Batman Quotes

Riddler: So many people have tried...The Penguin, Mr. Freeze, The Joker, all masters of their craft, granted, but I, only I have succeeded in ridding Gotham's criminal kingdom of The Dynamic Duo!

TV Show: Batman
Riddler: Rats, I am a man of a few words, but a man of many Riddles, so riddle me this: what is it that is always coming, but never arrives?! [No one answers] Quickly, quickly!
Fangs: Uh, we ain't tuned in on the Riddle bit, chief!
Mousey: Yeah! We give up! What is it that is always coming, but never arrives?
Riddler: Tomorrow.
Whitey: Tomorrow?
Riddler: Tomorrow. For when it arrives, it is today, and today, my dear rodents, should prove to be most memorable!

TV Show: Batman
Henchman: Many others have tried killing Batman.
Mad Hatter: Many others do not have the lethal equipment of my hat factory.

TV Show: Batman
The Joker: Hello, kiddies! A-meet the Joker!

TV Show: Batman
Robin: Holy Benedict Arnold---Susie! Chief cheerleader, a member of The Joker's criminal gang!

TV Show: Batman
Joker: [laughing] Have a sneeze on me, Batman!
[Joker administers sneezing powder upon Batman, which has no effect.]
Batman: No use, Joker! I knew you'd employ your sneezing powder, so I took an Anti-Allergy Pill! Instead of a sneeze, I've caught you cold!

TV Show: Batman
Henchman: Three cheers for False Face!
Henchmen: Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
False Face: Thanks. I know you didn't mean it.

TV Show: Batman
False Face: The Express will be here inside of five minutes, Batman. Inside of six, no more Batman!
Robin: Fiend!!
Batman: False Face, you'll regret this!......eventually.

TV Show: Batman
[Catwoman is about to feed Robin to a tiger.]
Robin: Catwoman, you are not a nice person.

TV Show: Batman
Robin: When we put the fake jewels in Miss Starr's safe and take the real ones out, we could be nailed as crooks.
Batman: That's a chance we have to take, Robin. In our well-ordered society, protection of private property is essential.
Robin: Yes, you're right, Batman. That's the keystone to all law and order.

TV Show: Batman
Narrator: Great Scott, Alfred! Have you forgotten? Batman told you to switch cigarette holders with the Penguin! You're meant to palm off the trick one with the tiny super-powered transmitter inside! Quick, before it's too late! Create that diversion!

TV Show: Batman
[Batman and Robin jump into the Penguin Protection Agency, Batman growling]
Penguin: Well, the costumed crooks! The dressed-up desperadoes!
Batman: Your super-brain power has driven us mad, Penguin!
Robin: Something snapped!
Batman: We don't care if we go up the river for a hundred years, we're getting you first!!
Penguin: Quick, my finks! Self-defense! The dynamic duo has flipped their wings!

TV Show: Batman
Penguin: Back from the grave, you tricksters, eh?!
Robin: Back to send you on a honeymoon cruise, Penguin...up the river to the pen!
Batman: "Gone straight," huh?!
Robin: We'll straighten you out!!

TV Show: Batman
Riddler: If they want a life-like replica of their precious Batman for the Wax Museum, we'll give it to them. We'll even throw in a dividend. Robin!
Batman: You fiend!
Riddler: Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me.

TV Show: Batman
Riddler: For two people about to become human candles, you ask a lot of questions!
Batman: I'm always interested in the way of the criminal mind.

TV Show: Batman
Catwoman: Batman, you saved my life!
Batman: It was the least I could do.
Catwoman: How can I ever combat you again after all you've done for me?
Batman: Let's hope it never comes to that, Catwoman, because, in the end, veracity and rectitude always triumph.
Catwoman: Batman...are you spoken for?
Batman: Huh?
Catwoman: Married, engaged, or going steady?
Batman: My crime fighting leaves me little time for social engagements.
Catwoman: Boy...have I got a girl for you!

TV Show: Batman
Robin: But what is it?
Batman: Saribus Sacer. A species of ancient Egyptian beetle, sacred to the Sun God, Hymeopolos. And from which the term scarab is derived. But, you should know that, Robin, if you are up on your studies of Egyptology.
Robin: You're right.

TV Show: Batman
Batman: I know. Hieroglyphics self-taught are a chore, Robin; but, it is a surefire way to unravel the secrets of the ancient mystics.

TV Show: Batman
[Chief O'Hara leads away King Tut, who is back in his persona of Professor McElroy]
King Tut: I'm a professor at Yale! You can't-! The PTA shall hear of this!....

TV Show: Batman
Batman: Ma Parker's girl is more dangerous than her three boys.
Robin: Her legs sort of reminded me of Catwoman's.
Batman: You're growing up, Robin. Remember, in crime-fighting always keep your sights raised.

TV Show: Batman
Dick: Gosh Bruce, Greek is still Greek to me.
Aunt Harriet: It's Greek to a lot of Greeks too. It's one of the world's oldest, most important, most beautiful languages.
Dick: It may be, Aunt Harriet, but can't we take a breather and work out in the gym for a while?
Aunt Harriet: But the mind needs exercise too, Dick.
Dick: Well, my mind is getting muscle-bound.
Bruce: Ahhh, there is an old saying, Dick. A sound mind and a sound body. A worthy goal.

TV Show: Batman
Clock King: Some people kill time, but this time, time is going to kill you!

TV Show: Batman
Robin: I am a little hungry.
Batman: Of course, Robin. Even crime-fighters must eat. And especially you. You're a growing boy and you need your nutrition.

TV Show: Batman
Clock King: No! It can't be true! You're dead! You have to be dead!
Robin: Maybe we're living on borrowed time!
Batman: But now, it's round-up time!

TV Show: Batman
Robin: Prepare yourself for an eggs-peditious defeat!
Batman: Very apt, Robin.
Robin: Oh. Glad you liked it.

TV Show: Batman
Robin: "Ghoti" is "fish"?
Batman: See here. English phonetics. GH becomes F, as in "tough" or "laugh". O becomes I as in "women". TI becomes SH as in "ration" or the word "nation".
Robin: Holy semantics, Batman. You never cease to amaze me!
Batman: No time for compliments, Robin. We must thwart some criminals. To the Batmobile!

TV Show: Batman
Chief Screaming Chicken: My face is so red!

TV Show: Batman
Egghead: Woe is me. My criminal career is now eggstinct!
Batman: Foolish, evil man!
Robin: You're going to go where all the broken eggshells end up: in the garbage!

TV Show: Batman
Robin: Holy Metronome! What a fate--punched into player-piano rolls!
Batman: True, Robin, scarcely an end I'd rather anticipate! Life--a cupful of surprises to the last drop!

TV Show: Batman
Robin: Self-control is sure tough sometimes, Batman!
Batman: All virtues are, old chum. Indeed, that's why they're virtues.

TV Show: Batman