Instant Star Quotes

Jude Harrison: [after telling her parents she failed her chemistry test] It's not like I'm going to be a doctor.
Victoria Harrison: Oh, honey we don't know that yet.

Movie: Instant Star
Mason Fox: Juderman. [smiles]
Mason Fox: You guys are adorable.
Jude Harrison: Yeah, well, save it for your next ballad, 'cuz were aren't exactly the tender twins.
Spiederman: I thought you were cute all along. That's why I didn't get the whole "I need a makeover" thing.

Movie: Instant Star
radio dj: Come back when you don't have something that blows.
Jude Harrison: Nice.

Movie: Instant Star
Tommy Quincy: You're a good driver,much improved over the time I let you drive my viper.
Jude Harrison: I was only learning.
Tommy Quincy: Learning really slowly,and then really fast,and then really slow.
Jude Harrison: [makes a face like she's surprised]
Tommy Quincy: Poor clutch.
Jude Harrison: I'm gonna go backstage,where everyone knows that Jude equals smooth.
Tommy Quincy: Wanna go for dinner?
Jude Harrison: What?
Tommy Quincy: Tonight.Let me,take you,for dinner.Some place nice. [Tommy smiles]
Jude Harrison: Dinner? [Tommy nods]
Jude Harrison: Like a date?

Movie: Instant Star
Tommy Quincy: Hey Gollum! [he pushes Jamie up against the locker]
Jamie: That's Gandalf.
Tommy Quincy: Yeah like either one is cool.

Movie: Instant Star
[to Tommy]
Darius Mills: Look, I signed Jude because she's good. You make her great, man, and vice versa. You got some beef with the past? You gotta let it go. Cause you and Jude are the future.

Movie: Instant Star
Tommy: Look, working on a song... It's like falling in love. First it's a rush, but then it's painful, and sometimes you gotta walk away. But sometimes, you come out with something beautiful, like that song.

TV Show: Instant Star
Jude: If I don't win, I'm going to look like such a dork in school tomorrow.
Jamie: On the plus side, most people already think we're dorks.

TV Show: Instant Star
Jamie: I wonder if this place has a grotto... What is a grotto, anyway?

TV Show: Instant Star
Jude: I don't understand. What did I do right?
Tommy: Everything.

TV Show: Instant Star