Babylon 5 Quotes

Elric: We are dreamers, shapers, singers, and makers. We study the mysteries of laser and circuit, crystal and scanner, holographic demons and invocation of equations. These are the tools we employ, and we know many things.
John Sheridan: Such as?
Elric: The true secrets, the important things. Fourteen words to make someone fall in love with you forever. Seven words to make them go without pain. How to say good-bye to a friend who is dying. How to be poor. How to be rich. How to rediscover dreams when the world has stolen them. That is why we are going away—to preserve that knowledge.
Sheridan: From what?
Elric: There is a storm coming, a black and terrible storm. We would not have our knowledge lost or used to ill purpose. From this place we will launch ourselves into the stars. With luck, you will never see our kind again in your lifetime. I know you have your orders, Captain. Detain us if you wish. But I cannot tell you where we are going. I can only ask you to trust us.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Ivanova has been kidnapped by the Green Drazi.]
Ivanova: What does it take to get through to you? You're making a mistake of galactic proportions! Assaulting an Earth Alliance officer, attempting mass murder…!
Green Drazi: Green must fight Purple. Purple must fight Green. Is no other way!
Ivanova: Just my luck. I get stuck with a race that speaks only in macros.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Ivanova accidentally becomes the Green Drazi leader by grabbing the former leader's sash.]
Ivanova: You're saying just because I'm holding this right now, I'm Green leader? But I'm human!
Former Drazi Leader: Rules of combat older than contact with other races. Did not mention aliens. Rules change…caught up in committee.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Ivanova gets a parting gift and note from Correlilmerzon.]
Sheridan: What's it say?
Ivanova: "Next time…my way."
Sheridan: Commander, is there something you'd like to tell me?

TV Show: Babylon 5
[During the search for Dr. Jacobs in Down Below, Franklin and Garibaldi muse about disappointed expectations.]
Michael Garibaldi: Maybe somebody should've labelled the future "some assembly required".

TV Show: Babylon 5
Elric: Oh, I'm afraid you have to spend the rest of your life paying for your mistakes. Not this one of course, it's trivial, I have withdrawn the spell, but there will be others.
Londo Mollari: What are you talking about?
Elric: You are touched by darkness, Ambassador. I see it as a blemish that will grow with time. I could warn you of course, but you would not listen. I could kill you, but someone would take your place. So I do the only thing I can–I go. [starts to turn away, then turns back to Londo] Oh, I believe it was an endorsement you wanted. A word or two, a picture, to send to the folks back home, confirming that you have a destiny before you.
Londo: Yes, it was just a thought, nothing more.
Elric: Well, take this for what little it will profit you. As I look at you, Ambassador Mollari, I see a great hand reaching out of the stars. The hand is your hand. And I hear sounds–the sounds of billions of people calling your name.
Londo: My followers?
Elric: Your victims.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Captain Jack Maynard of the Cortez has just met Delenn]
Capt. Maynard: John! She's…Minbari?
Sheridan: Mm-hmm.
Capt. Maynard: Uh…but she doesn't look like one! I mean, she does, but…but she doesn't! I mean, what's the deal?
Sheridan: We're still trying to figure that out. There's the story she told us, but then, the Minbari never tell you the whole truth.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Dr. Franklin watches Ivanova as she storms off with his recovery-enhancing "food plan".]
Susan Ivanova: Figures. All my life, I've fought against imperialism. Now, suddenly, I am the expanding Russian frontier.
Stephen Franklin: But with very nice borders.

TV Show: Babylon 5
John Sheridan: I'll tell you one thing. If the primates that we came from had known that someday politicians would come out of the gene pool, they'd have stayed up in the trees and written evolution off as a bad idea! Hell, I always thought the opposable thumb was overrated!

TV Show: Babylon 5
Sheridan: An old friend of mine once quoted me a [sic]…ancient Egyptian blessing: God be between you and harm in all the empty places where you must walk.

TV Show: Babylon 5
Sheridan: I wish I had your…faith in the universe. I just don't see it sometimes.
Delenn: Then I will tell you a great secret, Captain. Perhaps the greatest of all time. The molecules of your body are the same molecules that make up this station, and the nebula outside, that burn inside the stars themselves. We are starstuff. We are the universe made manifest, trying to figure itself out. And as we have both learned, sometimes the universe requires a change of perspective.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Garibaldi is cooking bagna cauda for himself and Dr. Franklin.]
Michael Garibaldi: Trust me, Doc, you are gonna love this!
Franklin: I can feel my arteries hardening just being in the same room with it!

TV Show: Babylon 5
[A wild, unkempt Lurker assails G'Kar with a confused sermon.]
Amis: I have walked in the valley of th—
G'Kar: Good! Keep on walking.

TV Show: Babylon 5
Amis: [after waking up in the brig] Oh, God. What did I do this time?
Michael Garibaldi: You don't remember?
Amis: Well, I've found that life is, in general, much easier if I forget most of the things that happen to me.
Garibaldi: You were about to accuse the Centauri ambassador of being in league with the devil…which may not be far from the truth.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Garibaldi and Sheridan consider the dessicated body from a failed cryogenic tube.]
Garibaldi: Lousy way to die, huh?
John Sheridan: Hmm. Last time I checked, there weren't too many good ways.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Newly unfrozen traveller Mariah Cirrus meets G'Kar.]
G'Kar: Take my advice and go back to the time you came from. The future isn't what it used to be.

