The Fairly OddParents Quotes

[While watching television, Cosmo is disguised as a box of popcorn, Timmy eats part of him]
Cosmo: Aaah! My brains! Babble and drool!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
[Timmy is transformed into a Bruce Willis style action hero]
Timmy: Awesome! I have a five o'clock shadow!
Cosmo: And it's only 7 A.M.!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Timmy: The horror! The pure, unadulterated PG-13 horror!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
AJ: Are you playing the Crash Nebula video game? Shouldn't you be studying?
Timmy: What are you? My Mom?

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
AJ: Hey genius, you missed the receiver.

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
AJ: Nope, still off.

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
(Timmy is studying for his quiz):
Cosmo: Hey, wanna play the Not Study Game?
Timmy: How do you play?
Cosmo(after shoving Timmy's textbooks off the desk): You're already playing!
Cosmo & Timmy: YAY!
(after a "Not Study" poof, we see Cosmo and Timmy playing the Crash Nebula video game)

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Timmy: Shouldn't you be rescuing a calculator from a tree?"
A.J.: Spell "calculator".
Timmy: C... A... L... Q... (A.J. smiles at him) Later! (runs away)

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Timmy: I don't know anything anymore!
Cosmo: Welcome to my world!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Wanda: And don't make him re-live Super Toilet!
Cosmo: It took the plunger...THE WHOLE PLUNGER! (curls into fetal position and sucks his thumb)

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Timmy: My Dad loves me!
Super Bike: How do you know he's not lying?
Timmy: How do I know your not lying?
Super Bike: Well, I'm a bike.

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Cosmo: Hi, Super Bike! Meet Super Screwdriver!
Super Bike: Super Toilet.
Cosmo: Aaaaaaaaaaah! So...much...clogging! (curls into fetal position and sucks his thumb again)

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Wanda: Super Bike... Meet Super Toilet!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Timmy: [poofing into Hairy World] Fairy World?
Hairy monster: Hairy World.
[A fairy cow poofs in]
Cow: Dairy World?
Timmy: Hairy World.
Cow: Oh darn it! [poofs away]

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Cosmo: (rubbing the wands together like sticks) Huh! If I could just light these candles, we could eat!
Wanda: Did it ever occur to you we're in a fishbowl filled with water?
Cosmo: That's why I'm trying to light these candles. Somebody's got to dry up all this wet food!
Timmy: Hey guys, what's new? (the candles light)
Wanda: Uh...the laws of physics?

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Mom: Oh, sweetie, you feel warm, and you look positively green!
Dad: Warm? Green? Those are all the symptoms of steamed broccoli! Get the thermometer! And the salad shooter!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Mom: [finds Wanda (as Timmy) watching TV] Timmy! What are you doing up this late? It's way past your bedtime!
Wanda: But...uh...but...
Dad: No "buts", young man. You march straight to bed, and don't make me get the giant robot in here.
[Mom and Dad then walk into the kitchen and find Cosmo (as Timmy) sneaking into the cookie jar.]
Mom: Timmy! What are you doing in here? You were just in there.
Cosmo: Uh.... no I wasn't?
Dad: Well, that settles that. But you know you're not supposed to eat sweets this late at night...or change from pink to green.

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Mom: (seeing Cosmo disguised as Timmy) Oh no! Timmy feels warm! And he's green!
Dad: Warm? Green? Those are all the symptoms of steamed broccoli! Get the thermometer! And the salad shooter!
Mom: (spotting Timmy (as a gill-less fish) floating upside-down in the fishbowl) I better get the fish a thermometer, too!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
[Timmy is being chased by Francis, the school bully.]
Wanda: You know, sweetie, running away from your problems never solved anything.
Francis: (knocking other children out of the way) Turner!
Cosmo: But it's great cardio - run, Timmy, run!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Spanish teacher: ¿Donde esta el queso de apestoso?
Cosmo: (holding up a piece of cheese emblazoned with the U.S. flag) ¡Aquí! ¡Tengo un puerco en mis chones!
Wanda: You have a hog in your pants?!
Cosmo: ¡Sí! (pulls a pig out of his pants)
Spanish teacher: Then you get extra credit!
All: Yay! Extra credit!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Dad: [holding two cell phones] Turner One, this is Turner Two, come in, over. Turner One come, in! WHY DON'T I ANSWER?!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Anti-Cosmo: I'm Anti-Cosmo, [pouring tea] I'm not an idiot in any way whatsoever.
Anti-Wanda: And I'm the Anti-Wanda! I'm incredibly stupid and I eat with my feets! [begins eating a sandwich with her feet]

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
[the Anti-Fairies are escaping from Fairy World]
Wanda: Jorgen, you have to get them back!
Jorgen: And I will! I will use every urge of my awesome fairy powers to... (factory whistle appears and blows) Shift's over - your problem!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Aide: Mister President, you almost caused a nuclear war! What are you going to do next?
President: I'm goin' to Escalator Land!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Wanda: I thought you liked that other amusement park, Escalator Land.
Timmy: Escalator Land is for babies...
[Flashback to Timmy's visit, riding an escalator)]
Young Timmy: Dad, when do we get to the rides?
Dad: This is the ride!
Mom and Dad: Yippee!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Trixie and Veronica: [as heard by the boys] Blah-blah shopping! Blah-blah clothes! Blah-blah hair! Blah-blah boy bands! Blah-blah we'll never notice you!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Timmy: [after being turned into a girl]EEEEEKKKK! What did you do?! I didn't wish for this!
Wanda: You said "I wish" and "Girl".

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Wanda: We don't want to be [Vicky's] godparents! She's mean!
Cosmo: Yeah, we like Timmy better! His hat is pink!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Vicky: (as a 5-year-old) But...I'm miserable! Why doesn't anybody...believe me? I'm-(a bowl of ice cream appears in front of her) Ooh, vanilla! (starts eating)
Wanda: Why are you being so nice to Vicky?
Timmy: If it wasn't for Vicky making me so miserable, I wouldn't have gotten you guys in the first place. And the best thing is, when I wish Vicky back into a 16-year-old, she won't remember a thing!
Wanda: I hope you've learned your lesson, Timmy...two wrongs don't make a right!
Cosmo: Yeah, but three rights make a left! And now it's time for the show! (turns into Carmen Miranda and starts doing the tutti-frutti dance)

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents
Dad: And that's all you need to know about where babies come from!
Timmy: But what's the machine for?
Dad: I'll tell you when you're older!

TV Show: The Fairly OddParents