Andromeda Quotes

Beka: Nietzschean first officers have been known to betray Captains.

TV Show: Andromeda
Errin: Beka Valentine, you are an excellent pilot. If I didn't know any better, I'd mistake you for a Nietzschean.
Beka: Thanks... I think!

TV Show: Andromeda
Errin: As an officer, I stare into the abyss with pride. I don't jump into it.

TV Show: Andromeda
Harper: Love is just a bunch of exaggerating and lies, all dolled up in pseudo-poetic language (uttered preferably while intoxicated) and all for the singular universal purpose of… uh, you know.
Trance: [laughing] Harper, you're a born romantic!
Harper: [hesitantly] Sometimes there are flowers?

TV Show: Andromeda
Abel Ladron: You should know that the universe is not, by nature, an equitable distributor of good health and good fortune.
Harper: And I suppose it is your duty to give the gift of redistribution?

TV Show: Andromeda
Abel: You must be the engineer.
Harper: Why? Because I'm the short guy with the sense of humour, the wry wit? Huh? Because I'm so freakin' amiable with the careless demeanor? Is that it?
Abel: Well, that – and the tools.

TV Show: Andromeda
Harper: It always boils down to genetics for you, huh, Anasazi?
Tyr: My silly child, that's what we all boil down to.

TV Show: Andromeda
Harper: I guess that's why they call space a vacuum
Rommie: No. They call space a vacuum because-
Rommie and Tyr: -space is a vacuum.

TV Show: Andromeda
Harper: Lyra? Wow, what a beautiful name. Did you know in Greek, "lyra" means "harp", and nobody plays the harp better... than the Harper.

TV Show: Andromeda
Harper: Wait a minute, that can't be right… but then that would mean that I, boy genius, am wrong.

TV Show: Andromeda
Rommie: Harper?
Harper: Yes, O glorious creation of mine with the world's crappiest timing?

TV Show: Andromeda
Abel: Please tell me that you always looked at me as a friend and not as a father figure, because that would make this wrong on so many levels.
Beka: Father figure? No, more like a sexy older brother… Sexy older brother of a friend, which makes this not wrong at all.

TV Show: Andromeda
Beka: Whoever said 'it's hard to chart a course for your future when your past and present keep colliding' sure knew what they were talking about.

TV Show: Andromeda
Tyr: Let the boy do his job...

TV Show: Andromeda
Harper: If the plan is anything like 'run like hell', I can name that tune in three notes or less.

TV Show: Andromeda
Dylan: Sometimes intentions are beside the point, especially when the potential for disaster is on a scale of this magnitude.
Beka: Are we talking about the Commonwealth, or my personal life?

TV Show: Andromeda
Harper: It may seem like a miracle. And it is! The miracle of Seamus Harper, with some 'Abel' assistance.

TV Show: Andromeda
Abel: More importantly, I'm free to love Beka Valentine.
Beka slaps him:
Harper: Don't take it personally, pal, that's how she loves everybody. Now, usually, at this point, I beg for mercy. But if I were you, I'd run like hell.
Dylan: Mr. Harper, I think maybe you and I should run like hell.

TV Show: Andromeda
Trance: Harper, when has arguing ever helped the situation?
Harper: Arguing? Not very often, but whining… [to Dylan] Please?

TV Show: Andromeda
Dylan: Count of three?
Tyr: No, let's just shoot them.

TV Show: Andromeda
Rev: Tyr, have you ever wished that all your yearning for power and empire would just be silent for a moment? Have you ever wished this? A moment of peace?
Tyr: I am at peace. That's what bothers me.

TV Show: Andromeda
Rommie: Trance, miracles are just extraordinary phenomena with a scientific explanation.
Harper: See?
Trance: Well, for those who don't believe, no explanation is possible. For those who do, no explanation is necessary.

TV Show: Andromeda
Dylan: It's all about the fight. The light against the dark, good against evil. Some people hide from it. Some run away.
Trance: Some live with it in fear. Some find solace in knowing they've done everything they can.
Dylan: Some stay and fight. I fight to win.

TV Show: Andromeda
Tyr: Nausea? Trance, you don't have a stomach.

TV Show: Andromeda
Tyr: The universe is a beautiful place, full of wonders. And it wants to kill you.

TV Show: Andromeda
Dylan: [After being woken up by an explosion] Andromeda, what's going on?
Andromeda: Fusion from the core is beginning to spill over into the accelerator tanks. Harper is in Command with Trance.
Dylan: [groaning] Alright, cancel the monthly ship diagnostic and report. [mutters] Harper, it's a simple night shift.

TV Show: Andromeda
Andromeda: Containing spillover in the accelerator tanks... Harper, what were you thinking, racing me?!

TV Show: Andromeda
Aggio: What are you trying to pull, child?
Harper: That's stallion to you.

TV Show: Andromeda
Dylan: It's a voice, a woman's voice.
Harper: She sound hot?

TV Show: Andromeda
Dylan: Who else is curious about this voice?
Trance: I'm always curious when I hear voices.
Harper: Finally I'm not the only one with voices in my head, heheh. [Dylan gives him a look] Sorry.

TV Show: Andromeda