TV Show: Babylon 5
Alien Council member: Evil sometimes wears a pleasant face.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Sheridan and Ivanova close in on an invisible, ravenous alien.]
Susan Ivanova: You got a plan?
Sheridan: Let's try not to get killed.
Ivanova: Brilliant.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Sheridan sends Ivanova to resolve a problem, then sighs to himself.]
John Sheridan: Ah, it's good to be the captain.

TV Show: Babylon 5
Michael Garibaldi: Well, my pop always said that laughter was better than pills for what ails you.

TV Show: Babylon 5
Susan Ivanova: You know how I feel about telepaths.
Sheridan: Do I ever. You threw one out a third-story window on Io.
Ivanova: There was an ample pool below the window!
Sheridan: I'll assume you knew that.

TV Show: Babylon 5
Sheridan: Telepaths are gifted and cursed in ways I can never hope to understand.

TV Show: Babylon 5
Vir Cotto: [Practicing his greetings to Londo's wives] It is a pleasure to meet you. It is a pleasure to meet you! It is a pleasure to meet you.
Michael Garibaldi: [Notices Vir talking to himself and approaches] Gonna introduce me, Vir?
Vir: You must think I look odd right now. an alien passes by with Garibaldi staring
Garibaldi: Well, I guess it's a little relative. referring to the alien's strange appearance
Vir: Actually, it's relatives. I'm here to pick up some women.
Garibaldi: You'll have more luck at bars.
Vir: No, I…
Garibaldi: Just kidding.
[Vir laughs]
Garibaldi: So, who are these women? Diplomats?
Vir: Oh, Ambassador Mollari's three wives.
Garibaldi: Whoa! A harem! The lucky dog. [a Centauri woman walks in]
Timov: Are you Vir?!
Vir: Yes!
Timov: I am Timov, daughter of Alguhl. You will take me to my husband.
Vir: I was told there'd be three of you…
Timov: [Looks at Garibaldi] Who is this?
Vir: Uhh…
Timov: No never mind. I said you'd take me. Is your hearing deficient?
Vir: No, but I do have a…
Timov: Then let's be off! [Walks away]
Vir: It is a pleasure to meet you!

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Talia gets wind of a new arrival on the station.]
Talia Winters: Stoner? Matt Stoner?
Garibaldi: Yeah, yeah, that was his name. Matthew.
Talia: He's not here on Babylon 5?
John Sheridan: Is that a problem?
[Talia sighs and nods her head "yes."]
Garibaldi: You know him?
Talia: Only in the most unpleasant sense. I was married to him.

TV Show: Babylon 5
Timov: He drags me out here, gives me no reason why he wants to see me! What's he hiding, Vir? Tell me! I won't bite, Vir.
Vir Cotto: With all due respect, madam, that's not what I heard.
Timov: All right, that one time.
Vir: It was twice.

TV Show: Babylon 5
Timov: Daggair! My, what a surprise!
Daggair: A pleasant one?
Timov: I wouldn't go that far.
Vir: Madame Daggair, my pardons! This is unconscionable! I was at customs. I don't know how I could have missed you!
Timov: Believe me Vir, if you knew her as well as I do, you wouldn't miss her a bit.
Daggair: Oh, Timov, Timov, why do you always try to draw me into your little verbal fencing matches?
Timov: Because I don't have a real sword handy.

TV Show: Babylon 5
Vir: Can I get you anything?
Timov: Yes!! You can get me out of here! Who does Londo think he is, keeping us sitting about?
Daggair: He probably thinks he's our husband. And we, as dutiful wives, must await his return. Is that not right, Vir?
Vir: Well, actually—
Timov: You are joking, Daggair!
Daggair: Your problem, Timov, is that you've never known your place.
Timov: My place?! You once threatened to break a vase over his head!
Daggair: Well, haha, that was the impetuousness of youth.
Timov: That was last month! Daggair, what are you playing at?

TV Show: Babylon 5
Londo Mollari: [enters room] Well, well, here you are!
Timov: And here you are finally, where have you been?!!
Londo: Affairs of state my dear.
Timov: State of inebriation, I wager.

TV Show: Babylon 5
[Delenn struggles with her new hair.]
Delenn: Commander, I want you to understand. I acquired human characteristics to bring your people and mine closer together! To symbolize our mutuality! It is supposed to be a dignified, inspiring transition for both humans and Minbari, so will you please explain to me why this, this, this…
Susan Ivanova: Hair.
Delenn: …refuses to cooperate?! [Ivanova gets a little closer.] I had no problems with it at first, but as time passed it…
Ivanova: [feels Delenn's hair] It's…pretty brittle. What are you washing it with?
Delenn: Washing?

TV Show: Babylon 5
Timov: The secret of our marriage's success, Londo, is our lack of communication. You have jeopardized that success and I would know why!

TV Show: Babylon 5