stuck here forever!
[Zim retracts his robot spider legs]
Zim: Curse yoooouuuu! Wait- I can still do stuff to your legs, right?
Dib: I guess, but- wait! No!
Zim: Curse yoooouuuu!

TV Show: Invader Zim
Dib: My head's not big! Why does everyone say that?

TV Show: Invader Zim
[A mystic escape portal is in Dib's own forehead]
Zim: There! That should be wide enough.
Dib: What about me? How do I get back?
Zim: Good question! ...But I don't care!

TV Show: Invader Zim
Zim: I... didn't... say anything about your head.

TV Show: Invader Zim
Dib: You're the only one who can help!
Zim: Help?! You?!
Dib: My dad won't let me use his equipment and I need to reverse the effects!
Zim: Help?! You come to me, your greatest, most amazing enemy? Your future slave master and you ask for help?!
Dib: You're the only other person with the technology to-
Zim: Be gone with you! I have had enough of your nonsense from your smelly mouth filled with- CORN!
Dib: ...I haven't been eating corn.
Zim: LIAR!!!

TV Show: Invader Zim
Zim: I'm not here because I like you, Dib. I'm just here for your filthy gargantuan head!
Dib: Oh! NOW It's gargantuan!

TV Show: Invader Zim
Host: Are you an alien?
Zim: [shouting] LIES! THIS FILTHY EARTH BOY LIES! I mean no.

TV Show: Invader Zim
[Title comes on that says dramatic reinactment]
Zim: I was out playing like any normal Earth larva when he came looking for trouble.
Actor playing Dib: Heyy new kid, give me your lunch moneys!
Actor playing Zim: [with British accent] But I need these monies to buy nutrients.
Actor playing Dib: Give me the moneys or i'll tell everyone you're an alien!

TV Show: Invader Zim
GIR: I was the chubby lady, hidin' in the bushes.

TV Show: Invader Zim
Zim: GIR! That movie is some kind of government spying tool! Quickly! Eat it!
[The phone rings. Zim answers it]
Zim: Hello?(with voice getting deep)Hello?[with his voice synthetically deeper]Hello?Good,OK.Hello,How I may help you today?
Video Store Clerk: I'm through playin' around! You better return that video or else! This is your final warning!
Zim: I'm sorry, I do not know what you are talking about. I am normal.
Video Store Clerk: If that thing isn't in the drop-off box by the time we open tomorrow, you're gonna paaaaaayyyyy... late fees.

TV Show: Invader Zim
GIR: Then a giant squirrel showed up.
Zim: GIR!!
Host: [to Zim] Let her talk! Can't you see she's upset? [to GIR] Now, don't you mean, Dib showed up?
GIR: No! The squirrel showed up first. Then Dib showed up.
Actor playing Dib: [points to man in squirrel costume] AAGHHHH, what is that?
GIR: And then the squirrel ate Dib's greasy head. [man in squirrel costume proceeds to mutilate Actor Dib's head as the other actors back away terrified] And then the squirrel flew away! [man in squirrel costume gets picked up by cables] After that, he flew back to his home planet to fight all the bad guys. [costume rips and man falls on two actors in alien costumes]
Host: ...What does that have to do with anything?!
GIR: Me 'n the squirrel are friends.

TV Show: Invader Zim