Andromeda Quotes

Rev: You need the one thing that all of your knowledge cannot provide... Wisdom.
Harper: Wisdom. Great. Show me the yellow brick road, Mr Wizard. How do I get wisdom?
Rev: Let go, Harper. Let go. Give over to The Divine. All that you are. All that you have. Including your pain. Calm your breath. Repeat. My pain belongs to the divine. It is like air. It is like water.
Harper: My pain belongs to the divine. It is like the air. It is like the water.
Rev: Good. Again.
Harper: My pain belongs to the divine. It is like air. It is like water. It's like a freakin' freight train running through my brain. You sure this works?
Rev: Harper. Think of hunger. Think what is must be like to go days, even weeks without food. Now, imagine what it would be like to know that in the midst of that starvation, you could eat, feast, satiate your hunger. But only by killing the people that you love. That is my pain. It is with me each day. My pain belongs to the Divine. It is like air. It is like water.

TV Show: Andromeda
Dylan: Where am I?
Lawyer: Confess.
Dylan: I confess, I don't know where I am.

TV Show: Andromeda
Becca: Um...Where'd you get all the candles?
Tyr: I rendered them from the fat of my enemies.
Becca: Can't wait to see the entree.

TV Show: Andromeda
Becca: Wow. Quite a renaissance man, Tyr. Gourmet chef, mercenary killer...
Tyr: I took it up because a former employer of mine appreciated fine dining. When he refused to pay me for one of my jobs, I prepared him a Tirimisu laced with Strychnine. As I recall, he quite enjoyed it...for precisely twelve seconds.

TV Show: Andromeda
Trance: Umm, hi, guys, this is Trance. Umm, I just... You know how sometimes things happen that you can't quite predict and sometimes they're good and sometimes they're not, well, this is one of those "not" times. Help.

TV Show: Andromeda
Dylan: People are dying. We have to do something.
Gaharis: Fine. Then lets find Ferrin and put one [bullet] through his head. Problem solved.
Dylan: You see, this is why I am in charge.

TV Show: Andromeda
Lawyer: In light of his mercy, do you have anything to say to us?
Dylan: I think we're all a little tired of my name, rank, and serial number.

TV Show: Andromeda
Trance: There are 1,342,063 others [possible futures] and some of them, some of them are really great. There's even the mathematical possibility that everything will turn out perfectly.
Dylan: Can you control that?
Trance: No. Life is chaos. Chaos is life. Control is an illusion.

TV Show: Andromeda
Dylan: [Reading from Trance's report about the mission] "I looked for you, I found out where you were, I traveled to where you were, and I got you out." That's your entire report?
Trance: You wanted something more?

TV Show: Andromeda
Beka: So, what you're saying is that you randomly chose a bunch of human female features, you mixed them all up, and this was the first face that you came up with?
Rommie: I may have experimented with a few options.
Beka: Define "a few".
Rommie: 170,894
Beka: I KNEW IT!!

TV Show: Andromeda
HG: What is it you humans say? Take me to your leader.

TV Show: Andromeda
Rommie/HG: VX, I have learned many things from interfacing with humans. Including one particulary useful phrase. "Go To Hell".

TV Show: Andromeda
Gerentex: [to Trance] Aren't you dead?
Trance: I got better.
Gerentex: Huh. Lucky you.

TV Show: Andromeda
Gerentex: There are two kinds of people in this universe, Mr Harper. The kind with loaded guns and the kind who open doors. You open doors.

TV Show: Andromeda
Trance: When you think about it, beautiful things can change the universe.

TV Show: Andromeda
Rev: As Harper would say, "that would suck."
Dylan: You know, Rev, there are some words that should never trip across the tongue of a Magog, and "suck" is one of them.
Rev: I'll make a note of that.

TV Show: Andromeda
Rev: Give me the strength to follow the path. To give and not to count the cost. To struggle, and not to heed the wounds. I am the darkness become the light. I am the darkness become truth. I am the darkness become The Way.

TV Show: Andromeda
Slaver: Wayists and their Books
Slaver: The Telmode, the Bible and the Lancer Counter-insurgency Manual on the same shelf. Very eclectic

TV Show: Andromeda
Rev: We saved paradise, by introducing the serpent.

TV Show: Andromeda
Dylan: I gave my word to your pride. My word is the foundation of the Commonwealth.
Elssbett: I have never met anyone who thought like that... Probably because the universe kills them before they can reproduce.

TV Show: Andromeda
Beka: So, why is it, whenever anyone goes on a suicide mission, they take my ship?
Dylan: Becuase it has seatbelts.

TV Show: Andromeda
Elssbett: After the way I've treated you, how can you care what happens to me?
Dylan: I care because I'm human.

TV Show: Andromeda
Elssbett: You're starting a war.
Dylan: No, you are starting a war. I'm just re-arranging the sides.

TV Show: Andromeda
Tyr: Love is merely a trick the DNA plays to replicate itself.

TV Show: Andromeda
Dylan: Well, here's the happy groom now. I feel like I should have prepared a toast.
Beka: I think I've got one: Here's to Gabriel. Be nice to Rommie, or I'll rip your head off.

TV Show: Andromeda
Rommie: I killed him, Dylan. I loved him, and I killed him. [Crying]
Dylan: You had no choice.
Rommie: No, I didn't. Because I'm a warship, and warships only know how to do one thing, and that's kill. We don't have hearts. We don't have empathy. We're killers. We're attack dogs. And I'm afraid. The Balance of Judgment went insane, the Pax Magellanic went insane, and I don't want that to happen to me.
Dylan: You're forgetting something. The Balance of Judgment had no captain, no crew. The Pax lost her captain. Why do you think warships have captains in the first place? I'm your heart, Rommie. I always will be.
Rommie: [Calming Down a bit] These physical reactions. I didn't know Harper was so good.
Dylan: The Commonwealth needs you, Andromeda. The crew needs you. I need you. So, permission to chop yourself into pieces is officially denied.

TV Show: Andromeda
Tyr: No one's reached Tarn-Vedra in 300 years, and better pilots than you have died trying.
Beka: There are no better pilots than me.

TV Show: Andromeda
Rev: If the universe is a manifestation of the Divine, could not the slipstream be the very mind of God?
Dylan: Well, if that's the case, then I'm afraid God had a seizure and forgot all about Tarn-Vedra.
Beka: And here comes God's little brain surgeon.

TV Show: Andromeda
Harper: Did you know that 82% of people on prison planets are Flash addicts?
Beka: Y'know what? They tell you that kind of stuff just to scare you.
Harper: Sure, to scare you out of killing your neighbors.

TV Show: Andromeda
Beka: Is that an order, Captain? My Captain? Oh, I forget. Actually, you're not a real Captain, are you? There's no High Guard. There's no commissioned officers. Who around here is an actual Captain? Don't, don't, don't tell me. Let me guess. It's coming to me, It's coming to me. Let's see, that would be ME.

TV Show: Andromeda